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ignition switch confusion

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Category: General Correct Craft Discussion
Forum Name: General Discussion
Forum Discription: Anything Correct Craft
Printed Date: March-08-2025 at 8:42pm

Topic: ignition switch confusion
Posted By: hotrod5337
Subject: ignition switch confusion
Date Posted: June-17-2019 at 11:41pm
I rewired my dash recently with new gauges and pulled new wire etc. I have a 10 gauge wire from solenoid to battery terminal on switch. another 10 gauge white wire from start post on solenoid to start on switch and the purple wire from ballast resistor to ignition post on switch. problem is the volt gauge (and apparenly the rest of the gauges) is only seeing a little over 11 volts. which is the same voltage I'm seeing at the resistor.    

shouldnt the ignition terminal on the switch be seeing what the battery terminal is getting (which is 12.5 v) when the switch is in ON position?

it's new but maybe bad switch?

thanks in advance

Posted By: KENO
Date Posted: June-18-2019 at 11:19am
Originally posted by hotrod5337 hotrod5337 wrote:

I rewired my dash recently with new gauges and pulled new wire etc. I have a 10 gauge wire from solenoid to battery terminal on switch. another 10 gauge white wire from start post on solenoid to start on switch and the purple wire from ballast resistor to ignition post on switch. problem is the volt gauge (and apparenly the rest of the gauges) is only seeing a little over 11 volts. which is the same voltage I'm seeing at the resistor.    

shouldnt the ignition terminal on the switch be seeing what the battery terminal is getting (which is 12.5 v) when the switch is in ON position?

it's new but maybe bad switch?

thanks in advance

What kind/year of engine are you dealing with.?

When you turn the key to the ON position you're supplying voltage/current to your ignition system and your electric choke whether the engine is running or not.

Assuming you have points and they happen to be closed, grounding the coil you have some current draw right there (maybe a couple or few amps) and your electric choke when energized draws about 1 amp so your voltage will be reduced.

If you were to unhook the purple wire from the inlet to the ballast resistor and read the voltage on the wire it should be higher like you're expecting..

Probably not a bad switch

Posted By: TRBenj
Date Posted: June-18-2019 at 11:34am
it’s unclear if the voltage readings mentioned are being taken right at the switch (in the on position) or not. That would take all the variables out like ken is saying. There should not be a significant voltage drop through the switch.

You also seem to omit several components in your description of the rewire (namely breakers/fuses)... should we just assume that was for simplicity sake in your description?

Posted By: hotrod5337
Date Posted: June-18-2019 at 11:54am
thanks for the reply KENO.
it's a 1974 PCM 302. it does still have the points setup. I didnt think much about what the volt gauge was reading until I cranked it up and volt meter didnt show the alt charging.    the gauge sits on 11 volts with engine running or not. but like I said the battery shows 12.5 testing w multimeter. the charging wire from the alternator was reading right at 16 volts around 1500 rpms. I didnt check the output of wire coming from regulator yet. maybe it's the culprit

thanks again.

Posted By: hotrod5337
Date Posted: June-18-2019 at 11:57am
Originally posted by TRBenj TRBenj wrote:

it’s unclear if the voltage readings mentioned are being taken right at the switch (in the on position) or not. That would take all the variables out like ken is saying. There should not be a significant voltage drop through the switch.

You also seem to omit several components in your description of the rewire (namely breakers/fuses)... should we just assume that was for simplicity sake in your description?

yes readings were taken at the switch. and yes it was simplified. wiring was done following the diagrams I found on skidim for pcm

Posted By: hotrod5337
Date Posted: June-18-2019 at 12:08pm

here's the way I wired the back on the dash. I used buss bars to keep from having too many ring terminals stacked on top of each other. the positive buss bar sees 12.5 volts. the battery terminal on switch sees 12.5 volts.   the ign terminal on switch sees a little over 11 volts with switch on.

