Need quick help on winterizing my new purchase.
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Printed Date: March-06-2025 at 8:16am
Topic: Need quick help on winterizing my new purchase.
Posted By: C_Heath
Subject: Need quick help on winterizing my new purchase.
Date Posted: February-13-2020 at 9:45pm
2000 pro air nautique. Gt40 351. Boat came from a warm climate to me in NC Today. I tried the boat out about 2 hours ago and now I am home. Not too worried about tonight as the low is 35 but tomorrow night it’s 21. I have secured a place until spring for storage but it won’t be ready until the weekend. I’m just worried about. Freezing Friday and Saturday night. Can anyone lend me some info on the best way to get some antifreeze in it? What all plugged need to be pulled? I have plenty of antifreeze. And go!!!!!!!! Thanks in advance! #stressing
Posted By: KENO
Date Posted: February-13-2020 at 9:59pm
Here's a video from SkiDim on winterizing a 351w
The most important thing is getting the water out and making sure no drains are plugged., before you get to putting the antifreeze in.
There are a whole bunch of ways to winterize, the method in the video works and you get a good visual set of instructions.
How's that for quick response?
Probably help if I attached the link, here it is below" rel="nofollow - link
Posted By: C_Heath
Date Posted: February-13-2020 at 10:02pm
KENO wrote:
Here's a video from SkiDim on winterizing a 351w
The most important thing is getting the water out and making sure no drains are plugged., before you get to putting the antifreeze in.
There are a whole bunch of ways to winterize, the method in the video works and you get a good visual set of instructions.
How's that for quick response?  |
Pretty quick thanks. You got a link to that vid?
Posted By: KENO
Date Posted: February-13-2020 at 10:05pm
I was editing while you were asking, go back to the other post
Posted By: Jonny Quest
Date Posted: February-13-2020 at 10:32pm
Is there electric power where the boat is? in a pinch, you can put a magnetic block heater on the block or oil pan. I did this several times when I lived in Houston. It worked for me when I didn't have time to remove water and do a proper winter lay-up. I used the Kat's magnetic heater - Part number 1155 or 1153.
------------- Current 2003 Ski Nautique 206 Limited
Previous 2001 Ski Nautique Open Bow 1994 Ski Nautique Open Bow
Aqua skiing, ergo sum
Posted By: C_Heath
Date Posted: February-13-2020 at 10:33pm
Bam thanks. I just went back out. Was going to do the light bulb thing under the doghouse but the engine is still probably 100 degrees. I think I’m good tonight. I’ll watch the video and memorize the drain plugs and filler up with some Prestone tomorrow after work. Thanks again.
Posted By: C_Heath
Date Posted: February-13-2020 at 10:42pm
KENO wrote:
Here's a video from SkiDim on winterizing a 351w
The most important thing is getting the water out and making sure no drains are plugged., before you get to putting the antifreeze in.
There are a whole bunch of ways to winterize, the method in the video works and you get a good visual set of instructions.
How's that for quick response?
Outstanding!! Even tells me what tools to bring to the boat. I’ll have this son if a gun. Ready tomorrow before dark. Thanks again man. Great stuff!!!! Probably help if I attached the link, here it is below" rel="nofollow - link |
Posted By: samudj01
Date Posted: February-14-2020 at 12:05am
Not prestone. You want rv antifreeze. Pink stuff at Walmart and auto parts stores. Cheap. Like $4 a gallon or something. Not harmful to the environment when you fire it up come April. Also, while I am not an expert I have heard a rule of thumb is 24 degrees for 24 hrs to crack a block. I dont take that chance. In nc I winterize in oct or nov and pop back in the water in april.
------------- 78 Ski Tique, 72 Skier w/302's, 93 SN w/351 & 17 GS22 w/zr409 Previous - 99 Sport Nautique w/GT40 and 87 Martinique w/351
Posted By: 8122pbrainard
Date Posted: February-14-2020 at 12:07am
samudj01 wrote:
while I am not an expert I have heard a rule of thumb is 24 degrees for 24 hrs to crack a block. | Longer, more like 48 hours but, draining is the safe way.
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64 X55 Dunphy
Keep it original, Pete <
Posted By: 8122pbrainard
Date Posted: February-14-2020 at 12:09am
Jonny Quest wrote:
Is there electric power where the boat is? in a pinch, you can put a magnetic block heater on the block or oil pan. I did this several times when I lived in Houston. It worked for me when I didn't have time to remove water and do a proper winter lay-up. I used the Kat's magnetic heater - Part number 1155 or 1153.
JQ | The watt density of the magnetic oil pan heaters is high so, you will end up burning the oil way before you get any heat way up to the water jackets.
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/diaries/details.asp?ID=2179" rel="nofollow - 77 Tique
64 X55 Dunphy
Keep it original, Pete <
Posted By: C_Heath
Date Posted: February-14-2020 at 12:22am
8122pbrainard wrote:
samudj01 wrote:
while I am not an expert I have heard a rule of thumb is 24 degrees for 24 hrs to crack a block. | Longer, more like 48 hours but, draining is the safe way. |
I’m not taking a chance. This is a super high dollar boat for me. I have twins in a private college and it makes one poor lol. It will be done before sunset tomorrow. Thanks for all the help guys.
Posted By: Jonny Quest
Date Posted: February-14-2020 at 12:54am
Pretty sure I put the magnetic heater on the block and not on the oil pan. Good catch, Pete.
The heater did keep everything fairly warm inside a closed engine cover.
------------- Current 2003 Ski Nautique 206 Limited
Previous 2001 Ski Nautique Open Bow 1994 Ski Nautique Open Bow
Aqua skiing, ergo sum
Posted By: 8122pbrainard
Date Posted: February-14-2020 at 9:00am
Jonny Quest wrote:
The heater did keep everything fairly warm inside a closed engine cover. JQ | The sound insulation inside the engine hatch is also a great thermal insulator so yes, it stays warm for a pretty long time. Also the reason in many cases a simple incandescent bulb will do the job. Don't use one of the new LED's!
