Trailer Wiring
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Category: General Correct Craft Discussion
Forum Name: General Discussion
Forum Discription: Anything Correct Craft
Printed Date: March-06-2025 at 2:24pm
Topic: Trailer Wiring
Posted By: Otto Throttle
Subject: Trailer Wiring
Date Posted: September-11-2019 at 7:27pm
Is nothing easy??? I was checking my lights and I noticed I didn't have a left turn signal...Oh boy...a reason to by LEDs for all! I installed them and STILL no Left turn signal light. to test my SUV wiring I backed up the Optima which pulls the I had blinkers and NOT running lights...thank God no razor blades in sight....
I have a 4 wire Pigtail off the Sportage and a 5 wire on the Ramlin Trailer....
What clever wiring trick is there to use to get everything to work??????
Do I need to rewire my trailer? Any guides on how to run new wires down the channels? Any guidance would help.... I am going to harbor freight on my way home!
I hate things that don't work correctly!
------------- Otto
Posted By: 8122pbrainard
Date Posted: September-11-2019 at 8:40pm
Run wire in channel or plastic conduit. Ideally use tinned marine wire. Use high quality adhesive lined heat shrink crimp connections. DO NOT use "scotch lock" insulation displacing connections. Run a separate ground wire to all your lights. DO NOT rely on the trailer frame for a ground. Get the VOM out!!
BTW, getting LED lights doesn't solve trailer wiring problems.
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64 X55 Dunphy
Keep it original, Pete <
Posted By: Gary S
Date Posted: September-11-2019 at 9:05pm
3- and don't use Harbor Freight for your wiring needs unless your doing it for practice, because you'll be replacing it all in another year
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Posted By: Otto Throttle
Date Posted: September-11-2019 at 9:59pm
Yes I know!!!
I thought the light was burned out, and used it as an excuse to "upgrade!" I looked at harbor was junk. I looked at some marine trailer packages on line...does anyone have any favorites?
I like factory...anyone have any insights on pulling the wire? One at a time vs. multiple...which way should you pull...for to aft or aft to for?
nothing easy these days!
------------- Otto
Posted By: KENO
Date Posted: September-11-2019 at 10:04pm
Otto Throttle wrote:
Is nothing easy???.
I have a 4 wire Pigtail off the Sportage and a 5 wire on the Ramlin Trailer....
What clever wiring trick is there to use to get everything to work??????
Now why in the world would you expect a 4 wire and a 5 wire connector to work correctly together
You're the only one who knows what your connectors have for wires and what the connectors look like, so why don't you put Google to work and look for an adapter to connect the two pigtails?
Or post some pictures of what you have, if you want some useful information.
If you go about it correctly, then things will work correctly.
Posted By: 8122pbrainard
Date Posted: September-11-2019 at 10:07pm
Otto Throttle wrote:
Yes I know!!! I thought the light was burned out, ! | Don't "think, get the VOM out.
Otto Throttle wrote:
I like factory...anyone have any insights on pulling the wire? One at a time vs. multiple...which way should you pull...for to aft or aft to for? | Pull as many as needed at one time. Duplex or triplex wire may also be used. Direction doesn't matter. Whatever is easiest to get the fish through.
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64 X55 Dunphy
Keep it original, Pete <
Posted By: KENO
Date Posted: September-11-2019 at 10:31pm
What's the towing capacity of a Sportage?
Posted By: Otto Throttle
Date Posted: September-12-2019 at 1:14am
2500lbs! its a 2010 V6 that used to haul Greyhounds, now for the past 3 years the Nautique! I put oversized Brakes on it and it works just fine! only 15k on it so I had to find a job for it to do!
Ok I get the ground to each light...a little more work but it will always work! I will do that.
Best suppliers for such wire?????
I was thinking of attaching the wire at the back and pulling at the ball while someone feeds it in the channel from the back slowly. Is this a flawed idea?
Best boating days on Lake Erie today and and a top speed of 48.6 on the GPS...I love my boat!
Thanks for the help...want to get this done this fall so I pull and play next May!
------------- Otto
Posted By: MourningWood
Date Posted: September-12-2019 at 1:56pm
Just did complete rewire on '82 CC trailer. Used products from Used 5-pin wire that runs the brown wire on both sides, super easy. The 5th pin is for unused auxiliary wire. Snip. The 5-pin plugged into vehicle 4-pin (jeep wrangler) everything works.
------------- 1964 Dunphy X-55 "One 'N Dun"
'I measured twice, cut three times, and it's still too short!"
Posted By: Otto Throttle
Date Posted: September-12-2019 at 2:17pm
Thank you!
Did the kit come with enough wire for both sides?
Did you wrong each light?
Thanks again!
------------- Otto
Posted By: KENO
Date Posted: September-12-2019 at 3:15pm
MourningWood wrote:
Just did complete rewire on '82 CC trailer. Used products from Used 5-pin wire that runs the brown wire on both sides, super easy. The 5th pin is for unused auxiliary wire. Snip. The 5-pin plugged into vehicle 4-pin (jeep wrangler) everything works.