Posted By: hotrod5337
Date Posted: June-18-2019 at 12:11pm" rel="nofollow -

I cant seem to get these pictures to post right

Posted By: TRBenj
Date Posted: June-18-2019 at 12:12pm
I’d return the switch. Is it a decent quality one like a Cole Herse?

Posted By: hotrod5337
Date Posted: June-18-2019 at 12:15pm
yes all switches were Cole herse

Posted By: TRBenj
Date Posted: June-18-2019 at 12:18pm
Nice clean job... but man is it confusing with no color differentiation between 12v batt and 12v ignition (typically purple).

It also looks like you used the ignition breaker/fuse to fuse the ignition circuit rather than the 12v supply to the dash? I haven’t seen this before. Was it intentional?

Posted By: hotrod5337
Date Posted: June-18-2019 at 12:26pm
no it wasnt intentional. couldnt find and diagrams of the dash wiring and I didnt know what I was doing.     

the original wiring was a mess and no help. I'm glad I posted. I will fix


Posted By: hotrod5337
Date Posted: June-18-2019 at 12:30pm
agreed on the wire colors. wanted to get it done.   couldnt find any purple locally and wanted to use marine wire.    

Posted By: TRBenj
Date Posted: June-18-2019 at 12:36pm
Presumably the boat is a 74 like the engine...

Take a look at the dash wiring diagrams in the reference section. They’re typically for 80’s boats but the only major electrical difference would be the use of a ammeter vs voltmeter. That change happened around ‘79.

Yours looks to be wired for a voltmeter.

Posted By: hotrod5337
Date Posted: June-18-2019 at 12:42pm
i switched it to a volt meter and did away with the orange wire

I will look at the dash wiring.   

thank you

Posted By: hotrod5337
Date Posted: June-18-2019 at 12:52pm
I see what I did now with fusing the wrong circuit. I guess I was thinking that the breaker at the solenoid would cover the main 12v to dash wire. is it just a redundant fuse?

same thing I wondered about with having two nuetral safety switches. does one do something the other doesnt? even though with two small kids I'm all about it

Posted By: TRBenj
Date Posted: June-18-2019 at 12:59pm
The dash fuse/breaker is typically lower (20a) than the main engine breaker (30-50a). Somewhat redundant yes (in terms of protecting the 10awg wire running to the dash) but will also protects the smaller (14-16awg) dash wires downstream of that breaker.

Besides the one on the transmission, what “2nd NSS” are you referring to?

Posted By: hotrod5337
Date Posted: June-18-2019 at 1:07pm
well I guess it's not really a neutral safety but the switch inside of the Morse control. or teleflex control whoever's makes it. I've yet to see controls like the one on my boat. nuetral lock out knob has another switch in it.

Posted By: TRBenj
Date Posted: June-18-2019 at 1:50pm
Morse controls are much more typical but there seem to have been a flurry of teleflec units installed in the 72-74 timeframe. Which do you have?

I have not inspected a teleflex unit up close, but have never seen the Morse flavor NSS actually wired on a CC. Have only seen the transmission switch used.

Posted By: hotrod5337
Date Posted: June-18-2019 at 2:28pm
actually the trans nss was bypassed on this boat and only used the controls switch. but the controls switch was acting up and I had bypassed it years ago last time the boat was used to get back.   the boat was bought new in 74. couple pieces of interior re-covered over the years but boat is all original except for the things I've done to it. I'm not too savvy with what all components etc that correct craft used on the certain models.   I'll take a picture of it tonite .   I currently do not have it wired up. actually in process of installing new rudder and prop shaft packing along with new gland.

took me 2 hours to get the dang shaft coupler off. I'm wondering now how the hell I'm going to get it back on. had no idea it was a press fit. I guess deburring if needed and heating it?