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64 X55 Dunphy
Keep it original, Pete <
Posted By: NCH20SKIER
Date Posted: February-14-2020 at 9:30am
If I am done for the season it is drain and the RV antifreeze. If not done and skiing throughout the cold months it is two drop lights lying in the bilge.
------------- '05 206 Limited '88 BFN
Posted By: KENO
Date Posted: February-14-2020 at 10:49am
So........... since we seem to talk a lot about USCG/marine approved starters, alternators, carburetors, fuel line etc and how they help to minimize the chance of an explosion, why do people do things like put light bulbs, heaters etc that aren't USCG/marine approved in the enclosed bilge area?
Must be a money saving thing since the approved stuff is expensive or maybe "they don't know what they're talking about" or maybe " slim chance of that happening to me"
Plenty of people seem to do it
Posted By: Hollywood
Date Posted: February-14-2020 at 11:30am
I have the 200 watt kats magnetic heater. It works great. I tested it on a junk short block (on the block not oil pan) in my driveway (no motor box) and it kept all areas of the block in the mid 30s while the ambient temp was in the low teens. It did burn the paint locally.
I have 2 now so I’m going to try to use a cloth or something in between to actually lower the local temp and use one on each side next time.
Posted By: Riley
Date Posted: February-14-2020 at 11:34am
If it's going to go below freezing, why not just drain the block? It takes 5 minutes.
Posted By: Hollywood
Date Posted: February-14-2020 at 11:48am
Posted By: 75 Tique
Date Posted: February-14-2020 at 12:11pm
Riley wrote:
If it's going to go below freezing, why not just drain the block? It takes 5 minutes. |
Especially here in NC, where we dont have long, hard freeze, 6 month layups and a chance to use our boats all year when conditions cooperate. I probably have it comfortably under 5 minutes with these additions, tho I still have one hose to take off, on the bottom end of the tranny cooler.

I suppose I could have gone to skidim and paid $135 for these, but I think I accomplished the same thing for $15-$20.

(HW, I did that so I could save money to buy some new equipment)
------------- _____________ “So, how was your weekend?” “Well, let me see…sun burn, stiff neck, screwed up back, assorted aches and pains….yup, my weekend was great, thanks for asking.”
Posted By: C_Heath
Date Posted: February-14-2020 at 12:31pm
75 Tique wrote:
Riley wrote:
If it's going to go below freezing, why not just drain the block? It takes 5 minutes. |
Especially here in NC, where we dont have long, hard freeze, 6 month layups and a chance to use our boats all year when conditions cooperate. I probably have it comfortably under 5 minutes with these additions, tho I still have one hose to take off, on the bottom end of the tranny cooler.

I suppose I could have gone to skidim and paid $135 for these, but I think I accomplished the same thing for $15-$20.

(HW, I did that so I could save money to buy some new equipment) |
Good stuff is that on nautique parts?
Posted By: NCH20SKIER
Date Posted: February-14-2020 at 12:39pm
Most any auto parts store. No need for marine rated............
------------- '05 206 Limited '88 BFN
Posted By: 75 Tique
Date Posted: February-14-2020 at 12:44pm
As greg said, the set I used came from hardware store (or auto parts store). If you like to spend, the catalogue cut is from SKIDIM." rel="nofollow - Search "drains"
Where in NC are you?
------------- _____________ “So, how was your weekend?” “Well, let me see…sun burn, stiff neck, screwed up back, assorted aches and pains….yup, my weekend was great, thanks for asking.”
Posted By: TRBenj
Date Posted: February-14-2020 at 1:03pm
Those small quick drains on the large exh manifold plugs make me nervous.. seems I’m always getting large scale out of cast iron manifolds. Probe carefully every time. Mcmaster sells nicer all-brass versions of the quick drains... solid handles that are easier on (cold) fingers and they don’t rust.
Posted By: 75 Tique
Date Posted: February-14-2020 at 1:16pm
I hear ya tim, had the same concerns. Especially since you cant probe them (the inlets on the stem are on the sides, not the end of the stem) The tique had heftier drains in the block that you could probe or even pull the stem all the way out. I went for these for now, either to upgrade later or just remove once a year to clean out behind. So far they flow nicely when opened, so, so far so good.
------------- _____________ “So, how was your weekend?” “Well, let me see…sun burn, stiff neck, screwed up back, assorted aches and pains….yup, my weekend was great, thanks for asking.”
Posted By: TRBenj
Date Posted: February-14-2020 at 1:21pm
FYI the mcmaster version comes all the way out so you can probe. Even if they flow well, it doesn’t take much to block the opening. Even the block drains with fully removed plugs seem to stop up pretty regularly (often half way through the drain so it is far from obvious).
Posted By: beretta5spd
Date Posted: February-14-2020 at 2:29pm
I was losing my mind when I seen the three small plugs in the picture above. I was trying to think of where the third plug in the block went. Phew..... took my a couple minutes to realize it’s the water pump drain plug hahaha
------------- 1996,1997 Sport Nautique 1986,1992 Ski Nautique - Sold 1995 Sport Nautique - Current
Posted By: C_Heath
Date Posted: February-14-2020 at 2:57pm
75 Tique wrote:
As greg said, the set I used came from hardware store (or auto parts store). If you like to spend, the catalogue cut is from SKIDIM." rel="nofollow - Search "drains"
Where in NC are you?
Lake Norman
Posted By: 8122pbrainard
Date Posted: February-14-2020 at 3:49pm
TRBenj wrote:
FYI the mcmaster version comes all the way out so you can probe. Even if they flow well, it doesn’t take much to block the opening. Even the block drains with fully removed plugs seem to stop up pretty regularly . | Yes, probing with a wire is always recommended.
Here's the removable stem drain cock so you can probe.

