80's Ski Supreme / Sierra Supreme
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Printed Date: March-06-2025 at 4:53pm
Topic: 80's Ski Supreme / Sierra Supreme
Posted By: robertbruder
Subject: 80's Ski Supreme / Sierra Supreme
Date Posted: July-30-2019 at 2:38pm
Hey All,
As some of you know from my other topic http://www.correctcraftfan.com/forum/forum_posts.asp?TID=47315&KW=Supreme&title=sport-nautique-or-sierra-supreme" rel="nofollow - other topic ,
I recently purchased a 1988 Sierra Supreme. As Supreme is now part of the Correct Craft family, I thought it would be nice to start a Topic for Supreme owner's.
To get us started, I have created an album of Sierra Supreme's. I needed to get an idea of what the decals originally looked like to have them reproduced.
https://photos.google.com/share/AF1QipPt_33pe8G59rSTL22tg1-W0BdNEnG8aWrlHFpczQWVcfpoJVvP5spgBSNgSqmajQ?key=TDNyR2lPQ2ZnQWpFejRQcFMtRDhHNnJObFJfdzZB" rel="nofollow - Ski Supreme Samples
With the help from pbrainard and trbenj and others on this forum I have been restoring my Sierra Supreme and have some project photos here. https://photos.google.com/share/AF1QipPsEeMj-6ZlXc6g5L2MnbGbjv6DAWs7bLnPHqy7DFQUJbRSW90yenvDtl0YxiuHPw?key=eHIwS3dEOWJ0NnVtMXdpMWxlSUZYbUlERGZXbkRn" rel="nofollow - My Sierra Supreme
I probably overpaid for this boat given all the work that was needed, but in the end I should have a fully restored open bow for around $11k not including my labor.
So far I have done the following: Replaced the battery and alternator Replaced the circuit breaker Replaced the starter relay Repaired the windshield Repaired a fiberglass seem in the floor causing a leak Replaced the tachometer Replaced the fuel sender Repacked the rudder port Replaced faulty switches (accessory switch, bilge switch) General Tune-Up (Plugs, Wires, Oil) Repaired a leak in the fiberglass exhaust pipe Replaced the impeller Oiled the Teak Removed over saturated foam
This week I will be working on repairing the interior vinyl including new 3/8" plywood on seats and side skirts, replacing center compartment doors/plywood, replacing the motor box hinges,installing exhaust flaps, and putting the floor back down.
I am working with Mark at Vinyl Approach (www.vinylapproach.com) to recreate the decals so hopefully these will be on file for others in the future.
Thanks to all of the great members at CCF for helping me with my numerous boat projects throughout the years!
------------- Current: 1988 Sierra Supreme Past: 1986 Correct Craft Martinique, 1984 Ski Supreme, 1984 Bare Foot Nautique
Posted By: robertbruder
Date Posted: August-17-2019 at 2:32am
Found some pictures of my 1984 Ski Supreme resto-mod.
https://photos.google.com/u/1/share/AF1QipNTBz4aSc79_Xvct-LFCFwJSLs_sjdyg7dT4TLezSFz3ODo4tUfovrvLJL75zIpJQ?key=MXBmcHVPV3FFa2hZSE9nV0pIWUw1aXJmUmp1dy1R" rel="nofollow - 1984 Ski Supreme RestoMod

------------- Current: 1988 Sierra Supreme Past: 1986 Correct Craft Martinique, 1984 Ski Supreme, 1984 Bare Foot Nautique
Posted By: GottaSki
Date Posted: August-17-2019 at 10:22am
Neat touch on the high-back seating
However I would have preferred to see the deck off to tie the floor into the hull proper
------------- "There is nothing, absolutely nothing, half so much worthwhile as messing around with boats...simply messing."
River Rat to Mole