I guess nows a good time to replace trans output shaft seal too. one thing leads to another with this project

Posted By: hotrod5337
Date Posted: June-18-2019 at 2:30pm

here's a pic of the switch under the gunnel. had it on my phone

Posted By: KENO
Date Posted: June-18-2019 at 2:31pm
Originally posted by hotrod5337 hotrod5337 wrote:

i switched it to a volt meter and did away with the orange wire

I will look at the dash wiring.   

thank you

How did you do away with the orange wire?

It sounds like you don't have a complete circuit from the Alternator to the battery anymore.

Here's an engine diagram for a 1974 PCM that shows the wiring with an ammeter and tells how to wire for a voltmeter. See the dotted lines and the notes associated with the Orange wire. For a voltmeter the Orange wire goes straight to the starter solenoid (same terminal the battery cable hooks to) Then the mile and a half of Orange wire going up to the ammeter then the short Red wire to the keyswitch isn't needed and the battery will still charge.

It's a little tough to understand but the diagram shows how to wire it.

Also like TRB said, don't worry about that switch in the throttle control, they also got used with IO's and the switch was used in that application. With the Velvet Drives the switch on the transmission does the job.

Edit..........after seeing your last post about the switch being wired up (from the factory?) just use whichever switch you want to use.

And another also.............were the readings on the I terminal taken with nothing at all hooked to it ?

Posted By: hotrod5337
Date Posted: June-18-2019 at 3:34pm
thats it then.   I used that diagram and it threw me off the way it noted to cut the wire. i was looking at it as if the ammeter wasnt used that the orange wire looked to run strait past the solenoid so I thought maybe it was using another wire off of the alternator to charge from. (I didnt look or trace any other wires back from the alt or regulator as it's a bird's nest of wire under there. I need to clean it up) I'm spoiled with the internally regulated one wire setup GM uses. haha

I will connect the orange wire to solenoid and should get me back right

thanks for the help!

Posted By: hotrod5337
Date Posted: June-18-2019 at 3:41pm
KENO to answer your question, everything was hooked up when I was taking the readings. which is still kind of strange to me. without the orange wire connected to solenoid I would still think that with the key ON I should still see 12.5v (same voltage on switch batt post) on switch ign post ?

Posted By: TRBenj
Date Posted: June-18-2019 at 3:50pm
Correct that has nothing to do with the alt.

Alt needs to hook to battery one way or the other. Has to go through ammeter first if that’s at the dash. Otherwise I would connect the orange wire to the protected side of the engine breaker. The solenoid is the unprotected side.

Posted By: KENO
Date Posted: June-18-2019 at 4:47pm
Originally posted by hotrod5337 hotrod5337 wrote:

KENO to answer your question, everything was hooked up when I was taking the readings. which is still kind of strange to me. without the orange wire connected to solenoid I would still think that with the key ON I should still see 12.5v (same voltage on switch batt post) on switch ign post ?

Like TRB said, that question had nothing to do with the alternator but was about how you checked to get the voltage on the I terminal on the switch way back in the beginning of this thread

If you unhook everything from the I terminal and turn the key to ON the voltage on the B terminal on the switch and the I terminal should be the same if the switch is good.

Posted By: KENO
Date Posted: June-18-2019 at 4:50pm
Originally posted by TRBenj TRBenj wrote:

Correct that has nothing to do with the alt.

Alt needs to hook to battery one way or the other. Has to go through ammeter first if that’s at the dash. Otherwise I would connect the orange wire to the protected side of the engine breaker. The solenoid is the unprotected side.

The diagram shows a rather invisible engine breaker.

My 76 ( with an ammeter) had the same rather invisible breaker as built by PCM

Maybe he's got one , maybe he doesn't

Posted By: hotrod5337
Date Posted: June-18-2019 at 5:00pm
Originally posted by KENO KENO wrote:

Originally posted by hotrod5337 hotrod5337 wrote:

KENO to answer your question, everything was hooked up when I was taking the readings. which is still kind of strange to me. without the orange wire connected to solenoid I would still think that with the key ON I should still see 12.5v (same voltage on switch batt post) on switch ign post ?

