Engine Bogging on Takeoff
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Topic: Engine Bogging on Takeoff
Posted By: kennords
Subject: Engine Bogging on Takeoff
Date Posted: June-17-2019 at 3:47pm
Hey Folks, could use a little help here. I have an 87 Ski Nautique Dominique with the 351 Windsor in it that I just bought from a guy in Wisconsin and brought home to MN...Here's the deal: he put on a brand new Holley Carb last season at the end of the year, but never really adjusted any of the screws or anything to fine tune it. So, when I'm out on the lake if I hit the throttle hard, it bogs and kills instantly. However, if I go easy on it to get past the first couple hundred RPM, then I can slam it and it's all good. Because of that, I am guessing a couple things: 1.) it's probably that carb, and 2.) likely an accelerator pump adjustment? I'm no mechanic, but I can figure most things out. Just not sure how to go about diagnosing or where to start on adjusting/fixing it if it is actually the Accelerator pumps. Which screws would handle that? Do I do that on land? on water? while it's running? Any help is greatly appreciated! Cheers and happy boating!
other question I just thought of, Is there a way to run an inboard on land for testing/diagnosing? and if so, how do you get water into the pumps?
Posted By: KENO
Date Posted: June-17-2019 at 6:01pm
You could Google "Holley accelerator pump adjustment" or click on the link below for lots of info
You can make adjustments but the only good test will be in the water under load.
https://www.google.com/search?q=holley+accelerator+pump+adjustment&oq=holley+accelerator+pump+adjustment&aqs=chrome..69i57j0l5.14522j0j4&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8" rel="nofollow - link
As far as running on land you could Google "Correctcraftfan Timmy T" and find lots of info.
I'll let you do that search
Posted By: TRBenj
Date Posted: June-17-2019 at 6:39pm
Do as ken suggests but an off idle stumble could easily be timing also. Check it.
Posted By: kennords
Date Posted: June-18-2019 at 10:00am
Thanks for the info! I'll have to go look that one up. Cheers!
Posted By: 2001
Date Posted: June-24-2019 at 1:52am
kennords wrote:
Hey Folks, could use a little help here. I have an 87 Ski Nautique Dominique with the 351 Windsor in it that I just bought from a guy in Wisconsin and brought home to MN...Here's the deal: he put on a brand new Holley Carb last season at the end of the year, but never really adjusted any of the screws or anything to fine tune it. So, when I'm out on the lake if I hit the throttle hard, it bogs and kills instantly. However, if I go easy on it to get past the first couple hundred RPM, then I can slam it and it's all good. Because of that, I am guessing a couple things: 1.) it's probably that carb, and 2.) likely an accelerator pump adjustment? I'm no mechanic, but I can figure most things out. Just not sure how to go about diagnosing or where to start on adjusting/fixing it if it is actually the Accelerator pumps. Which screws would handle that? Do I do that on land? on water? while it's running? Any help is greatly appreciated! Cheers and happy boating!
other question I just thought of, Is there a way to run an inboard on land for testing/diagnosing? and if so, how do you get water into the pumps? |
Before you go tearing into a bunch of money, We've been seeing a few; "was running fine last Month"! Recommend; Check the Fuel line all the way back to the Tank AA) Should be able to Pump fuel from the tank into a Gas Can (with a hand pump from an outboard tank connected to the Fuel pump end of the fuel line, always a good check). Might be a good preseason yearly check! 1) Check the Fuel filter (It's the big ugly Can under the fuel pump). 2) Check the Carburetor inline fuel screen (It's inside the larger nut than where the Fuel line nuts into the Carburetor). This screen rusts in no time if water gets in there and Plugs up the works. I think, we here in Washington have more water in our Gas from being shipped from Anacortes fresh off the Boat and Alcohol pushing All that water through... To where? Where is the end of the Gas Pipe? Right, Your Boat tank! 3) Pull the Tank fuel screen out (It's between the Pick up tube and the tank fitting elbow) check it, check the fuel pick up tube and the Anti-Siphon valve.
It's all free!
------------- 1988 2001 Ski Nautique
Posted By: Nautilus
Date Posted: June-25-2019 at 5:40pm
If it will run fine wide open after you finesse it from a start, I doubt that it's a fuel flow to the carb issue i.e., fuel filters, carb screen, etc. It's most likely the accelerator pump. You could rebuild the carb and hope that takes care of the problem. Personally, I don't like Holleys. The design allows the bowls to leak way too often. My advice: Buy an Edelbrock #1409 and mount it with a 12-degree carburetor leveling wedge. Sell the Holley to get part of your money back.