I wouldn't bother with the non removable stem type since you will end up having to removed them anyway to get a wire through.
The McMaster removable type are available up to a 3/8" NPT so bushings are needed on some manifolds.
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54 Atom
/diaries/details.asp?ID=2179" rel="nofollow - 77 Tique
64 X55 Dunphy
Keep it original, Pete <
Posted By: Riley
Date Posted: February-14-2020 at 4:00pm
These seem a lot simpler if you don't like using a wrench on the hex plug.. Harnden Marine make them out of stainless if you don't like plastic." rel="nofollow -
Posted By: Hollywood
Date Posted: February-14-2020 at 4:03pm
Those don’t look like pipe threads
Posted By: Riley
Date Posted: February-14-2020 at 4:05pm
They screw into the block and hold. I used to winterize my neighbor's 377 Mercruiser. These plugs, which were everywhere, were the one thing that impressed me with it the most.
Posted By: MrMcD
Date Posted: February-14-2020 at 5:06pm
For those that install anti freeze in the blocks, where does that product go when the boat is launched next year. Anti Freeze is pretty toxic stuff to put in our waterways. It think a system drain is safe and not toxic.
Posted By: Gary S
Date Posted: February-14-2020 at 5:07pm
Those are on my 95. The trouble I find with those Bruce is that the oring falls off of them real easy at the most inopportune time and into the most inaccessible place.
-------------" rel="nofollow - 69 Mustang HM SS 95 Nautique Super Sport
Posted By: 8122pbrainard
Date Posted: February-14-2020 at 5:22pm
MrMcD wrote:
For those that install anti freeze in the blocks, where does that product go when the boat is launched next year. Anti Freeze is pretty toxic stuff to put in our waterways. It think a system drain is safe and not toxic. |
"Propylene Glycol based. Glycol based antifreeze is safe on your lawn, septic tank, and storm sewers. As it is a mineral oil it also will lubricate the seals as opposed to dry them out. But the most amusing fact about it is that there is nothing that suggests it is harmful to ingest. I wanted to back this fact up so I checked the MSDS and the only reference to health effects is it may cause diarrhea if ingested in large quantities. Many studies on rodents have shown no long term effect on them as well."
------------- /diaries/details.asp?ID=1622" rel="nofollow -
54 Atom
/diaries/details.asp?ID=2179" rel="nofollow - 77 Tique
64 X55 Dunphy
Keep it original, Pete <
Posted By: Riley
Date Posted: February-14-2020 at 5:27pm
8122pbrainard wrote:
MrMcD wrote:
For those that install anti freeze in the blocks, where does that product go when the boat is launched next year. Anti Freeze is pretty toxic stuff to put in our waterways. It think a system drain is safe and not toxic. |
"Propylene Glycol based. Glycol based antifreeze is safe on your lawn, septic tank, and storm sewers. As it is a mineral oil it also will lubricate the seals as opposed to dry them out. But the most amusing fact about it is that there is nothing that suggests it is harmful to ingest. I wanted to back this fact up so I checked the MSDS and the only reference to health effects is it may cause diarrhea if ingested in large quantities. Many studies on rodents have shown no long term effect on them as well."
They say it's non toxic, but it kills my grass. Dump a gallon on your grass and see what happens.
Posted By: Gary S
Date Posted: February-14-2020 at 5:53pm
Like either of you two could find any grass when it's 100 below out....
-------------" rel="nofollow - 69 Mustang HM SS 95 Nautique Super Sport
Posted By: Riley
Date Posted: February-14-2020 at 5:58pm
It's been a mild, warm winter. Grass will be sprouting in a few weeks...
Posted By: 8122pbrainard
Date Posted: February-14-2020 at 6:38pm
Gary S wrote:
Like either of you two could find any grass when it's 100 below out....  |
Riley wrote:
It's been a mild, warm winter. Grass will be sprouting in a few weeks... | Bruce, Not here! I had -23 on the lezmobile thermometer on the way to work this morning. And, we still have about 18" of snow on the flat.
BTW, I don't have any grass to test the AF on come spring. I'll go to a neighbors and dump a gal to see what happens!
------------- /diaries/details.asp?ID=1622" rel="nofollow -
54 Atom
/diaries/details.asp?ID=2179" rel="nofollow - 77 Tique
64 X55 Dunphy
Keep it original, Pete <
Posted By: KENO
Date Posted: February-14-2020 at 7:27pm
Riley wrote:
These seem a lot simpler if you don't like using a wrench on the hex plug.. Harnden Marine make them out of stainless if you don't like plastic." rel="nofollow - |
Hollywood wrote:
Those don’t look like pipe threads |
That's because they're not
For something like the block drain that's usually a 1/4 NPT they use an adapter to go from the 1/4 NPT to the size of the plastic plug threads that are just normal ol' 1/2-13 straight threads with a little groove for the O ring that does the sealing
Posted By: TRBenj
Date Posted: February-14-2020 at 7:34pm
Is Canadian grass known to be fragile?
Posted By: Riley
Date Posted: February-14-2020 at 7:43pm
TRBenj wrote:
Is Canadian grass known to be fragile? |
Must be, because the grass no sooner turns back to green after spring time fire up, then it turns brown again from winterizing. We blame it on Dave.
Posted By: TRBenj
Date Posted: February-14-2020 at 8:03pm
Sounds like you’re winterizing too early?
Posted By: Riley
Date Posted: February-14-2020 at 8:13pm
The 1st, (your favorite) got done beginning of August. The last beginning of December.
Posted By: MrMcD
Date Posted: February-14-2020 at 8:23pm
Our winter has ended already, very strange for this time of year but I had to mow my lawn this week. Usually don't do that till April. I have not read the MSDS sheets but I was in Yosemete when a guy blew a radiator hose on the park highway and they had the police out there talking about him paying for an environmental clean up. They did not think it was non toxic.
