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Prop Selection For Dominique with 351

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Category: General Correct Craft Discussion
Forum Name: General Discussion
Forum Discription: Anything Correct Craft
Printed Date: March-06-2025 at 5:16pm

Topic: Prop Selection For Dominique with 351
Posted By: illiniball2000
Subject: Prop Selection For Dominique with 351
Date Posted: August-19-2019 at 10:45am
I have a 87 Dominique with a 351. It had a 13x13 prop that has each of the blades dinged on the ends.
It also has 13 RH13 and Nubrial Cup markings. I have no idea if this is original or not as i purchased the boat used and haven't had it in the water yet. I am looking to buy a new prop today and am looking for suggestions.
Any input is much appreciated.

Beer is my friend
87 Dominique
Had 67 Starflite

Posted By: Hollywood
Date Posted: August-19-2019 at 11:35am
Acme 542

Posted By: TRBenj
Date Posted: August-19-2019 at 11:38am
542 or 540 depending on use and how fast the hull is... without any data on how it runs with the 13x13, its a crap shoot on which to try first. Ask about the return policy in case you want to try both.

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