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Pylon Ring and Finger replacement

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Category: General Correct Craft Discussion
Forum Name: General Discussion
Forum Discription: Anything Correct Craft
Printed Date: March-04-2025 at 5:32pm

Topic: Pylon Ring and Finger replacement
Posted By: WC78
Subject: Pylon Ring and Finger replacement
Date Posted: September-09-2019 at 6:54pm
If anyone is looking to put an extended pylon (ex. Fly High Pole) on their older Nautique that has the pylon ring and finger that must be removed--You can get a part from AW Manufacturing in Angola, Indiana that replaces the ring and finger. It is the more conventional "knob" type pylon topper that the extended pylon can clear when being installed. There are other threads that deal with removing the ring and finger. The new knob topper is then put in place and the roll pins must be inserted. The topper is made of 6061 T6 aluminum. You must drill your own cross holes in the part for the roll pins to ensure it fits perfectly with your pylon cross drilled holes. A good solution to being able to keep your pylon and ring and finger if needed for in the future. Contact Shad Zulch at AW Manufacturing Angola, Indiana to procure the part. He was super helpful and responsive.    They used to provide this part to Midwest Correct Craft before they closed. Shad still has the print for the part and will make to order.

Posted By: ski4life78
Date Posted: August-25-2020 at 4:02pm
WC78 do you know by chance if Shad still works at AW manufacturing. I would love to get one of these for my 78 nautique. Also would you happen to have any pictures.

Posted By: WC78
Date Posted: August-25-2020 at 6:05pm
  I don't know if Shad is still there, but very possibly.  If not, someone else may be able to help.  They had the print of this part on file.  Shad was super helpful.  I was happy with how it all worked out.  Fly high pole fits perfectly over the new pylon top.  I have the old ring if I ever want to put it back on.  Shad's contact info is:

Shad Zulch

AW Manufacturing & Repair

1300 Wohlert St.

Angola, IN 46703



Posted By: WC78
Date Posted: August-25-2020 at 6:18pm
Here's a couple photos of the part (loose and installed).  Let me know if you have any questions.  Good luck.


Posted By: WC78
Date Posted: August-25-2020 at 6:18pm

Posted By: WC78
Date Posted: August-25-2020 at 6:21pm
Here's the installed:

Posted By: ski4life78
Date Posted: August-26-2020 at 8:44am
I got in touch with Shad and he is going to make me one next week. Thank you for all your help.

Posted By: Jonny Quest
Date Posted: August-26-2020 at 9:50am
What is the cost for one of those thing-a-ma-bobs?

2003 Ski Nautique 206 Limited

2001 Ski Nautique Open Bow
1994 Ski Nautique Open Bow

Aqua skiing, ergo sum

Posted By: gun-driver
Date Posted: August-26-2020 at 5:25pm
Originally posted by Jonny Quest Jonny Quest wrote:

What is the cost for one of those thing-a-ma-bobs?

That's not a thing-a-ma-bob,  it's a Do-hickey!!! 
 A thing-a-ma-bob is more expensive, like a what-cha-ma-call-it. Big smile

Posted By: ski4life78
Date Posted: August-27-2020 at 2:53pm
Talked with Shad today. Said he believes the cost is $125

Posted By: WC78
Date Posted: August-27-2020 at 3:17pm
That's in line with what I paid.  Well worth it in my opinion for a quality, custom made to order machined part.

Posted By: ski4life78
Date Posted: August-27-2020 at 4:26pm
Yes I totally agree. Can’t wait to get it.

Posted By: wsavini
Date Posted: August-29-2020 at 9:04pm
How does the ring come out? Is it threaded in? I bought a 83 BFN and the meathead I got it from cut the ring off with a sawzall so he could put a extension on. I’d like to get the rest out so I can replace it.

Posted By: ski4life78
Date Posted: August-29-2020 at 9:42pm
On my ‘78 it is just held in by two roll pins. You have to tap them out and then I sprayed the ring and finger with pb blaster. I then used a piece of pipe through the ring and started twisting it carefully back at forth until it became loose and I could pull it out.