------------- Striving for mediocrity !
Posted By: kennords
Date Posted: June-26-2019 at 10:55am
Funny you should mention that...I called a local shop a while back too just to bounce some theories off of him, and he said the same thing, He said ditch the Holley and grab an Edelbrock instead. Might have to do a little looking into that one. Thanks!
Posted By: TRBenj
Date Posted: June-26-2019 at 11:09am
Posted By: hotrod5337
Date Posted: June-26-2019 at 11:18am
sounds like a problem I have with holleys when power valve isn't correct size or blown. one backfire thru the carb can wipe them out. they are screwed into the metering plate. iirc the size of power valve needed should be half of what number engine vacuum is at idle
Posted By: JoeinNY
Date Posted: June-26-2019 at 11:22am
Do not spend money for an edelbrock to replace your holley - they are not a terrible carb but are in no way better and do require a wedge as directed above to begin to be useful on one of these boats. Take off the flame arrestor, take off the fuel cable, and look down the barrel of your primaries with your eyes. When you rotate the throttle with your hands you should see a stream of gas begin squirting from the accelerator pump nozzles immediately. If you see no stream, or it takes a few degrees of throttle movement before you start to see a stream then investigate to see why. Look at the linkages between the throttle and the accelerator pump and make them so there is no gap or play between them to start. Now if you have a good, full, instantaneous stream - it is possibly that your carb is running a tad lean on the idle circuit, or is otherwise gummed up and actually idling on the transition circuit - but also it is quite possible that your timing and or advance is not set correctly or advancing/returning smoothly. If that is the case spending hard earned money on an incorrect and in no way superior carb will not get your boat running any better.
Either way start with your hand and your eyes and not with your wallet
------------- http://www.correctcraftfan.com/diaries/details.asp?ID=1477 - 1983 Ski Nautique 2001
1967 Mustang 302 "Decoy"
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cO5MkcBXBBs - Holeshot Video
Posted By: kennords
Date Posted: June-26-2019 at 11:26am
JoeinNY - Thanks for the detailed response and instructions! I will certainly give that a shot before I go out this weekend and see what I can see.
Posted By: hotrod5337
Date Posted: June-26-2019 at 11:28am
Joeinny is right could be a lean condition. also if it was power valve related it would be running super rich at idle. I also vote no edelbrock
Posted By: 8122pbrainard
Date Posted: June-26-2019 at 11:34am
How many Holley carbs are out there running fantastic?
------------- /diaries/details.asp?ID=1622" rel="nofollow -
54 Atom
/diaries/details.asp?ID=2179" rel="nofollow - 77 Tique
64 X55 Dunphy
Keep it original, Pete <
Posted By: GottaSki
Date Posted: June-26-2019 at 11:41am
Edelbrock shmedelbrock
Just make certain that brand new holley carb is marine specific.
For trouble free operation, uncompromised fuel filtration is paramount.
Like Joe sez, if initial timing is inadequate, or idle circuit clogged, or both, no carb adjustment can overcome it until both are remedied.
------------- "There is nothing, absolutely nothing, half so much worthwhile as messing around with boats...simply messing."
River Rat to Mole
Posted By: hotrod5337
Date Posted: June-26-2019 at 11:46am
besides you could be having a similar issue w an edelbrock and figure it out but at the end of the day youd have an edelbrock.
Posted By: KENO
Date Posted: June-26-2019 at 11:50am
Gilligan or Mary Ann? Or maybe Mrs Howell?
Posted By: kennords
Date Posted: June-26-2019 at 12:13pm
I see I've hit on a grand debate about carbs here perhaps I'll start with trying to get this one to work before I buy another one...I'll keep you all posted. Thanks!
Posted By: hotrod5337
Date Posted: June-26-2019 at 12:14pm
KENO wrote:
Gilligan or Mary Ann? Or maybe Mrs Howell? |
haha. did you mean to say Ginger?
Posted By: Nautilus
Date Posted: June-26-2019 at 12:46pm
How many Holley carbs are out there running fantastic? Less than the ones that are out there running poorly and leaking.
------------- Striving for mediocrity !
Posted By: Morfoot
Date Posted: June-26-2019 at 1:23pm
8122pbrainard wrote:
How many Holley carbs are out there running fantastic?  |
Lets see...... Holley Carb rebuilt on the 88 SN 10+ years ago and Miss Scarlett STILL runs like a new boat. I'll stick with Holley!