Posted By: Riley
Date Posted: February-14-2020 at 8:31pm
Mark, RV anti freeze is far less toxic than Prestone.
Posted By: baitkiller
Date Posted: February-14-2020 at 8:34pm
Mr. D. the stuff they are talking about is called RV antifreeze and is developed / marketed for freeze protection of potable water and waste systems in RVs / cabins. Its ~3 bucks a bottle at wally world and universally used to winterize marine engines. This ain't ethylene glycol.
------------- Jesus was a bare-footer.............
Posted By: 8122pbrainard
Date Posted: February-14-2020 at 9:35pm
MrMcD wrote:
I have not read the MSDS sheets but I was in Yosemete when a guy blew a radiator hose on the park highway and they had the police out there talking about him paying for an environmental clean up. They did not think it was non toxic. | Mark, There are two basic types of antifreeze. The RV non toxic propylene glycol and then the toxic typically used in car engines which is ethylene glycol.
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64 X55 Dunphy
Keep it original, Pete <
Posted By: MrMcD
Date Posted: February-15-2020 at 1:29am
Boater still in training I guess.
Posted By: 8122pbrainard
Date Posted: February-15-2020 at 8:48am
MrMcD wrote:
Boater still in training I guess.  | Mark, No, you just don't do as much winterizing in Californian as those who live in colder spots of the states.
------------- /diaries/details.asp?ID=1622" rel="nofollow -
54 Atom
/diaries/details.asp?ID=2179" rel="nofollow - 77 Tique
64 X55 Dunphy
Keep it original, Pete <
Posted By: Hollywood
Date Posted: February-15-2020 at 12:15pm
Why are you winterizing your grass Bruce
Posted By: C_Heath
Date Posted: February-15-2020 at 1:14pm
8122pbrainard wrote:
MrMcD wrote:
Boater still in training I guess.  | Mark, No, you just don't do as much winterizing in Californian as those who live in colder spots of the states.  |
This is my 3rd boat but nothing like the other 2. I was in a pinch for time and all these kick ass people came through but one. Pretty good odds. I was able to drain all 5 drains and get 2 gallons of RV antifreeze through it before dark. It was 19 this morn and I feel confident that it will be ok. Thanks again!
------------- 1979 Calipso Runabout (the boat that got it all started) 1988 Mastercraft ProStar 190 (sold) 2000 Pro Air Nautique/GT40
Posted By: KENO
Date Posted: February-15-2020 at 3:06pm
Just to double check on you, how did you get the antifreeze into the engine?
In the video at about the 4:30 point he talks about sucking up the antifreeze and has a hose hooked directly to the water pump inlet but.........he talks about hooking the hose in the back by the strainer or transmission cooler inlet.
That's so that whatever you're sucking up goes through the strainer, transmission cooler and the line from the cooler to the RWP.
Hopefully you hooked it up back there, otherwise your strainer, transmission cooler and the line to the pump didn't get antifreeze through them.
If you just hooked it to the pump, before you get to excited, if you think about the hose from the cooler being disconnected at the pump, and you laid that down in the bilge it would drain the hose and the cooler but the strainer would need to have the housing unscrewed and drained.
Why only 2 gallons?, most people do 5 gallons to get the antifreeze run through everything and coming out the exhaust with the suck up method
Posted By: 8122pbrainard
Date Posted: February-15-2020 at 3:39pm
Riley wrote:
They say it's non toxic, but it kills my grass. Dump a gallon on your grass and see what happens. | Bruce, Are you sure it's not your dog?

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/diaries/details.asp?ID=2179" rel="nofollow - 77 Tique
64 X55 Dunphy
Keep it original, Pete <
Posted By: C_Heath
Date Posted: February-15-2020 at 4:12pm
8122pbrainard wrote:
Riley wrote:
They say it's non toxic, but it kills my grass. Dump a gallon on your grass and see what happens. | Bruce, Are you sure it's not your dog?
Good call and I noticed that. I went for the inlet hose from the lake but I could not get that hose off for anything. I was able to get the hose off just past the strainer. I believe that hose also had the 2 tranny cooler hoses running back to the tranny. The only thing that I couldn’t get was the strainer itself but I was able to flush it. I also added 2 more gallons of rv a/f this morning. We don’t have much more cold weather in the forecast I don’t think. At least as far as I can see out. Maybe 3-5 more nights of freezing temps and it should warm up. Thanks again!
Posted By: KENO
Date Posted: February-15-2020 at 4:39pm
I think you'll be fine then.
By the way. you'll get this quoting thing figured out eventually
Posted By: Seancc1988
Date Posted: February-15-2020 at 4:57pm
Posted By: 75 Tique
Date Posted: February-15-2020 at 7:54pm
C_Heath wrote:
8122pbrainard wrote:
MrMcD wrote:
Boater still in training I guess.  | Mark, No, you just don't do as much winterizing in Californian as those who live in colder spots of the states.  |
Haha what a comment. 99.9% of helpful people and one with little mans syndrome. It’s ok I got it. Thanks to all that helped. This is my 3rd boat but nothing like the other 2. I was in a pinch for time and all these kick ass people came through but one. Pretty good odds. I was able to drain all 5 drains and get 2 gallons of RV antifreeze through it before dark. It was 19 this morn and I feel confident that it will be ok. Thanks again! |
Chris, not sure whose remark you didnt care for, since I think MrMcD was referring to himself, not you and Pete was just poking him. Not sure if you have been lurking here for a long time and know how we get along, or if you just discovered us, but keep in mind, some of us have been on here together as many as 15 years. (wow, hard to believe, isnt it guys) and one of the rules of conduct we live by was stated nicely on this little meme(?) I stumbled across recently..

So, dont take offense to anything said, no harm was intended, welcome aboard, and glad you got the info you needed to get through this little, albiet annoying, cold snap. We've had a mild winter and when it warmed up last week (in the 70s for those of you not paying attention) I thought we had turned the corner toward spring, and then we get clobbered with low to mid 20s Ugh.
