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1995 Pro boss / Pro tec

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Topic: 1995 Pro boss / Pro tec
Posted By: beretta5spd
Subject: 1995 Pro boss / Pro tec
Date Posted: October-03-2019 at 6:56pm
Hey guys...
I'm looking at a 1995 Sport Nautique with a Pro boss / Pro tec setup on it.

The boat has SUPER low hours (200ish) and I only put on around 40 hours per year.

Do we have any data on how long these Pro tec systems work before they need to be retrofitted to carb/dizzy?

If they aren't typically causing issues until 500+ hours then it's a no brainer to buy the boat in question.

Thanks for any help in advance

1996,1997 Sport Nautique 1986,1992 Ski Nautique - Sold
1995 Sport Nautique - Current

Posted By: MrMcD
Date Posted: October-03-2019 at 7:59pm
Buy It. At 200 hours it is like new in most areas.
It will need some normal maintenance as all old boats do but should last you a long time.
The Pro Tec may out last you or fail this year but how often do you find a boat with 200 hours that is 24 years old.
I bought mine with 99 hours in 2014, had to go through the whole boat to get it ship shape.
A couple sensors were not working right, the hydraulic rams that hold up the passenger seat, engine cover and the dash glovebox lid were all not working but easy to repace with new ones.. The rubber flapper on the exhaust was rotted out not from use but just from age and this boat sat in a garage for 20 years..   Changed all oils, Engine and Tranny. New rope seals in the rudder and prop shaft and a few trips to the lake to sort out other stuff and the boat treats me like a brand new boat.   Mine also needed a new prop shaft and strut was bent from the previous owner hitting something. About $1,500 later it was in great shape again.   
Even if the Pro Tech fails it is not that expensive to switch back to a Distributor and Carburetor. I would buy it if it fits your needs.   Engine work is easy, fixing seats and a lousy exterior is hard to me.
Good Luck


Posted By: beretta5spd
Date Posted: October-07-2019 at 1:36pm
Thanks for the advice.

I put a deposit on it yesterday. :)

I can't wait to get out and enjoy it.... next year hahaha.

I had someone view it for me and says its the best condition boat of that vintage I'm going to find. I get to pick it up next weekend.

1996,1997 Sport Nautique 1986,1992 Ski Nautique - Sold
1995 Sport Nautique - Current

Posted By: MrMcD
Date Posted: October-07-2019 at 2:34pm
Good Luck, and as always, if you want respect on here you have to supply Pictures!


Posted By: KENO
Date Posted: October-07-2019 at 2:40pm
I always thought the ProTec setup disappeared after 94 and the GT40 came along in 95.

If that's the case you either would have a 94 model year boat with ProTec or a 95 with a GT40

Maybe I'm confused

Posted By: TRBenj
Date Posted: October-07-2019 at 2:54pm
No, Protec used in carb and TBI form through at least ‘95.

Posted By: KENO
Date Posted: October-07-2019 at 3:18pm

Like I said
Originally posted by KENO KENO wrote:

Maybe I'm confused

Posted By: MrMcD
Date Posted: October-07-2019 at 4:55pm
My 95 Pro Boss is the Port Fuel Injected version, first released in 1995. Our boat is a May of 1995 build. No idea when it was first used.


Posted By: Gary S
Date Posted: October-07-2019 at 5:34pm
Don’t want to put words in Tims mouth but what he is saying is that the GT40 was an engine upgrade. It seems most boats had them but other engines could be had. Maybe someone thought I don’t want one of those fancy multi port engines I would rather have a tried and true Pro Tec’s and maybe save a few bucks too.

-------------" rel="nofollow - 69 Mustang HM SS
95 Nautique Super Sport

Posted By: MrMcD
Date Posted: October-07-2019 at 8:02pm
The Serial number on the back of the boat will tell the build date and we will at least know that for sure.   It may be a 94 sold in 95 or as you suggest a carry over engine purchase.


Posted By: beretta5spd
Date Posted: October-08-2019 at 12:50am
because everyone loves pics ;)

I'll be keeping my eyes out for entire GT-40 take off intake setups. Intake, harness, computer.

Hopefully the pics work:" rel="nofollow">" rel="nofollow - IMG_1427 by" rel="nofollow - Dwight Kinley , on Flickr" rel="nofollow">" rel="nofollow - IMG_1426 by" rel="nofollow - Dwight Kinley , on Flickr" rel="nofollow">" rel="nofollow - IMG_1431 by" rel="nofollow - Dwight Kinley , on Flickr" rel="nofollow">" rel="nofollow - IMG_1429 by" rel="nofollow - Dwight Kinley , on Flickr

1996,1997 Sport Nautique 1986,1992 Ski Nautique - Sold
1995 Sport Nautique - Current

Posted By: KENO
Date Posted: October-08-2019 at 8:28am
Originally posted by beretta5spd beretta5spd wrote:" rel="nofollow">" rel="nofollow - IMG_1429 by" rel="nofollow - Dwight Kinley , on Flickr

The Engine looks pretty clean so it really makes the rust stains stand out near the spark plugs    

And the cover over the battery cable connection on the starter is pretty discolored like there's been rusty water dripping on it.

It looks like you have GT40 heads and they've been known to crack externally and leak like that.

