I know this has been expressed many times... but I'd like to thank all of us that post issues on this site again!
Right after I filled up my gas tank on the lake my boat would't accelerate after 2,700 RPM... obviously my first thought was bad gas or some related fuel issue with the GT40. I did decide to swap out the fuel filter since I hadn't done it in years but knew in back of mind that wasn't going to fix the issue...
I searched the site for no more than 4 mins and found multiple posts describing the oil pressure switch going bad issue and symptoms and problem cured by disconnecting it (and ordering a new one to house). I also like the post about buying 20" Channel locks instead of screwing with the oil filter wrench for opening the fuel cell!
I remember the days before the internet watching my dad tear apart the Master Craft trying to diagnose issues for hours or even days.
When I was buying the fuel filter at the lake dealer... the mechanics there were trying to have me drop it with them, they were telling me all the parts they wanted to change (none of which being an oil pressure switch)! My guess is they would have had me for $500+ and a full day of no boat at lake if I was lucky!