------------- _____________ “So, how was your weekend?” “Well, let me see…sun burn, stiff neck, screwed up back, assorted aches and pains….yup, my weekend was great, thanks for asking.”
Posted By: 8122pbrainard
Date Posted: February-15-2020 at 10:42pm
75 Tique wrote:
8122pbrainard wrote:
Mark, No, you just don't do as much winterizing in Californian as those who live in colder spots of the states.  |
Chris, not sure whose remark you didnt care for, since I think MrMcD was referring to himself, not you and Pete was just poking him.
| Larry, I wasn't trying to "poke" at Mark at all. In Fact, I was trying to make him feel better about his boating and antifreeze knowledge since as mentioned, parts of California don't need to worry about winterizing.
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64 X55 Dunphy
Keep it original, Pete <
Posted By: C_Heath
Date Posted: February-16-2020 at 12:57am
Chris, not sure whose remark you didnt care for, since I think MrMcD was referring to himself, not you and Pete was just poking him.
Lol sorry guys it’s NC for North Carolina. 🤪. My bad for not being clear. I didnt think about that. It’s all good men! The forum has Ben super helpful so far. I’m just thankful for the help. I’m sure it won’t be the last I’ll need. Have a great rest of the weekend.
Posted By: 67 ski nat
Date Posted: February-16-2020 at 11:52am
Thank you ‘75 tique’ for your comments, well done We should welcome all newbies with CC’s
Posted By: 67 ski nat
Date Posted: February-16-2020 at 11:58am
C_heath, everything is completely normal They ALL really mean well Think of it as initiation, you passed
Posted By: 63 Skier
Date Posted: February-16-2020 at 12:00pm
I don't know who was saying what about whom. I just know I'm offended. I didn't like Larry's tone.
------------- '63 American Skier - '98 Sport Nautique
Posted By: 75 Tique
Date Posted: February-16-2020 at 12:05pm
I have that effect on people. Comes with age. I've become my father. Now excuse me while I go tell some kids to get off my lawn.
------------- _____________ “So, how was your weekend?” “Well, let me see…sun burn, stiff neck, screwed up back, assorted aches and pains….yup, my weekend was great, thanks for asking.”
Posted By: tryathlete
Date Posted: February-16-2020 at 12:20pm" rel="nofollow - Get off of my lawn
Posted By: Moody Blue
Date Posted: February-16-2020 at 12:58pm
I know it’s been settled but a quick re-read of the comments is clear that Mark was speaking of himself. No harm.
------------- ‘72 Martinique, ‘60 Cavalier
Posted By: C_Heath
Date Posted: February-16-2020 at 1:37pm
Moody Blue wrote:
I know it’s been settled but a quick re-read of the comments is clear that Mark was speaking of himself. No harm. |
Yes my bad 100% lol
Posted By: Moody Blue
Date Posted: February-16-2020 at 2:06pm
Don’t feel bad. I had to read it again to get it.
------------- ‘72 Martinique, ‘60 Cavalier
Posted By: MrMcD
Date Posted: February-17-2020 at 6:29pm
Wow, I missed all the fuss been busy with other projects. Larry thanks for the defense, I had no idea I had pissed someone off. My comment certainly pointed at my California experience and even working in Automotive and heavy truck for 35 years I had never been exposed to RV antifreeze so I leaned something on this post and admitted it by my boater in training comment with intent to acknowledge my lack of knowledge. C_Heath this great forum gave you quick and very good advice that you can't find or buy most anywhere. I don't recall ever being called little man before, could have hurt my feelings. Dang
Posted By: C_Heath
Date Posted: February-18-2020 at 12:42pm
MrMcD wrote:
Wow, I missed all the fuss been busy with other projects. Larry thanks for the defense, I had no idea I had pissed someone off. My comment certainly pointed at my California experience and even working in Automotive and heavy truck for 35 years I had never been exposed to RV antifreeze so I leaned something on this post and admitted it by my boater in training comment with intent to acknowledge my lack of knowledge. C_Heath this great forum gave you quick and very good advice that you can't find or buy most anywhere. I don't recall ever being called little man before, could have hurt my feelings. Dang |
No worries man, I certainly apologize for being that guy. So Im checking my phone during these comments last week and about to have a stroke because 2 hours before I peeled off more cash than I ever have (and Im 47) for a boat that came from warm, south Alabama to the frozen tundra of NC and I had literally 45 min of light left and temps in the teens by morning and an engine full of fresh lake water from a test ride. Man, I needed help! lol You guys came through tho. It was bed time but I got all the drains emptied and RV antifreeze in it and the transmission. Rock on man.
Posted By: 63 Skier
Date Posted: February-18-2020 at 1:15pm
Chris, put up some pictures of the boat when you get a chance.
------------- '63 American Skier - '98 Sport Nautique
Posted By: MrMcD
Date Posted: February-18-2020 at 3:36pm
Good Catch 63 Skier, normally any new member gets abuse if pictures are not supplied right away. The forum recognized your plea for urgent help and gave you a pass on the picture requests, now that your boat is out of danger it is a good time to supply a picture of your new toy. You can use it for your avatar also.
Posted By: Donald80SN
Date Posted: February-19-2020 at 12:44am
Chris, I live in Denver (Lake Norman), NC, and own a similar boat. I use to fill with RV Antifreeze, but now I do not do it any more. I just try to make sure I remove all of the water from the system that I can. No liquid, nothing to freeze. Fee Free to PM me if you have any questions. I travel with my job (exotic dancer) and I am dealing with elderly parents that live one hour North of me most weekends. However, I can help. I too have two kids in college and a dog in daycare so I feel your pain.
------------- 1980 Ski Nautique SOLD Back to Cypress Gardens 2002 Sport Nautique, GT-40, FCT2, Cover Sports, Tower Bimini, Inc., Wet Sounds Audio System, Star Gazer Wake Edition S. 1968 Ski Nautique, Project.