It's probably worth a close look

If you're looking for all that other GT40 stuff, add a distributor to your list too

I won't comment on how Sport is spelled

Posted By: beretta5spd
Date Posted: October-08-2019 at 11:00am
Hmmm... I was under the impression that the stains would have come from the exhaust risers. I know for sure the other side has a leaking riser. Seeing that the rust is uniform across the center of the head... I'm hoping that's the case.

I think I know where there's a dizzy/coil/harness setup I can have at a fairly reasonable price to team up with the GT-40 intake setup eventually.

Those decals are coming off hahahaha.

1996,1997 Sport Nautique 1986,1992 Ski Nautique - Sold
1995 Sport Nautique - Current

Posted By: KENO
Date Posted: October-08-2019 at 12:36pm
Figured I'd mention the stains, probably worth a good look.

I figure you'll be finding fuel pumps and fuel lines etc to go with everything else.

So many things to find and change, I'm sure there's more.

Good lookin' boat by the way.

Posted By: Gary S
Date Posted: October-08-2019 at 1:20pm
That's a nice looking boat looks to be well cared for. As to GT parts they are out there and do come up from time to time. There was recently a set up on Seattle craigslist for pocket change - in under a day it was gone. Another place to keep an eye out is fishtheclassic a Shamrock web forum. This summer someone had the parts for one as well and that's where I found a complete engine. Put something up on the wanted section of these sites who knows? One thing for sure they turn up when your not needing them.....

-------------" rel="nofollow - 69 Mustang HM SS
95 Nautique Super Sport

Posted By: beretta5spd
Date Posted: October-08-2019 at 2:32pm
Originally posted by KENO KENO wrote:

Figured I'd mention the stains, probably worth a good look.

I figure you'll be finding fuel pumps and fuel lines etc to go with everything else.

So many things to find and change, I'm sure there's more.

Good lookin' boat by the way.


yes there's so many plans.... one step at a time

1996,1997 Sport Nautique 1986,1992 Ski Nautique - Sold
1995 Sport Nautique - Current

Posted By: beretta5spd
Date Posted: October-08-2019 at 2:33pm
Originally posted by Gary S Gary S wrote:

That's a nice looking boat looks to be well cared for. As to GT parts they are out there and do come up from time to time. There was recently a set up on Seattle craigslist for pocket change - in under a day it was gone. Another place to keep an eye out is fishtheclassic a Shamrock web forum. This summer someone had the parts for one as well and that's where I found a complete engine. Put something up on the wanted section of these sites who knows? One thing for sure they turn up when your not needing them.....

Thanks for the heads up :)

1996,1997 Sport Nautique 1986,1992 Ski Nautique - Sold
1995 Sport Nautique - Current

Posted By: 2001Sunsport
Date Posted: October-09-2019 at 1:53pm
Don't be scared of the Protec. Run it until it breaks, put a DUI in and keep the fuel injection. I still think my 1994 Supra Comp with the Protec FI 351 was faster than my 1995 Supra Comp with GT40 351

Posted By: beretta5spd
Date Posted: October-09-2019 at 3:29pm
Originally posted by 2001Sunsport 2001Sunsport wrote:

Don't be scared of the Protec. Run it until it breaks, put a DUI in and keep the fuel injection. I still think my 1994 Supra Comp with the Protec FI 351 was faster than my 1995 Supra Comp with GT40 351

whoa. I just read through your DUI conversion thread... and MIKEWOLF has indicated his worked flawlessly for the full summer season. Amazing. Kudos to you guys

1996,1997 Sport Nautique 1986,1992 Ski Nautique - Sold
1995 Sport Nautique - Current

Posted By: beretta5spd
Date Posted: October-12-2019 at 11:06pm
I picked up the Sport Nautique today! We had a couple small hiccups... the hitch was frozen in the back of the truck after driving through a huge snow storm. The wiring for the lights was incorrect and the LED lights were shot. That took a few hours and a couple trips to automotive stores to rectify.

There's a fun story with all of this... but I'll save that until the end. Here you are guys... because I know you love pics!" rel="nofollow">" rel="nofollow - IMG_1482 by" rel="nofollow - Dwight Kinley , on Flickr" rel="nofollow">" rel="nofollow - IMG_1480 by" rel="nofollow - Dwight Kinley , on Flickr" rel="nofollow">" rel="nofollow - IMG_1486-1 by" rel="nofollow - Dwight Kinley , on Flickr" rel="nofollow">" rel="nofollow - IMG_1488 by" rel="nofollow - Dwight Kinley , on Flickr

Purple rub rail! More about that in a bit." rel="nofollow">" rel="nofollow - IMG_1483 by" rel="nofollow - Dwight Kinley , on Flickr

Here's where the story gets cool. We make the deal, sign papers and exchange money. The
seller hands me the keys with a cool blue Ski Nautique floatie on it. I flip it over and it says Century Marine from AZ. Keep in mind... I'm in northern Saskatchewan and I woke up to 20*F temps this morning." rel="nofollow">" rel="nofollow - IMG_1471 by" rel="nofollow - Dwight Kinley , on Flickr

I sent that pic to @hansenindustries and he forwarded it onto the long term staff there and they remember selling the boat in 1995.