------------- "Morfoot; He can ski. He can wakeboard.He can cook chicken.He can create his own self-named beverage, & can also apparently fly. A man of many talents."72 Mustang "Kermit",88 SN Miss Scarlett, 99 SN "Sherman"
Posted By: 2001
Date Posted: July-02-2019 at 12:45am
Ok, we've determine the Fuel flow is, Fair
A Big shot of WD40 down under the points plate (AKA Vacuum plate but, boats don't have em). Yup, this means Electronic too.
Set the Points to .005" if you have Points, skip to "-AND-"" if you have electronic I know, .0055 is wrong per the Book but, the Book is wrong. If you check the points after you set the Dwell (As long as the Shaft is straight and the Bearings are good) the Gap will be pretty Darn close to .005
Set dwell to 30 degrees at Idle Run the RPM up to 1500 rpm and Back down a few times Notice if the Dwell changes (Should be rock solid at 30 degrees) if the dwell changes the distributor bearings are rusted out and if the Bearins are rusted out then the Advance is,,, but, Engine OIl will help for now. You'll need to write down "Replacement distributor" on your shopping list. For Electronic A good fast bright Timing light on the Timing Mark needs to be rock solid and in sharp focus, jumping two degrees without RPM change is FNG or No Good.
I'll add, find a really glass smooth Lake Early in the Morning and Have someone adjust the Ignition Timing at 3000+ RPM (Or top speed more acurate but, even more dangerous) for best Highest speed (44+ mph). Hey, People Ice Skate, Race Hydro's, Water Ski, Snow ski, Ride Motor Cycles And if weren't dangerous, would it be any fun?!!
Called. full speed full advance; Leaves Bad Acceleration parts outta the Tune EI: Power Valve, Accelerator Pump, Rusty Distributor Timing plate, Timing plate Springs... Even Bad spark plugs to a slim degree but, listen for all eight. Not gonna fix your Boat but, will tell if the expensive parts are good enough (Cam, Heads, Lifters, Push Rods... and all the lower parts) and May even make your Boat run Half right AND you might find the run problem is one of those I mentioned above.
Hint; Make sure your Paddle is in your Boat and works and your Carb Baffle is on cause, If your Boat kicks back on the starter after doing a Full advance and I am right then the centrifugal advance is most likely rusted stuck plus and the engine isn't gonna start until ya put the timing back where is was to start with AND may even fire up the Carb at some point.
Lastly the Guys are right, Either a crash Holley Setup, Holley Repair or Holley Rebuild course on YouTube or there's the Holley 600 CFM Holley PART# 0-80319-1 for $691.99 at Jegs, Summit, Amazon.... Specially made for your Boat. Funny how they;re are all the same price.
ttps://www.autozone.com/miscellaneous-non-automotive/performance-marine-carburetor/holley-600-cfm-4-bbl-model-4160-electric-choke-vacuum-secondary-carburetor-for-ford-small-block-351-engine/94451_0_0 Holley 600 CFM 4 BBL model 4160 electric choke vacuum secondary carburetor for Ford small block 351 engine
https://www.holley.com/products/fuel_systems/carburetors/marine_carburetors/parts/0-80319-1 Holley 0-80319-1 600 CFM Marine Four Barrel Performance Vacuum Secondary Electric Choke Carburetor Holley PART# 0-80319-1
https://www.holley.com/products/fuel_systems/carburetors/marine_carburetors/parts/0-82670 670 CFM Aluminum Marine Avenger Carburetor Electric Choke Vacuum Secondaries-4150 PART# 0-82670
$552.95 Suggested Retail $496.95 Your Price <Best price!
Holley PART# 0-82670 is specifically made for your Boat.
DO NOT FOOL AROUND WITH OTHER CARBERATORS IE: Carter, Rochester, Eldebrock, Weber... or Even other (Non-Marine) Street Holleys; Holley Double pumper, Holley Dual Feed, Holley Dual Metering blocks...
------------- 1988 2001 Ski Nautique
Posted By: 8122pbrainard
Date Posted: July-02-2019 at 6:06am
2001 wrote:
DO NOT FOOL AROUND WITH OTHER CARBERATORS IE: Carter, Rochester, Eldebrock, Weber... or Even other (Non-Marine) Street Holleys; Holley Double pumper, Holley Dual Feed, Holley Dual Metering blocks... | How about the Quick Fuels?
------------- /diaries/details.asp?ID=1622" rel="nofollow -
54 Atom
/diaries/details.asp?ID=2179" rel="nofollow - 77 Tique
64 X55 Dunphy
Keep it original, Pete <