Posted By: Gary S
Date Posted: February-19-2020 at 9:18am
Don good to see your still working- with the economy booming I’ll bet there is less competition especially with both daughters in school it has to help the cash flow. Wait til you marry them off . Do they still do the shotgun thing way down south there? Where do your parents live on the weekends when they are not an hour north?
-------------" rel="nofollow - 69 Mustang HM SS 95 Nautique Super Sport
Posted By: C_Heath
Date Posted: February-19-2020 at 12:03pm
63 Skier wrote:
Chris, put up some pictures of the boat when you get a chance. |
I literally have 2 pics lol. We have had a month of rain and my yard is a mudhole. I pulled in and the boat just sank up. Tires are muddy. Now we have snow coming tomorrow. I just want to at least wash the mud off of the tires for petes sake.

Posted By: C_Heath
Date Posted: February-19-2020 at 12:05pm
Donald80SN wrote:
Chris, I live in Denver (Lake Norman), NC, and own a similar boat. I use to fill with RV Antifreeze, but now I do not do it any more. I just try to make sure I remove all of the water from the system that I can. No liquid, nothing to freeze. Fee Free to PM me if you have any questions. I travel with my job (exotic dancer) and I am dealing with elderly parents that live one hour North of me most weekends. However, I can help. I too have two kids in college and a dog in daycare so I feel your pain.
Donald |
Awesome man will do. We tested the boat from Stumpy Creek. Ran good, I was impressed. Find me some dry storage for cheap! Im broke now lol. Love to have somewhere to store it down there. My Tacoma pulls it good but stopping and curves are a different story.
Posted By: C_Heath
Date Posted: February-19-2020 at 12:13pm
MrMcD wrote:
Good Catch 63 Skier, normally any new member gets abuse if pictures are not supplied right away. The forum recognized your plea for urgent help and gave you a pass on the picture requests, now that your boat is out of danger it is a good time to supply a picture of your new toy. You can use it for your avatar also. |
Done! Working on the avatar and Sig stuff now lol
------------- 1979 Calipso Runabout (the boat that got it all started) 1988 Mastercraft ProStar 190 (sold) 2000 Pro Air Nautique/GT40
Posted By: 63 Skier
Date Posted: February-19-2020 at 12:51pm
Nice looking boat! Hope your mud season doesn't last too long. I don't know the tow rating of the Tacoma but looks like it is squatting pretty good, and the tongue weight shouldn't be all that much on that boat/trailer. Also sounds like your surge brakes on the trailer aren't working, they would solve the stopping issue and on that truck you might be putting others in danger by not having decent brakes.
------------- '63 American Skier - '98 Sport Nautique
Posted By: C_Heath
Date Posted: February-19-2020 at 1:01pm
63 Skier wrote:
Nice looking boat! Hope your mud season doesn't last too long. I don't know the tow rating of the Tacoma but looks like it is squatting pretty good, and the tongue weight shouldn't be all that much on that boat/trailer. Also sounds like your surge brakes on the trailer aren't working, they would solve the stopping issue and on that truck you might be putting others in danger by not having decent brakes. |
My truck is rated at 6500 pounds tho I wouldn't want to pull anything any heavier for sure. Id say that Im around 5k or a tad more. It does have the add-a-leaf addition to the rear and new shocks and heavy duty off road springs. Also the factory tranny cooler. Also everything under the truck is new from Toyota, Frame, Drive shafts, U-joints, Control arms, brake lines etc. All covered in a recall. The trailer itself has the actuator box. First one I've ever seen. When I hit the brakes, the weight of the boat pushes against the box and adding in brakes. I think thats the gist of it. One of my lakes will be 98% interstate but my favorite one is 65 miles of ups and downs and big high speed curves. Dont look forward to that one but I love that lake (philpot in VA)
------------- 1979 Calipso Runabout (the boat that got it all started) 1988 Mastercraft ProStar 190 (sold) 2000 Pro Air Nautique/GT40
Posted By: Orlando76
Date Posted: February-19-2020 at 2:25pm
That Tacoma has all the balls needed to pull that boat and stop it.
------------- Please support The Cystic Fibrosis Foundation 1976 Ski Nautique 351 Escort 1993 Ski Nautique purple and black 351 HO PCM
Posted By: C_Heath
Date Posted: February-19-2020 at 2:40pm
Orlando76 wrote:
That Tacoma has all the balls needed to pull that boat and stop it. |
good! new OEM brakes all around as well. I think it will be ok.
------------- 1979 Calipso Runabout (the boat that got it all started) 1988 Mastercraft ProStar 190 (sold) 2000 Pro Air Nautique/GT40
Posted By: Orlando76
Date Posted: February-19-2020 at 2:51pm
Where are you located that Phillpot is 65 miles away? I’ve been to Phillpot but hadn’t been on it. I’ve heard mixed reviews from one extreme to the other.
------------- Please support The Cystic Fibrosis Foundation 1976 Ski Nautique 351 Escort 1993 Ski Nautique purple and black 351 HO PCM
Posted By: 63 Skier
Date Posted: February-19-2020 at 3:03pm
Orlando76 wrote:
That Tacoma has all the balls needed to pull that boat and stop it. |
Not to be disagreeable, but if no surge brakes then a Tacoma will stop it, but not exactly promptly. A vehicle like that isn't meant to brake another 4,500 lbs. that is trying to run it over. Short hops, sure no problem, we've all done it. Highway trips and up and down windy roads, not a great idea.
Not saying the Tacoma isn't a capable tow vehicle for this purpose, just that the trailer brakes need to be working to be safe.
------------- '63 American Skier - '98 Sport Nautique
Posted By: 63 Skier
Date Posted: February-19-2020 at 3:04pm
Now in re-reading I'm not clear if the surge brakes are working, or not. If they are I can't see why stopping has been a problem.