And it gets even cooler... the first Nautique I ever owned was a 1996 Sport Nautique in VERY similar colorway... also sold by Century Marine who remembered selling that boat as well. Here's some pics of that boat:" rel="nofollow">" rel="nofollow - IMG_2217 by" rel="nofollow - Dwight Kinley , on Flickr" rel="nofollow">" rel="nofollow - IMG_2855-1 by" rel="nofollow - Dwight Kinley , on Flickr" rel="nofollow">" rel="nofollow - IMG_4478 by" rel="nofollow - Dwight Kinley , on Flickr

I think it's so cool that these boats received colored rub rails.

Over the winter I'll be installing a tower and hopefully a bimini. Thanks for following this thread :)

1996,1997 Sport Nautique 1986,1992 Ski Nautique - Sold
1995 Sport Nautique - Current

Posted By: MrMcD
Date Posted: October-12-2019 at 11:42pm
Wow, new ownership. Glad you got it home. I think it will clean up fine.
Gives you something to play with all winter while you dream of those sunny summer days.


Posted By: KRoundy
Date Posted: October-18-2019 at 5:14pm

Previous: 1993 Electric Blue/Charcoal Ski Nautique
Current: 2016 Ski Nautique 200 Open Bow

Posted By: beretta5spd
Date Posted: October-19-2019 at 11:05pm
Well I finally got to take the Sport Nautique out for a test run today. I had the lake virtually all to myself... it was calm... there was snow on the hills around the lake... it was magic.

The Sport ran overall pretty good. At first it felt like it was hitting a wall at 4000 rpm then quickly ripped up to WOT 44 mph gps @ 4800 rpm. After a little cruising around it had no issues accelerating to WOT.

Here's a few pics :)" rel="nofollow">" rel="nofollow - 3F307695-BCEA-414F-A0E4-D3D0D39E5E97-1 by" rel="nofollow - Dwight Kinley , on Flickr" rel="nofollow">" rel="nofollow - IMG_1514 by" rel="nofollow - Dwight Kinley , on Flickr" rel="nofollow">" rel="nofollow - IMG_1516 by" rel="nofollow - Dwight Kinley , on Flickr

1996,1997 Sport Nautique 1986,1992 Ski Nautique - Sold
1995 Sport Nautique - Current

Posted By: Gary S
Date Posted: October-19-2019 at 11:37pm
Hopefully the winter won't seem so long

-------------" rel="nofollow - 69 Mustang HM SS
95 Nautique Super Sport

Posted By: MrMcD
Date Posted: October-20-2019 at 2:32am
You are Hard Core, boating with snow on the banks. Glad you are out having fun.


Posted By: desertskier
Date Posted: October-20-2019 at 2:08pm
Some of the Nautiques sold by Century Marine were used in Firebird Lake. There is a ski club that has rights to the lake and maintain ski courses and jumps. Also, the ASU ski team uses it. The lake is salt water and if your boat was used there it could explain the rust on your engine. A friend of mine bought his '94 from Century and he found out later it was a ASU team boat used at Firebird. His risers/manifolds failed prematurely. Since the lake is in the desert the boats don't show any sign of being in salt water/air except for the exhaust.

Also, your boat has the exact same trailer as his '94 made from C channel so no rusted tubes. I believe they where made by Pacific Trailer.

Posted By: gt40KS
Date Posted: October-20-2019 at 10:54pm
Great looking boat - Congrats on such a nice find!!

1995 Ski Nautique GT40

Posted By: beretta5spd
Date Posted: October-20-2019 at 11:49pm
Originally posted by desertskier desertskier wrote:

Some of the Nautiques sold by Century Marine were used in Firebird Lake. There is a ski club that has rights to the lake and maintain ski courses and jumps. Also, the ASU ski team uses it. The lake is salt water and if your boat was used there it could explain the rust on your engine. A friend of mine bought his '94 from Century and he found out later it was a ASU team boat used at Firebird. His risers/manifolds failed prematurely. Since the lake is in the desert the boats don't show any sign of being in salt water/air except for the exhaust.

Also, your boat has the exact same trailer as his '94 made from C channel so no rusted tubes. I believe they where made by Pacific Trailer.

hmmm.... thats good to know. thanks for the insider information :)

This trailer is definitely in too good of condition to have regularly found itself in salt water.

Today I kept an eye on the risers and there was no water coming down the manifolds which I thought was weird.

1996,1997 Sport Nautique 1986,1992 Ski Nautique - Sold
1995 Sport Nautique - Current

Posted By: beretta5spd
Date Posted: October-20-2019 at 11:52pm
Originally posted by Gary S Gary S wrote:

Hopefully the winter won't seem so long

Thanks :)

Originally posted by MrMcD MrMcD wrote:

You are Hard Core, boating with snow on the banks. Glad you are out having fun.

It was a great couple days.... 55*F after a few days of freezing temps and a foot of snow

Originally posted by gt40KS gt40KS wrote:

Great looking boat - Congrats on such a nice find!!

Thanks for the kind words :)

1996,1997 Sport Nautique 1986,1992 Ski Nautique - Sold
1995 Sport Nautique - Current

Posted By: beretta5spd
Date Posted: October-21-2019 at 12:00am
We had another great day on the water..... here's me and my son." rel="nofollow">" rel="nofollow - Untitled by" rel="nofollow - Dwight Kinley , on Flickr

Here's the 95 Sport next to the 86" rel="nofollow">" rel="nofollow - Untitled by" rel="nofollow - Dwight Kinley , on Flickr

The '86 sold in 30 minutes after advertising on Facebook. No tower, no reverse, destroyed upholstery, no stringer guarantees... $1500. Gotta deliver it next month.

