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Velvet drive rebuild question?

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Category: General Correct Craft Discussion
Forum Name: General Discussion
Forum Discription: Anything Correct Craft
Printed Date: March-06-2025 at 5:24pm

Topic: Velvet drive rebuild question?
Posted By: mckeddie
Subject: Velvet drive rebuild question?
Date Posted: August-19-2019 at 10:39pm
Can a velvet drive be pulled with the boat still in the water? It’s an 88 ski nautique.        I lost reverse and found a kit locally. I’m on vacation, and it’s a pain docking where we are without reverse.    Thinking about pulling it and replacing just reverse to get us through the week, then doing the complete rebuild next week when we get home.    

I’ve done enough automobile autos and manuals in my off-road days, this should be pretty simple, suck out fluid, lift engine w bottle jack, and pull transmission. I’ve been reading up on enough write ups, it seems pretty straight forward.    My fear is if I’m going to get a leak from the prop shaft if I pull the transmission in the water.    The boat is sitting in 70’ deep water, so dong really want to sink it.   lol.

We get home Thursday, and need the boat back in the water again Saturday. We’ve got Mardi Gras to make it to.   

Would rather spend a few hours Tuesday or Wednesday morning temporary fixing to finish the season, then do a complete rebuild this winter when I pull everything for the stringer bob anyways.


Posted By: KENO
Date Posted: August-19-2019 at 10:59pm
It's got flotation built in, it won't go down more than a few feet

I've uncoupled the shaft from the transmission with the boat in the water with no issues, just let the shaft slide back till the prop hits the rudder, check for any excess leakage at the shaft packing gland and if you're nervous tighten it up a little.

The shaft can't fall out since the prop is hitting the rudder and you should be good to take the transmission out.

Don't forget to plug the hose from the hull intake going to the transmission cooler, and plug the exhaust also since you'll be removing the exhaust hoses from the risers otherwise things could get a little messy

Posted By: baitkiller
Date Posted: August-19-2019 at 11:05pm
Just doing reverse is cake. Assuming something is just busted in the pack. Be ready to re pack the log though, If you reef it down hard to keep it from leaking with the coupling split it may over pack and never behave again.

Jesus was a bare-footer.............

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