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1989 Ski Nautique Motor stumbling at 2200 rpms

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Category: General Correct Craft Discussion
Forum Name: General Discussion
Forum Discription: Anything Correct Craft
Printed Date: March-06-2025 at 2:07pm

Topic: 1989 Ski Nautique Motor stumbling at 2200 rpms
Posted By: Guests
Subject: 1989 Ski Nautique Motor stumbling at 2200 rpms
Date Posted: September-24-2019 at 4:15pm
I have a 1989 Ski Nautique with about 1900 hours on it.. This season it ran fine until about August 2019 when it started began stumbling upon acceleration at about 1800 rpms. The
stumbling then resulted in spitting back through the carburetor. I have replaced the spark plugs,points,condenser, roter, and just rebuilt the Holley 4 barrel that it came with. I also replaced the double walled fuel line and fuel filter. It has improved slightly after the carburetor rebuild but still stumbles and I can nurse the speed up to 29 miles an hour. Moving the throttle to any faster position does nothing. 29 mph is the fastest it will go. Does anyone have ay ideas ?..John in Massachusetts...508-662 7576

Posted By: TRBenj
Date Posted: September-24-2019 at 4:24pm
Check choke setting/operation and verify timing setting (and confirm it’s advancing).

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