The best part of the day is putting a cold beer in the cupholder awaiting your return from skiing. (No beers until you're done skiing.)" rel="nofollow">" rel="nofollow - Untitled by" rel="nofollow - Dwight Kinley , on Flickr

Maybe some of you guys might know whats going on. With this boat... both times I've gone out on the water... it doesn't want to go past 4000 rpm until it warms up. You can mash the throttle and it simply will not go past. Once it warms up a little... the full rpm range is there. And when it kicks in and goes beyond 4K rpm... it kicks in HARD.

I popped off the air cleaner while it was idling so I could inspect the Pro boss injector pods and they seem to be spraying just fine at idle up to 1500 rpm. I didn't feel comfortable with the crew I had today to run it at speed in the 4K rpm range and watch the injectors. Do you guys have any thoughts on what the issue might be?

1996,1997 Sport Nautique 1986,1992 Ski Nautique - Sold
1995 Sport Nautique - Current

Posted By: MrMcD
Date Posted: October-21-2019 at 12:08am
I do not know the Pro Tec programming at all but it sounds like it has a cold run program.
Once warm it gives you full power. Nothing wrong with that if that is all it is.
An engine should run till at full temp before anyone hits full throttle. It is hard on the engine if you do not warm it up first and you risk engine damage.
Pistons under full throttle grow faster than the cylinders they run in. Many a driver have stuck a piston in a cold engine, you don't want to do that.

But more important, your son looks very happy in his new boat and you are looking good cutting up the water.


Posted By: beretta5spd
Date Posted: October-24-2019 at 9:07pm
Well.... realized some bad news today....

I knew there was fuel coming from all 4 injectors.... but I didn't realize that at idle they're supposed to be "spraying" as opposed to "dribbling." I was under the assumption at first that my rich idle was the FI trying to get the engine warmed up .... but nope it's the injectors. All of them are dribbling. Unless they can be cleaned I think I'm hooped.

So I think I'm going to have to do the carb retrofit. I'm disappointed... but at the same time it will be nice to get this sorted over the winter. It appears as though everyone out there who has done the skidim carb retrofit has been very happy with it.

While doing the carb retrofit.... I'll probably do the DUI as well. So here's the thing... the Protec ignition system seems to be working flawlessly on the boat currently. It ran beautifully up to 44 mph @ 4800 rpm. Is the used protec setup worth anything? Anyone out there want a low hour spare protec system when I pull it off?

Ive read through a few threads already on the carb / dui conversion and it seems pretty straightforward. I've done a distributor swap on the 86 Nautique.

Does anyone have any recommendations/thoughts?

1996,1997 Sport Nautique 1986,1992 Ski Nautique - Sold
1995 Sport Nautique - Current

Posted By: Jonny Quest
Date Posted: October-24-2019 at 9:57pm
I gave my old ProTec stuff away. I should have kept the injectors. Reminds me of the EFI/ProTec swap I did a couple of years ago. My 1994 runs as strong as and maybe better than new (but that’s gut feeling).

I was on Lake Powell last week with my 1994 SNOB and a 2006 Ski Nautique (206) with the GM 343 HP engine. My 1994 was waaaay stronger with better hole-shot. We were all surprised by that. The 206 did have better cold starting characteristics...


2003 Ski Nautique 206 Limited

2001 Ski Nautique Open Bow
1994 Ski Nautique Open Bow

Aqua skiing, ergo sum

Posted By: Gary S
Date Posted: October-25-2019 at 12:00am
I wonder if they can be cleaned like mpi injectors by an injector service ?

-------------" rel="nofollow - 69 Mustang HM SS
95 Nautique Super Sport

Posted By: MrMcD
Date Posted: October-25-2019 at 4:59am
A simple trick to clean injectors is to put a quart of ATF fluid in the gas tank and go out and run it. I have seen it work many times to free up sticky injectors.
It will not hurt anything and for about $4 it is worth a try. Gives you another reason to take the boat out for a long spin.   My 95 starts each season with a quart in the tank.


Posted By: Jonny Quest
Date Posted: October-25-2019 at 12:46pm
Originally posted by MrMcD MrMcD wrote:

A simple trick to clean injectors is to put a quart of ATF fluid in the gas tank and go out and run it. I have seen it work many times to free up sticky injectors.
It will not hurt anything and for about $4 it is worth a try. Gives you another reason to take the boat out for a long spin.   My 95 starts each season with a quart in the tank.

Just to keep things rolling...Synthetic ATF? Dino? Dexron III? Mercon?


2003 Ski Nautique 206 Limited

2001 Ski Nautique Open Bow
1994 Ski Nautique Open Bow

Aqua skiing, ergo sum

Posted By: beretta5spd
Date Posted: October-25-2019 at 2:15pm
Originally posted by Gary S Gary S wrote:

I wonder if they can be cleaned like mpi injectors by an injector service ?

I've got a call into an injector place who will bench test for 20 bucks an injector. can't beat that. it's 45 total each if they clean them. I'll spend the $20 to test. Although if JQ's experience is typical... he's just gonna tell me they're pooched.

Also everyone.... I just got off the phone with the boat dr aka billy sutton from Louisiana. The famous doctor himself. He's got a full take off pro boss tbi setup with pro tec ignition that was in running order. He wants low 4 figures for it... so I'm probably going to go with quick fuel m600 and DUI for about the same $$$$ if my injectors are pooched.