------------- '63 American Skier - '98 Sport Nautique
Posted By: C_Heath
Date Posted: February-19-2020 at 5:47pm
Orlando76 wrote:
Where are you located that Phillpot is 65 miles away? I’ve been to Phillpot but hadn’t been on it. I’ve heard mixed reviews from one extreme to the other. |
Im 25 miles north of Winston Salem in NC. Almost into Va.
------------- 1979 Calipso Runabout (the boat that got it all started) 1988 Mastercraft ProStar 190 (sold) 2000 Pro Air Nautique/GT40
Posted By: C_Heath
Date Posted: February-19-2020 at 5:48pm
63 Skier wrote:
Orlando76 wrote:
That Tacoma has all the balls needed to pull that boat and stop it. |
Not to be disagreeable, but if no surge brakes then a Tacoma will stop it, but not exactly promptly. A vehicle like that isn't meant to brake another 4,500 lbs. that is trying to run it over. Short hops, sure no problem, we've all done it. Highway trips and up and down windy roads, not a great idea.
Not saying the Tacoma isn't a capable tow vehicle for this purpose, just that the trailer brakes need to be working to be safe. |
Its not pushing me through stop signs but its pretty heavy. Ill snap a pic of the brake box on the trailer. Never seen one like it before. I havent had a boat in 20 years either tho.
------------- 1979 Calipso Runabout (the boat that got it all started) 1988 Mastercraft ProStar 190 (sold) 2000 Pro Air Nautique/GT40
Posted By: Orlando76
Date Posted: February-19-2020 at 5:57pm
I have a little spot just outside of Eden and property boundary is state line. I serve some prison time at my in-laws in Danville.
------------- Please support The Cystic Fibrosis Foundation 1976 Ski Nautique 351 Escort 1993 Ski Nautique purple and black 351 HO PCM
Posted By: C_Heath
Date Posted: February-19-2020 at 9:42pm
Orlando76 wrote:
I have a little spot just outside of Eden and property boundary is state line. I serve some prison time at my in-laws in Danville. |
Lol, if you are up there Saturday take a little time and ride over to silver creek road. There’s a Remote control racetrack there. They run nitro OFFROAD buggies there. I go there a lot. It will kill some time away from the in-laws. Lol
------------- 1979 Calipso Runabout (the boat that got it all started) 1988 Mastercraft ProStar 190 (sold) 2000 Pro Air Nautique/GT40
Posted By: 75 Tique
Date Posted: February-20-2020 at 11:18am
Orlando76 wrote:
I have a little spot just outside of Eden and property boundary is state line. I serve some prison time at my in-laws in Danville. |
Didnt know (or recall?) that you had an NC connection. You are about 2 hours from me, maybe a little less and even closer to Greg. Let us know when you are in the area and looking for a pull. Heck, I'll even put out the "Balls of Death" for you.
------------- _____________ “So, how was your weekend?” “Well, let me see…sun burn, stiff neck, screwed up back, assorted aches and pains….yup, my weekend was great, thanks for asking.”
Posted By: Orlando76
Date Posted: February-20-2020 at 2:16pm
75 Tique wrote:
Orlando76 wrote:
I have a little spot just outside of Eden and property boundary is state line. I serve some prison time at my in-laws in Danville. |
Didnt know (or recall?) that you had an NC connection. You are about 2 hours from me, maybe a little less and even closer to Greg. Let us know when you are in the area and looking for a pull. Heck, I'll even put out the "Balls of Death" for you.
If you’re familiar with Danville, would you honestly claim connection?!
When I boat up there it’s on SML but I try to limit my trips up there to the hunting seasons.
------------- Please support The Cystic Fibrosis Foundation 1976 Ski Nautique 351 Escort 1993 Ski Nautique purple and black 351 HO PCM
Posted By: C_Heath
Date Posted: February-20-2020 at 2:24pm
C_Heath wrote:
63 Skier wrote:
Orlando76 wrote:
That Tacoma has all the balls needed to pull that boat and stop it. |
Not to be disagreeable, but if no surge brakes then a Tacoma will stop it, but not exactly promptly. A vehicle like that isn't meant to brake another 4,500 lbs. that is trying to run it over. Short hops, sure no problem, we've all done it. Highway trips and up and down windy roads, not a great idea.
Not saying the Tacoma isn't a capable tow vehicle for this purpose, just that the trailer brakes need to be working to be safe. |
Its not pushing me through stop signs but its pretty heavy. Ill snap a pic of the brake box on the trailer. Never seen one like it before. I havent had a boat in 20 years either tho. |

------------- 1979 Calipso Runabout (the boat that got it all started) 1988 Mastercraft ProStar 190 (sold) 2000 Pro Air Nautique/GT40
Posted By: MrMcD
Date Posted: February-20-2020 at 2:41pm
That is a typical surge brake, I have the same unit on my car trailer. They work great when they work. When these are working you hit the brakes in your car or truck and just after that you feel the boat brakes start working and you can ease off your car brakes a little as you manage your stop. After the stop when you take off you will feel a slight tug as the boat brakes are still applied. When your tow vehicle starts to move it will release the trailer brake. If you are paying attention you will feel this slight tug as the tow car first starts to move, very slight but you know you just released the trailer brake. When they are not working you will hear more than feel the surge brake on the trailer apply as you brake but you don't feel the trailer brakes kick in to slow you down.
They work very well normally but take a little maintenance every year to make sure you are good to go. Check the fluid, I use 100% Dot 5 because it will not remove your trailer paint when it spills. Dot 3,4, and 5.1 will all remove paint at first touch. To run the Dot 5 your system must be flushed because Dot 5 is not compatible with any of the other brake fluids. Rust in your trailer brakes, Low fluid or a leaking wheel cylinder can stop these from working. They also get out of adjustment as the brake pads wear and they do not auto adjust so you need to go under the trailer about once a year and give the brake a quick adjustment. I check mine every year before the season to make sure they are working. I know other guys who have had their boats 10 years and not ever touched the brakes? In my opinion they have no idea if those brakes work proper or not at this point.