It seems like it would be nice to know what Otto's 5th wire went to on his trailer before giving it the snip
Brakes come to mind (like the reverse lockout on hydraulic brakes) with that 5th wire on the trailer side
Speaking of brakes, I hope you have them Otto since no matter what you think the towing capacity is, you're a ways over it.
You say 2500 with some bigger brakes, Kia says 2000 from the factory.
What's your boat, trailer and gear weigh?
Posted By: Gary S
Date Posted: September-12-2019 at 3:36pm
A few years ago I spent sometime rewiring my Shamrocks trailer and to make it extra challenging I did it with the boat on it. Bought a harness from one of those trailer places. Since my lights are mounted on top of the rear guide posts I ran new wire to them too. Drove it 1500 miles and left everything in the carport. One year later on my return that Dam cheap Chinese wire fell apart in my hands. Next time I'm using marine wire like Pete suggested,just too labor intensive to use cheap materials.
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Posted By: 8122pbrainard
Date Posted: September-12-2019 at 3:44pm
Gary S wrote:
Drove it 1500 miles and left everything in the carport. One year later on my return that Dam cheap Chinese wire fell apart in my hands. Next time I'm using marine wire like Pete suggested,just too labor intensive to use cheap materials. | Been there once many years ago.
MourningWood wrote:
Just did complete rewire on '82 CC trailer. Used products from | Brian, I hope your rewire kit works for you and if it did come with insulation displacing connectors, I hope you didn't use them.
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64 X55 Dunphy
Keep it original, Pete <
Posted By: MrMcD
Date Posted: September-12-2019 at 4:46pm
I have always wired the trailers, I have 3, with copper wire and soldered every connection and wrapped with either electrical tape or lately shrink wrap. I make sure the 4th wire has a secure ground on the trailer. The only failures with this set up over the last 35 years have been self induced. Seems I find a stick, bush or rock that finds a way to reach up and break a wire every once in a while. A couple times the 4 pin connector just wears out. Because of this known history I check lights before I tow every single time. If daytime towing only, which is most boat trips I take I just turn on the emergency flashers. If these work on the trailer I know I have left and right turn plus brake lights. If towning at night I will flip on the parking lights to make sure those are working. Simple test does not take 60 seconds start to finish before towing. A simple 12V test light and an OHM meter can usually find any trouble issues in just a few minutes to get you back on the road.
Posted By: 8122pbrainard
Date Posted: September-12-2019 at 4:58pm
MrMcD wrote:
Seems I find a stick, bush or rock that finds a way to reach up and break a wire every once in a while. . | Yup!!
8122pbrainard wrote:
Run wire in channel or plastic conduit. . |
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64 X55 Dunphy
Keep it original, Pete <
Posted By: MrMcD
Date Posted: September-12-2019 at 5:05pm
8122pbrainard wrote:
Run wire in channel or plastic conduit. .
Pete, your method is probably the best option, the factory used those silly metal clips that hold the brake lines and wires for the lights. Those seem to work loose over time. My trailer is now a DHM but I think my original Correct Craft trailer under my 78 Nautique used similar clips. I replaced by drilling small holes about every 3 feet on the bottom of my trailer frame and inserted small plastic wire ties to hold the wires and brake lines in place. Works very well but I know age will cause the plastic to fail eventually but a package of zip ties is really cheap if I have to replace them. And Trailers never rust out in the West so the holes don't concern me. They are only 1/16" so not affecting strength of the trailer.
Posted By: 8122pbrainard
Date Posted: September-12-2019 at 5:27pm
Mark, Yes, I've seen trailers running down the road with the wiring flopping around! Those clips ether OEM or in the kits just don't work. Plus, I remember way back with that kit I used they didn't supply very many of the clips ether.
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64 X55 Dunphy
Keep it original, Pete <
Posted By: Otto Throttle
Date Posted: September-20-2019 at 12:35am
Not too worried for 500lbs. If you read most weight limitations are because of brakes
------------- Otto
Posted By: 8122pbrainard
Date Posted: September-20-2019 at 8:29am
Otto Throttle wrote:
Not too worried for 500lbs. If you read most weight limitations are because of brakes  | You may not be worried but, if you are ever in a altercation with another vehicle, I'm sure the insurance company would have a concern.
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64 X55 Dunphy
Keep it original, Pete <
Posted By: KENO
Date Posted: September-20-2019 at 9:16am
Otto Throttle wrote:
Not too worried for 500lbs. If you read most weight limitations are because of brakes  |
You should be a little worried about your math.
Like asked previously, what's the boat,trailer and gear weigh when it's all hooked up and ready to go?
Do your trailer brakes work? You left that thread kinda hanging
Here's a link to it" rel="nofollow - link
You're the guy who flies Boeing jets and expects procedures and manuals to be right, so would you be flying a highly overloaded plane?
Posted By: quinner
Date Posted: September-20-2019 at 11:27am
If the subject trailer is an Eagle w/5 flat plug the 5th plug is likely your reverse actuator lockout as Ken mentioned previously
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