93 SNOB restoration
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Printed Date: March-06-2025 at 10:59am
Topic: 93 SNOB restoration
Posted By: Lens93SNOB
Subject: 93 SNOB restoration
Date Posted: September-29-2019 at 2:06pm
HI Correct craft world,
I've begun the restoration to my 93 SNOB and I thought I would post an update in case there are any fans of these middle aged beauties!
It had been sitting for almost 3 years and exposed to the elements and it didn't look as if it had been properly cleaned for MANY years. The exterior was heavily oxidized and so some heavy elbow was needed. I did a wet sand with 600, another with 1000 and then 3 passes with the 3M heavy oxidation compound. After that, I concentrated on the part of the hull where the old graphics used to be as I wanted to get the fading out. SSSSssoooooo, I sanded again with the 600, then the 1000 and did 2 more passes with the compound. And, Voila! She turned out beauty. I picked some new decals off on NautiqueParts from a 2006 SV21 as I wanted to give it more of a modern, new school look. I'd love to hear some feedback from you guys!
Posted By: Lens93SNOB
Date Posted: September-29-2019 at 4:48pm
Posted By: Lens93SNOB
Date Posted: September-29-2019 at 4:50pm
I couldn't get the 'before' picture to upload, but I'm sure most of you have seem a heavily oxidized before : ).
Posted By: samudj01
Date Posted: September-29-2019 at 4:58pm
Gel looks like it cleaned up very well. Congrats!
------------- 78 Ski Tique, 72 Skier w/302's, 93 SN w/351 & 17 GS22 w/zr409 Previous - 99 Sport Nautique w/GT40 and 87 Martinique w/351
Posted By: MrMcD
Date Posted: September-30-2019 at 4:58am
It is looking pretty! Nice work.
Posted By: KRoundy
Date Posted: September-30-2019 at 1:16pm
Awesome!!! Well done.
------------- Previous: 1993 Electric Blue/Charcoal Ski Nautique Current: 2016 Ski Nautique 200 Open Bow
Posted By: mckeddie
Date Posted: October-06-2019 at 4:29pm
Posted By: Lens93SNOB
Date Posted: October-11-2019 at 12:19am
Can anyone tell me what parts are exclusive to a 351w reverse rotation motor besides the camshaft? Do I need a different oil pump? alternator? My water pump is fine so I am going to re-use it. Any help is appreciated!
Posted By: beretta5spd
Date Posted: October-11-2019 at 12:39am
Lens93SNOB wrote:
Can anyone tell me what parts are exclusive to a 351w reverse rotation motor besides the camshaft? Do I need a different oil pump? alternator? My water pump is fine so I am going to re-use it. Any help is appreciated! |
distributor gear for sure
------------- 1996,1997 Sport Nautique 1986,1992 Ski Nautique - Sold 1995 Sport Nautique - Current
Posted By: Gary S
Date Posted: October-11-2019 at 12:54am
Oil pumps still run the same direction no matter the engine rotation. Rear crank seal is rotation specific, front one I believe is too but a plain one with no wick lines should work -someone should know which one to use. Camshaft you already know but the distributor gear which you already have, has to match as well. Alternators can run either way, make sure it's a marine one.
------------- http://www.correctcraftfan.com/diaries/details.asp?ID=1711&sort=&pagenum=1&yrstart=1966&yrend=1970" rel="nofollow - 69 Mustang HM SS 95 Nautique Super Sport
Posted By: KENO
Date Posted: October-11-2019 at 10:13am
For the rear main seal for your 93 351 with a one piece seal the link below gets one at a reasonable price
https://www.alexsparts.com/rear-main-seal-marine-reverse-rotation-351w-viton-full-round-one-piece-main-seal/" rel="nofollow - link
or you could find a PCM R047041A for 3 times the price
For the timing cover seal a FelPro 17795 works, it's a smooth seal with no wick lines in the rubber and works with either RH or LH engines
And just to mention the obvious, if you're changing starters you need a reverse rotation starter.
Posted By: M3Fan
Date Posted: October-12-2019 at 11:52am
Great work! I'm of the opinion that a brand new set of the original 1993 graphics (including the gray pinstripe above and below the main stripe) would make that an absolutely stunning boat. Still looks good, of course, as is.
I went back and dug up the process I went through on my 93 back when I had one a few years ago: http://www.correctcraftfan.com/forum/forum_posts.asp?TID=35547&KW=1993&PN=4&title=new-93-for-the-m3fan-family" rel="nofollow - 1993 Decal Replacement and Polish
------------- 2000 SN GT40 w/99 Graphics/Gel 2016 SN 200 OB 5.3L DI https://forum.fifteenoff.com
Posted By: Lens93SNOB
Date Posted: October-12-2019 at 2:47pm
I am such a huge fan of the older nautiques but I am far from a fan of their older graphics. I was going to keep it true to the year but the more I thought about, I just couldn't do it.
I'm really hoping that when I'm done that it will look a little more fresh and updated and maybe even show some nautique critics that these are truly the nicest early generation ski boats ever made.
I'll have more updated pics of it soon!
Posted By: KENO
Date Posted: October-12-2019 at 2:59pm
You must be a relative youngster if you're calling a 93 an older Nautique and an early generation ski boat
Posted By: Lens93SNOB
Date Posted: December-04-2019 at 6:34pm
The major restoration work on my 93 has begun and I've managed to get quite a bit accomplished over the past 2 months.
-Engine removed and is being rebuilt at a local shop. -Flooring removed -Engine bay completely degreased and cleaned up (It was really bad) -Gel coat restored with new decals -Steering cable -New flooring being installed at the moment -Trailer wiring and new Fulton winch installed
Engine is staying completely stock with the exception of an Edelbrock Torker 2 intake manifold and upgraded Holley 4010 carb which I for an absolute steal. I am hoping to get the short block back next week and I will update this once I have the motor assembled and painted.
Posted By: Mille1sj
Date Posted: December-05-2019 at 10:52am
Good looking boat, my neighbor has the same boat in red. Interested in seeing what you did with the graphics.
Posted By: flyweed
Date Posted: January-22-2020 at 6:49pm
Looking good. SO question about your new flooring. I have a 93 Ski (closed bow) and want to replace the old worn out carpet this spring. What product did you use? Was it precut, or did you do the cutting yourself? Did you make templates?? Any info you can give another 93 owner wanting to do their floor would be great. Thanks
------------- '93 Ski Nautique NWZ, Air Boom Tower Drink Tonight..for tomorrow We Ride!