Like TRB said, that question had nothing to do with the alternator but was about how you checked to get the voltage on the I terminal on the switch way back in the beginning of this thread

If you unhook everything from the I terminal and turn the key to ON the voltage on the B terminal on the switch and the I terminal should be the same if the switch is good.

10 4. understood. I will check this evening

Posted By: TRBenj
Date Posted: June-18-2019 at 5:03pm
If we are rewiring here, I would be making the invisible breaker much more visible... he did question the redundancy of the dash ign breaker so maybe he already has one.

Commander didn’t use those breakers either... and I know 2 people who melted their wiring harnesses pretty good .

Posted By: hotrod5337
Date Posted: June-18-2019 at 5:06pm
Originally posted by KENO KENO wrote:

Originally posted by TRBenj TRBenj wrote:

Correct that has nothing to do with the alt.

Alt needs to hook to battery one way or the other. Has to go through ammeter first if that’s at the dash. Otherwise I would connect the orange wire to the protected side of the engine breaker. The solenoid is the unprotected side.

The diagram shows a rather invisible engine breaker.

My 76 ( with an ammeter) had the same rather invisible breaker as built by PCM

Maybe he's got one , maybe he doesn't

nope didnt ever have one.   which explains a melting contest between the 10 ga red and 10 ga orange wires up to the dash at some point long ago.    I'm 42 and can always remember as a kid noticing the melted wire connector at the back of the engine. anyway all fixed now and with a breaker.

Posted By: KENO
Date Posted: June-18-2019 at 5:34pm
A little excursion thru the PCM illustrated parts manual told me a few things I didn't realize about breakers ,alternators etc.

Before 1983 they list no breaker at all

83 thru 86 a 40 amp breaker is listed

87 on a 50 amp breaker is listed

Now if you look at alternators

before 83 they used the Prestolite 37A with the rear of engine mounted external voltage regulator.

83 thru 86 they uses a 37A Motorola with built in regulator

from 87 on the alternator was a Motorola or Mando with a 50 A capacity.

So the engine breaker didn't come along until the externally regulated Prestolites disappeared.

The wiring harnesses changed in the same years too.

Pretty handy book that Illustrated parts manual   

Posted By: hotrod5337
Date Posted: June-18-2019 at 5:43pm
good info...   so did you add one to your 76? when I ordered mine Vince ask me which one I wanted and I didnt know what to tell him. so we went with 40 since it was cheapest and the alternator didnt make but 35-37a anyway. I guess 40 is better than none

Posted By: KENO
Date Posted: June-18-2019 at 5:53pm
40 is just right for your alternator size.

Over the years with an alternator swap I put in a 40 amp breaker

Posted By: TRBenj
Date Posted: June-18-2019 at 8:02pm
Because it wasn’t stated explicitly, it should be noted that the purpose of the breaker is to protect the WIRING (breaker size should be nominally lower than the current handling capability of the smallest wire attached to it). If - and only if - the wire size has been appropriately selected to handle the full rated output of the alternator, should the breaker be similarly sized.

In this case I suspect it is... but to omit the wiring from this particular conversation seems just a tad short sighted.

Posted By: KENO
Date Posted: June-18-2019 at 10:25pm
Originally posted by TRBenj TRBenj wrote:

Because it wasn’t stated explicitly, it should be noted that the purpose of the breaker is to protect the WIRING (breaker size should be nominally lower than the current handling capability of the smallest wire attached to it). If - and only if - the wire size has been appropriately selected to handle the full rated output of the alternator, should the breaker be similarly sized.

In this case I suspect it is... but to omit the wiring from this particular conversation seems just a tad short sighted.