This is great news for someone who wants to keep the injectors/pro tec.

1996,1997 Sport Nautique 1986,1992 Ski Nautique - Sold
1995 Sport Nautique - Current

Posted By: MrMcD
Date Posted: October-25-2019 at 2:21pm
Just to keep things rolling...Synthetic ATF? Dino? Dexron III? Mercon?   


Johnny, standard ATF not synthetic. I use the Dextron 3 because it is also used in my cars but I have read that the Ford ATF has more lubrication quality than Dextron.
It has been used for many years to clean injectors, started with truckers using it to clean Diesel Injectors many years ago.   It actually works very well to clean and lubricate.


Posted By: Jonny Quest
Date Posted: October-25-2019 at 4:46pm
Originally posted by MrMcD MrMcD wrote:

Just to keep things rolling...Synthetic ATF? Dino? Dexron III? Mercon?   


Johnny, standard ATF not synthetic. I use the Dextron 3 because it is also used in my cars but I have read that the Ford ATF has more lubrication quality than Dextron.
It has been used for many years to clean injectors, started with truckers using it to clean Diesel Injectors many years ago.   It actually works very well to clean and lubricate.

I was just yankin' yer chain. It might have been worth a few chuckles to start an "oil thread" argument over ATF in the fuel...


2003 Ski Nautique 206 Limited

2001 Ski Nautique Open Bow
1994 Ski Nautique Open Bow

Aqua skiing, ergo sum

Posted By: MrMcD
Date Posted: October-25-2019 at 5:34pm
I am pretty sure the EPA would not endorse it but it has proven to work so we use it.

Kind of like the 50/50 ATF and Acetone mix that works so well to loosen rusted nuts but is never sold over the counter at any store.


Posted By: beretta5spd
Date Posted: October-26-2019 at 1:51am
Well... I had a short amount of time to work on the Sport tonight. I pulled the injectors and harness off.... tomorrow I'll go to the shop. I don't think he's going to have time to test them while I'm there. Hopefully he will. Man these throttle flaps are rusty. Yikes" rel="nofollow">" rel="nofollow - Untitled by" rel="nofollow - Dwight Kinley , on Flickr" rel="nofollow">" rel="nofollow - Untitled by" rel="nofollow - Dwight Kinley , on Flickr" rel="nofollow">" rel="nofollow - Untitled by" rel="nofollow - Dwight Kinley , on Flickr

1996,1997 Sport Nautique 1986,1992 Ski Nautique - Sold
1995 Sport Nautique - Current

Posted By: 2001Sunsport
Date Posted: October-26-2019 at 1:59am
Probably 2-3 years back now I bought a rebuild kit for my throttle body. It had new blades, gaskets, o-rings, and regulator. I'll see if I can find the paper with the kit # tomorrow as I can't find the email where I ordered it. I believe it ended up being for a carb but worked perfect, I think I ordered direct from Holley.

Posted By: beretta5spd
Date Posted: October-26-2019 at 2:01am
Originally posted by 2001Sunsport 2001Sunsport wrote:

Probably 2-3 years back now I bought a rebuild kit for my throttle body. It had new blades, gaskets, o-rings, and regulator. I'll see if I can find the paper with the kit # tomorrow as I can't find the email where I ordered it. I believe it ended up being for a carb but worked perfect, I think I ordered direct from Holley.

cool! I'll definitely need that kit if these injectors can be cleaned/rebuilt. I'm going to leave that part to the professionals though :)

If the injectors are scrap she's gonna get a quick flow m600 and be done with it

1996,1997 Sport Nautique 1986,1992 Ski Nautique - Sold
1995 Sport Nautique - Current

Posted By: Jonny Quest
Date Posted: October-26-2019 at 2:27am
Yes...the uber-scarce Holley 250R-123AA injectors. I had a shop clean and test mine. One came back “dead”. I looked for weeks in vain. I called Holley and they tried not to laugh when I asked them for replacement injectors...

Best of luck to you.


2003 Ski Nautique 206 Limited

2001 Ski Nautique Open Bow
1994 Ski Nautique Open Bow

Aqua skiing, ergo sum

Posted By: MrMcD
Date Posted: October-26-2019 at 2:37am
That rust makes me wonder if someone ran E85 ethanol fuel rather than true gasoline.


Posted By: beretta5spd
Date Posted: October-26-2019 at 3:13am
Originally posted by Jonny Quest Jonny Quest wrote:

Yes...the uber-scarce Holley 250R-123AA injectors. I had a shop clean and test mine. One came back “dead”. I looked for weeks in vain. I called Holley and they tried not to laugh when I asked them for replacement injectors...

Best of luck to you.


thanks! I need all the luck I can get :)

1996,1997 Sport Nautique 1986,1992 Ski Nautique - Sold
1995 Sport Nautique - Current

Posted By: beretta5spd
Date Posted: October-26-2019 at 3:14am
Originally posted by MrMcD MrMcD wrote:

That rust makes me wonder if someone ran E85 ethanol fuel rather than true gasoline.

that's a good thought.. although where I'm from here in canada e85 is virtually unheard of. we do have ethanol blend but not full e85 readily available

1996,1997 Sport Nautique 1986,1992 Ski Nautique - Sold
1995 Sport Nautique - Current

Posted By: beretta5spd
Date Posted: October-26-2019 at 8:13pm
Hey guys, I had a really cool day hanging out with the injector guy.

