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re-verify my engine

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Category: General Correct Craft Discussion
Forum Name: General Discussion
Forum Discription: Anything Correct Craft
Printed Date: March-06-2025 at 8:19pm

Topic: re-verify my engine
Posted By: flyweed
Subject: re-verify my engine
Date Posted: July-16-2019 at 9:46pm
Ok guys,

back 3 odd yeaers ago when I bought my 1993 SN, we pretty much came to the consensus that I have a 351W H..O engine, 1:1 trans, turning a right hand prop.

Anyway, today was the first time (for some reason) I saw ANY of these markings...I did have the dog house completely off the boat, and the rear floor up, as I was greasing my rudder fitting, etc.

Anyway, I Thought I found a couple "GT"s stamped on the engine in a couple of places, and saw these raised ridges just below the valve covers, and thought: IS THIS A GT?? I did verify, when I turn the ignition the water pump and all other belt pulleys turn Counter Clockwise, looking back from the drivers seat. (they are spinning clockwise, if you are standing at the back of the boat, looking forward)

Here are some Pics I snapped of those markings....Any thoughts????

this looks like a GT stamped near a front spark plug

This looks like a GT up just below the valve cover

Here are those "raised ridges" on the heads, both front and back:

'93 Ski Nautique NWZ, Air Boom Tower
Drink Tonight..for tomorrow We Ride!

Posted By: flyweed
Date Posted: July-16-2019 at 9:54pm
And just a engine DOES say: PRP-PR-R10

'93 Ski Nautique NWZ, Air Boom Tower
Drink Tonight..for tomorrow We Ride!

Posted By: KENO
Date Posted: July-16-2019 at 10:14pm
Consider it reverified.

You have what you think you had depending on what you think you had   

The 285 HP engines had GT40 heads as original equipment. They were a big part of that 285 HP rating.

Back in the thread in the link there was a fair amount of spark plug discussion and your engine took Autolite 764 or an equivalent. That's because it has GT40 heads.
GT40P heads also took the same longer reach plugs." rel="nofollow - link

And by the tag you have a 1 to 1 PCM 40i transmission

Posted By: flyweed
Date Posted: July-16-2019 at 11:20pm

Well, from the get go, I had always thought I had the 351W (H.O.) thaty puts out 285HP...BUT..I don't ever remember hearing that the H.O. version had GT40 heads. water pump however does NOT turn the same way a GT40 does..correct?   My "set" screw on my water pump faces the starboard/drivers side. (away from the engine).

'93 Ski Nautique NWZ, Air Boom Tower
Drink Tonight..for tomorrow We Ride!

Posted By: Gary S
Date Posted: July-17-2019 at 12:08am
Correct on the pump mounting but the whole engine rotates opposite of a GT 40 not just the pump

-------------" rel="nofollow - 69 Mustang HM SS
95 Nautique Super Sport

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