Sounds reasonable to me, stock alternator and stock or bigger than stock wires since he replaced some with bigger wire already

Posted By: Cyclone
Date Posted: June-19-2019 at 10:54pm
Having read this info I'm a little worried.
I put a 1 wire AC Delso alternator in my 85 SN. It's 105 amps if I remember right. I hooked it to the orange wire and left the excitation wire unused. It seems to work great but it sounds like I could melt some wires.
I have no extra electric loads in the boat than it came with when it was built I bought the alternator because it was cheap and easy to hook up, not to supply lots of power to anything.
What can I do to protect my wiring?

Posted By: TRBenj
Date Posted: June-19-2019 at 11:22pm
If you want to mimic the factory set up, then you would want to upsize the wire between the alt output and main engine breaker (unprotected side) such that it can handle the full rated load of the alt. I’d have to check the chart, but this may be an 8awg or even 4awg for 105a.

The main engine breaker is there to protect the other side (10awg wire feeding the dash) and shouldn’t be changed.

Posted By: KENO
Date Posted: June-20-2019 at 8:55am
Originally posted by TRBenj TRBenj wrote:

If you want to mimic the factory set up, then you would want to upsize the wire between the alt output and main engine breaker (unprotected side) such that it can handle the full rated load of the alt. I’d have to check the chart, but this may be an 8awg or even 4awg for 105a.

The main engine breaker is there to protect the other side (10awg wire feeding the dash) and shouldn’t be changed.

I've done just that with a Delco alternator, it works just fine moving the alternator feed to the upstream side of the main breaker with bigger wire instead of the dowmstream side where it was originally hooked up by PCM.

Doing it this way, 40 plus amps anywhere on the "protected" side causes a breaker trip and takes the battery and the alternator out of the picture at the same time,unlike the PCM way which takes the battery out but must depend on the alternator cooking itself if you have a fault is between the 40 amp breaker and the 20 amp breaker on the dash.

You might figure a fault there is pretty unlikely but..............sheet happens

Which naturally leads to the question of why they did it the way they did

I've also taken a different approach and left the PCM wiring as is, including the 10 gauge Orange alternator output wire and put a 40 amp fuse on the alternator output terminal with the Orange wire hooked to that.

Basically turned the higher capacity alternator into a 40 amp alternator with that fuse, but the boat has no extra loads and won't ever use 40 amps unless there's an electrical issue like a ground affecting the system.

Like Cyclone who asked the original question I got the higher amp alternator because it was cheap and easy to install And Delco parts are readily available most anywhere and they're easy to "fluff and buff"   

Both ways have given no issues    

Posted By: TRBenj
Date Posted: June-20-2019 at 9:26am
Yeah what ken said... my recollection of the factory set up was fuzzy on which side of the breaker the alt output attached to. You’d need to swap sides with the option I described.

Kens alternative (fusing alt output lower to protect existing wire) also works, but be aware that even without a large load, if the battery gets drawn down substantially then you may blow that fuse when the alt tries to charge it at or near it’s full rated output.

Option C would involve upsizing the wire all the way to the dash so it can handle the alt without a breaker... but so long as you aren’t trying to power any significant new loads from the dash and have wired them directly to the battery instead (stereo, etc) then that’s probably the most cumbersome and expensive option with little upside.

Posted By: KENO
Date Posted: June-20-2019 at 9:43am

I'll let ya' in on a little poorly kept secret...............There's a really good easy to follow diagram floating around out there for the mid 80's PCM engines.

It was made by some guy with the same name as you

You should get paid a royalty fee every time it gets used

Twice the fee when it shows up on Team Talk,

Three times the fee when it's used for an Indmar 351 reference

Posted By: TRBenj
Date Posted: June-20-2019 at 10:09am
Yeah yeah, I suppose I should reference it in cases like this rather than relying on my memory, but here I am.

Posted By: Cyclone
Date Posted: June-22-2019 at 2:47am
I took the easy way and installed a 40 anp fuse and all seems well. Thanks for a good discussion of things that could be done.

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