He tested the injectors and here's what we found.

1. We did a leak test. Applied around 60 psi of pressure without any power and we found that they were sealed up perfectly. That was a win to start with.

2. We did an inductance test. All of them came out fine as in "not dead." That's also a relief. The one issue we have is there's an injector that's stuck closed. Which is weird that it ran to 44 mph at 4800 rpm. Anyway... the test shows that one injector is indeed stuck. Which means it may be no good.... OR.... best case scenario.... it becomes unstuck in the ultrasonic cleaner. Thats yet tbd.

If the ultrasonic cleaning fixes the stuck injector that's a huge win.
If not... I'm going to have three benched tested, ultrasonically cleaned injectors for sale for $100 USD each ;) ... hopefully pay for a good portion of a quick fuel m600 swap.

You guys should find out shortly.

1996,1997 Sport Nautique 1986,1992 Ski Nautique - Sold
1995 Sport Nautique - Current

Posted By: 2001Sunsport
Date Posted: October-26-2019 at 11:47pm
Here's the throttle blade kit just in case, Holley 26-97. Haven't found the paperwork for the gasket/ regulator kit yet." rel="nofollow -

Posted By: 2001Sunsport
Date Posted: October-26-2019 at 11:58pm
Found it. Ordered them from Amazon. Holley 503-6 has the orings/gasket/regulator." rel="nofollow -

Posted By: beretta5spd
Date Posted: October-28-2019 at 7:41pm
Thanks 2001sunsport for the heads up!

Well we've got terrible news.

My one injector is dead.

Anyone have a 250R-123AA kicking around??? lol.

If we can't source one on the forum.... I guess I'll do the retrofit to a quick fuel.

Off I go to the parts wanted section!

1996,1997 Sport Nautique 1986,1992 Ski Nautique - Sold
1995 Sport Nautique - Current

Posted By: beretta5spd
Date Posted: November-12-2019 at 2:49pm
Quick question guys.... Do I need to run a mechanical fuel pump with a quick fuel carb setup?... or can I just use the low pressure pump that came with the pro boss Tbi injection. It's only 55 USD (almost 100 CAD after shipping and import fees). Small price to pay.... but you would think the low pressure pump would flow without issues.


1996,1997 Sport Nautique 1986,1992 Ski Nautique - Sold
1995 Sport Nautique - Current

Posted By: beretta5spd
Date Posted: November-12-2019 at 2:52pm
Also... any idea if the spark arrestor from the Tbi will work? Or where should I be looking for one?

1996,1997 Sport Nautique 1986,1992 Ski Nautique - Sold
1995 Sport Nautique - Current

Posted By: Jonny Quest
Date Posted: November-12-2019 at 3:10pm
Fuel pump for carbureted systems.
I like fuel pressure between 5 and 7 psi. Per my fuel pressure/vacuum gauge, my Carter mechanical fuel pump produces 6 psi. I would counsel you to not use the low pressure fuel pump from the TBI set up. Go with a USCG approved mechanical or electric fuel pump designed to work with a carbureted system. Your old TBI system is also likely to have a return-to-tank fuel line. That return line needs to be securely capped off.

Spark arrestor.
My OEM spark arrestor that came with the ProTech TBI system did not fit on the QuickFuel carburetor. The reason for this is that the float adjustment hardware on the QF carbs does not allow the spark arrestor to sit flush on the carburetor mounting flange. I ended up going with a K&N spark arrestor/filter that has a raised flange so as to avoid the float adjustment hardware. Along with the K&N filter I purchased the K&N marine vent hose adapters for the breather hose and the mechanical fuel pump safety hose. If you need part numbers, send me a PM.


2003 Ski Nautique 206 Limited

2001 Ski Nautique Open Bow
1994 Ski Nautique Open Bow

Aqua skiing, ergo sum

Posted By: Gary S
Date Posted: November-12-2019 at 4:18pm
It is a marine rated low pressure pump and in its current use is only used as a transfer pump- I’d try it. Thought there were some PCM engines that used it from the factory with carbs but don’t have the parts book handy

-------------" rel="nofollow - 69 Mustang HM SS
95 Nautique Super Sport

Posted By: TRBenj
Date Posted: November-12-2019 at 5:35pm
Any carb’d BBC from ‘91 forward and any SBC from 96 on has a good chance of needing an electric pump. Fords (carb’d) all had mechanical AFAIK.

Posted By: Gary S
Date Posted: November-12-2019 at 9:50pm
While Tim is technically correct I doubt there is really much difference between a GM using a Holley and an electric pump and a Ford using a Holley and a mechanical pump. Isnt a GM mechanical in the block as opposed to a Ford in the timing cover? I'm thinking GM changed the casting and or machining and the mechanical pump boss is gone requiring a different pump
Here is a snip of the PCM GM page-

-------------" rel="nofollow - 69 Mustang HM SS
95 Nautique Super Sport

Posted By: beretta5spd
Date Posted: January-15-2020 at 3:24pm
Well it looks like I've worked out a deal for an entire Pro Boss TBI fuel system from low pressure pump to injectors, pro tec ignition system from trigger through coils, and ECU from the famous Boat Dr. I'll keep you posted how this works out.