Posted By: gun-driver
Date Posted: August-29-2020 at 9:48pm
Drive out the 2 roll pins and (since yours is already destroyed) a large pipe wrench, twist and lift. 
It's a smooth shank that's in the pylon no threads, they get corroded and can be tough to get out. 

  When I pulled my '85's I used a little heat on the pylon to draw in some penetrating spray let it sit over night. The next day more heat and spray and it wiggled right out.

Posted By: wsavini
Date Posted: August-29-2020 at 10:07pm
The guy cut it even with the top of the pylon. I will need to drill it and maybe put a bolt in it to grab onto.

Posted By: gun-driver
Date Posted: August-29-2020 at 11:39pm
Originally posted by wsavini wsavini wrote:

The guy cut it even with the top of the pylon. I will need to drill it and maybe put a bolt in it to grab onto.

Make it a big one they can be stubborn. I would use a grade 8 bolt so you can crank on it without it breaking.

Posted By: 8122pbrainard
Date Posted: August-30-2020 at 5:59am
Originally posted by wsavini wsavini wrote:

The guy cut it even with the top of the pylon. I will need to drill it and maybe put a bolt in it to grab onto.

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54 Atom

/diaries/details.asp?ID=2179" rel="nofollow - 77 Tique

64 X55 Dunphy

Keep it original, Pete

Posted By: wsavini
Date Posted: August-30-2020 at 7:31am
Peter, That is a great idea! Ty

Posted By: WC78
Date Posted: September-01-2020 at 6:41am
Another installed photo:

Posted By: ski4life78
Date Posted: September-01-2020 at 11:52am
Thank you. That looks awesome. Can’t wait to get mine. By chance to you remember what size roll pins you used?

Posted By: WC78
Date Posted: September-01-2020 at 11:57am
I just reused the original ones.  They were in good shape, even though they were 40 years old.  I think they're stainless.  I'm pretty sure they're 1/4", going by memory.

Posted By: WC78
Date Posted: September-15-2020 at 4:48pm
Did you get and install the new pylon top part?

Posted By: ski4life78
Date Posted: September-15-2020 at 5:36pm
It should be arriving tomorrow and I will be putting it in this weekend. I will post pictures when it’s all done. Can’t wait

Posted By: ski4life78
Date Posted: September-17-2020 at 7:53am
I received it yesterday. Looks great. How do I post pictures on here?

Posted By: 8122pbrainard
Date Posted: September-17-2020 at 8:13am
Sticky thread in general topic section:" rel="nofollow -

It doesn't work well on a mobile device. 

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54 Atom

/diaries/details.asp?ID=2179" rel="nofollow - 77 Tique

64 X55 Dunphy

Keep it original, Pete

Posted By: gun-driver
Date Posted: September-17-2020 at 8:58am
Originally posted by ski4life78 ski4life78 wrote:

It should be arriving tomorrow and I will be putting it in this weekend. I will post pictures when it’s all done. Can’t wait

I guess you got the old one out with no issues?

Posted By: ski4life78
Date Posted: September-17-2020 at 2:11pm
I have had the ring and finger out for years. Wasn’t fun at that time though but got it out without ruining any of it so it can always be installed again. Been using a extended Pylon but now I can slalom ski without having to put it up.

Posted By: WC78
Date Posted: September-23-2020 at 10:58am
Did you get the new pylon top part installed?

Posted By: ski4life78
Date Posted: September-26-2020 at 11:46pm
Yes I did. It worked out great. I took a few pictures but can’t figure out how to upload off my phone to here.

Posted By: 8122pbrainard
Date Posted: September-27-2020 at 5:11am
Originally posted by ski4life78 ski4life78 wrote:

Yes I did. It worked out great. I took a few pictures but can’t figure out how to upload off my phone to here.

Mobile devices are a problem and it's almost impossibile to use them for picture uploads. Email them to a PC or a laptop and here's the procedure:" rel="nofollow -

/diaries/details.asp?ID=1622" rel="nofollow -

54 Atom

/diaries/details.asp?ID=2179" rel="nofollow - 77 Tique

64 X55 Dunphy

Keep it original, Pete

Posted By: WC78
Date Posted: September-27-2020 at 10:36am
Glad it worked out.  

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