1996,1997 Sport Nautique 1986,1992 Ski Nautique - Sold
1995 Sport Nautique - Current

Posted By: Jonny Quest
Date Posted: January-15-2020 at 9:33pm
Best of luck to you. I hope you are wildly successful in bringing the patient back from the dead.


2003 Ski Nautique 206 Limited

2001 Ski Nautique Open Bow
1994 Ski Nautique Open Bow

Aqua skiing, ergo sum

Posted By: beretta5spd
Date Posted: January-16-2020 at 1:17pm
Well that fell through. Back to square 1

1996,1997 Sport Nautique 1986,1992 Ski Nautique - Sold
1995 Sport Nautique - Current

Posted By: The Dude
Date Posted: January-23-2020 at 7:23pm
Beretta, nice boat. I have no idea about most of this stuff you're talking about but my boat is a whole lot like yours. No issues w protec ignition so far. Not fuel injected. Good luck

Mullet Free since 93" rel="nofollow - 95 Sport
1978 Ski Nautique

Posted By: rosconole
Date Posted: January-23-2020 at 7:27pm
Get rid of the pro tec, you'll kill yourself trying to fix that tbi on top of the protec.

1989 ski nautique ,1991 barefoot nautique, 1993 Mustang Cobra 1998 5.0 Magazine shootout invitee

Posted By: beretta5spd
Date Posted: January-26-2020 at 11:38am
Originally posted by The Dude The Dude wrote:

Beretta, nice boat. I have no idea about most of this stuff you're talking about but my boat is a whole lot like yours. No issues w protec ignition so far. Not fuel injected. Good luck

Our boats are twins! Nice

1996,1997 Sport Nautique 1986,1992 Ski Nautique - Sold
1995 Sport Nautique - Current

Posted By: beretta5spd
Date Posted: January-26-2020 at 11:39am
Originally posted by rosconole rosconole wrote:

Get rid of the pro tec, you'll kill yourself trying to fix that tbi on top of the protec.

I'm just glad that there's a retrofit (DUI system) that's a very straightforward install. Will probably complete that at some point.

1996,1997 Sport Nautique 1986,1992 Ski Nautique - Sold
1995 Sport Nautique - Current

Posted By: The Dude
Date Posted: January-26-2020 at 5:50pm
ya, twins. I'm very curious. It looks like your port side has black between the purple and teal accent stripes, but your starboard side doesn't (like mine). I'm also curious about the ski nautique graphic on a sport.

Mullet Free since 93" rel="nofollow - 95 Sport
1978 Ski Nautique

Posted By: beretta5spd
Date Posted: January-26-2020 at 6:00pm
Originally posted by The Dude The Dude wrote:

ya, twins. I'm very curious. It looks like your port side has black between the purple and teal accent stripes, but your starboard side doesn't (like mine). I'm also curious about the ski nautique graphic on a sport.

yeah the black is a vinyl roll that was put on there. I haven't decided whether I remove it or not.

The ski nautique is the ultimate facepalm. I have no idea where it came from... but I'd like to remove it completely. makes no sense. I mean... I'm going to primarily ski behind it. but it would be better without than with I think.

1996,1997 Sport Nautique 1986,1992 Ski Nautique - Sold
1995 Sport Nautique - Current

Posted By: beretta5spd
Date Posted: May-01-2020 at 1:05am
Well crew here's the status of the Sport Nautique......


First and foremost.


He took multiple phone calls with questions about swapping the Pro Boss TBI over to the Quick Fuel m600 carb. We had virtually the same problems arise from our separate installs so he easily walked me through a stuck secondary float issue hahaha.

She actually looks better with this tower than the old boat did.... had to widen it roughly 7 inches." rel="nofollow">" rel="nofollow - IMG_2786 by" rel="nofollow - Dwight Kinley , on Flickr" rel="nofollow">" rel="nofollow - Untitled by" rel="nofollow - Dwight Kinley , on Flickr

Photos of the quick fuel:" rel="nofollow">" rel="nofollow - IMG_2732 by" rel="nofollow - Dwight Kinley , on Flickr" rel="nofollow">" rel="nofollow - IMG_2760 by" rel="nofollow - Dwight Kinley , on Flickr

Youtube of it firing up. This thing runs so good." rel="nofollow -

Parts used:
Quick fuel m600 carb
Carter M60389 pump
Sierra 18-8115 fuel line (pump to carb)
A couple fittings to attach the fuel lines to the carter.
In line fuel filter.

The best part about this setup IMO:

It idled so good after a 30 second hi idle at startup. Settles in at about 750 rpm. When I engage the trans... ZERO rpm drop. When you hammer the throttle... BAM no hesitation. I'm so impressed with this unit... Thanks to everyone who said to ditch the TBI and quit trying to find an injector.

Bring on summer 2020!

1996,1997 Sport Nautique 1986,1992 Ski Nautique - Sold
1995 Sport Nautique - Current

Posted By: beretta5spd
Date Posted: May-01-2020 at 7:18pm
Has anyone ran perfect pass with their quick fuel carb?

In the second to last photo... you can see that it looks like the fuel line would be in the way for the PP servo cable.

Anyone have recommendations for adjustment if I were to run PP?

1996,1997 Sport Nautique 1986,1992 Ski Nautique - Sold
1995 Sport Nautique - Current

Posted By: beretta5spd
Date Posted: May-15-2020 at 1:21pm
Hey guys here's a question for you.

I only got to run the boat last year with a NFG injector and couldn't hit over 4400 (unless that was standard rev limiter for 1995 Pro Boss TBI.

After the carb conversion... I tested to see how high the rpm would go. I hit 5100 rpm and it was still climbing. Did the rpm limit come from the EFI system before? I always thought that rev limit came from ignition.

Thanks for the help

1996,1997 Sport Nautique 1986,1992 Ski Nautique - Sold
1995 Sport Nautique - Current

Posted By: TRBenj
Date Posted: May-15-2020 at 1:59pm
What makes you so sure there’s a rev limiter at all? I wouldn’t expect one on the Protec stuff. I don’t believe the GT40 had one either.

Let it spin.

Posted By: Jonny Quest
Date Posted: May-15-2020 at 2:44pm
High RPM limit is based on the prop that you have. What are the specs for your wheel?

2003 Ski Nautique 206 Limited

2001 Ski Nautique Open Bow
1994 Ski Nautique Open Bow

Aqua skiing, ergo sum

Posted By: beretta5spd
Date Posted: May-15-2020 at 3:13pm
Thanks for the quick answers guys!

It was just my assumption that there was a rev limiter. Every EFI vehicle I've driven had one.

I gotta check the prop... I believe I was running maybe 44/45 mph at 5000 rpm.

New carb works great so far thanks to all the help I've got from JQ!

1996,1997 Sport Nautique 1986,1992 Ski Nautique - Sold
1995 Sport Nautique - Current

Posted By: Jonny Quest
Date Posted: May-15-2020 at 11:12pm
Glad to help out!


2003 Ski Nautique 206 Limited

2001 Ski Nautique Open Bow
1994 Ski Nautique Open Bow

Aqua skiing, ergo sum

Posted By: beretta5spd
Date Posted: May-19-2020 at 1:44pm
Prop looks like to be stock 3 blade OJ 14 x 16 cupped.

Also have a spare Acme 1579 that came with the boat.
(4 blade 13.5 x 14.25)

Any recommendations as to which one would be better in the slalom course?

I actually don't mind the idea of running out of RPM in the low/mid 40mph range.
We ski at 34 and top speed isn't a priority.

1996,1997 Sport Nautique 1986,1992 Ski Nautique - Sold
1995 Sport Nautique - Current

Posted By: beretta5spd
Date Posted: May-19-2020 at 4:08pm
OMG I just realized that the guy who sold me the boat had a wrong prop as a spare.


I need to get the 1579 checked over and find someone with a Super Air 210 or GS 20 who needs a spare

1996,1997 Sport Nautique 1986,1992 Ski Nautique - Sold
1995 Sport Nautique - Current

Posted By: Jonny Quest
Date Posted: May-19-2020 at 5:12pm
Acme 422 would be "stock". If you want a bit more hole-shot, look at the Acme 654. Should be a big upgrade from your O.J.


2003 Ski Nautique 206 Limited

2001 Ski Nautique Open Bow
1994 Ski Nautique Open Bow

Aqua skiing, ergo sum

Posted By: beretta5spd
Date Posted: May-06-2021 at 4:14pm
Originally posted by beretta5spd beretta5spd wrote:

Well crew here's the status of the Sport Nautique......


First and foremost.


He took multiple phone calls with questions about swapping the Pro Boss TBI over to the Quick Fuel m600 carb. We had virtually the same problems arise from our separate installs so he easily walked me through a stuck secondary float issue hahaha.

She actually looks better with this tower than the old boat did.... had to widen it roughly 7 inches." rel="nofollow">" rel="nofollow - IMG_2786 by" rel="nofollow - Dwight Kinley , on Flickr" rel="nofollow">" rel="nofollow - Untitled by" rel="nofollow - Dwight Kinley , on Flickr

Photos of the quick fuel:" rel="nofollow">" rel="nofollow - IMG_2732 by" rel="nofollow - Dwight Kinley , on Flickr" rel="nofollow">" rel="nofollow - IMG_2760 by" rel="nofollow - Dwight Kinley , on Flickr

Youtube of it firing up. This thing runs so good." rel="nofollow -

Parts used:
Quick fuel m600 carb
Carter M60389 pump
Sierra 18-8115 fuel line (pump to carb)
A couple fittings to attach the fuel lines to the carter.
In line fuel filter.

The best part about this setup IMO:

It idled so good after a 30 second hi idle at startup. Settles in at about 750 rpm. When I engage the trans... ZERO rpm drop. When you hammer the throttle... BAM no hesitation. I'm so impressed with this unit... Thanks to everyone who said to ditch the TBI and quit trying to find an injector.

Bring on summer 2020!

Hey guys... I'm finally getting to where I need to look into Perfect Pass for this boat.

In one of the photos above, you'll see the fuel inlet on the m600 gets in the way of where the servo cable would be on a typical Holley Carb Perfect Pass install. 

Would anyone have some wisdom on how they would attach the connector for the throttle cable/perfect pass adapter in order to provide clearance? It quite simply has to go downward. Would there be a problem attaching the "pull point" for the throttle cable/servo on one of the lower holes on the carburetor plate?


1996,1997 Sport Nautique 1986,1992 Ski Nautique - Sold
1995 Sport Nautique - Current

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