Your boat and truck look great. Should give you years of fun with the family.
Posted By: Gary S
Date Posted: February-20-2020 at 2:41pm
Chris - I have the same setup on my Shamrocks trailer pretty much the old standard. Without a reverse lockout I’m guessing you have drum brakes on it. Probably needs some attention. Once the boats off you could jack the trailer up and with a helper at least see if they are working. You can place a big screwdriver in the front of that master cylinder and push back on that rod that has the two nuts on it - that is the master cylinders push rod. There are rollers under that tin cover as well that could need lubricant. They won’t work as nice as the new disc brake setups but should do the job.
-------------" rel="nofollow - 69 Mustang HM SS 95 Nautique Super Sport
Posted By: Donald80SN
Date Posted: February-20-2020 at 3:22pm
Gary S wrote:
Don good to see your still working- with the economy booming I’ll bet there is less competition especially with both daughters in school it has to help the cash flow. Wait til you marry them off . Do they still do the shotgun thing way down south there? Where do your parents live on the weekends when they are not an hour north? |
Yes, the ladies still love a full figured guy. Those Mary Kay Conventions get real crazy when the ladies are away from home.
My sister does three days each week during the week and I do the weekends. I have a lady that comes in each morning and another one that comes into their home the evenings when we are not there. My dad just spent six days in the hospital and the last seven days at a rehab facility. He will be released next Tuesday, we hope. He (83) and my mother (84) are on that down hill slide. Work is crazy and I travel 13 states with work. Never a dull moment. I put 25 hours on the boat last summer when i normally get 60. This summer is looking bad for boat time.
When i get through this, I will then have the in-laws to deal with. They are younger than my parents. Then it is my turn to put the diaper on.
------------- 1980 Ski Nautique SOLD Back to Cypress Gardens 2002 Sport Nautique, GT-40, FCT2, Cover Sports, Tower Bimini, Inc., Wet Sounds Audio System, Star Gazer Wake Edition S. 1968 Ski Nautique, Project.
Posted By: C_Heath
Date Posted: February-20-2020 at 4:50pm
MrMcD wrote:
That is a typical surge brake, I have the same unit on my car trailer. They work great when they work. When these are working you hit the brakes in your car or truck and just after that you feel the boat brakes start working and you can ease off your car brakes a little as you manage your stop. After the stop when you take off you will feel a slight tug as the boat brakes are still applied. When your tow vehicle starts to move it will release the trailer brake. If you are paying attention you will feel this slight tug as the tow car first starts to move, very slight but you know you just released the trailer brake. When they are not working you will hear more than feel the surge brake on the trailer apply as you brake but you don't feel the trailer brakes kick in to slow you down.
They work very well normally but take a little maintenance every year to make sure you are good to go. Check the fluid, I use 100% Dot 5 because it will not remove your trailer paint when it spills. Dot 3,4, and 5.1 will all remove paint at first touch. To run the Dot 5 your system must be flushed because Dot 5 is not compatible with any of the other brake fluids.
Rust in your trailer brakes, Low fluid or a leaking wheel cylinder can stop these from working. They also get out of adjustment as the brake pads wear and they do not auto adjust so you need to go under the trailer about once a year and give the brake a quick adjustment. I check mine every year before the season to make sure they are working. I know other guys who have had their boats 10 years and not ever touched the brakes? In my opinion they have no idea if those brakes work proper or not at this point.
Your boat and truck look great. Should give you years of fun with the family. |
Thanks! I dont feel the trailer pulling me back at all. When I get on the brakes hard, my pedal just goes further than it does without the boat. May have to do some investigating. The brakes are dis
------------- 1979 Calipso Runabout (the boat that got it all started) 1988 Mastercraft ProStar 190 (sold) 2000 Pro Air Nautique/GT40
Posted By: C_Heath
Date Posted: February-20-2020 at 4:53pm
Gary S wrote:
Chris - I have the same setup on my Shamrocks trailer pretty much the old standard. Without a reverse lockout I’m guessing you have drum brakes on it. Probably needs some attention. Once the boats off you could jack the trailer up and with a helper at least see if they are working. You can place a big screwdriver in the front of that master cylinder and push back on that rod that has the two nuts on it - that is the master cylinders push rod. There are rollers under that tin cover as well that could need lubricant. They won’t work as nice as the new disc brake setups but should do the job. |
These are discs. Its pouring snow. Ill check all these tips out. I dont feel the trailer tugging me back and I get into the brakes pretty hard. Thanks alot.
------------- 1979 Calipso Runabout (the boat that got it all started) 1988 Mastercraft ProStar 190 (sold) 2000 Pro Air Nautique/GT40
Posted By: 8122pbrainard
Date Posted: February-20-2020 at 5:45pm
Chris, I can't tell from the pictures but does the trailer have a fold away or removable tongue? If so is there a quick connect fitting in the hydraulic brake line that may be disconnected?
------------- /diaries/details.asp?ID=1622" rel="nofollow -
54 Atom
/diaries/details.asp?ID=2179" rel="nofollow - 77 Tique
64 X55 Dunphy
Keep it original, Pete <
Posted By: MrMcD
Date Posted: February-21-2020 at 12:27am
Disc brakes are a nice upgrade, I wish I had them. It does sound like they are not working but an inspection will let you know. Not hard to fix and not too expensive either.
Posted By: C_Heath
Date Posted: February-21-2020 at 3:52pm
8122pbrainard wrote:
Chris, I can't tell from the pictures but does the trailer have a fold away or removable tongue? If so is there a quick connect fitting in the hydraulic brake line that may be disconnected? |
I dont think but will make sure. It snowed yesterday. We never have snow unless I buy a boat lol.
------------- 1979 Calipso Runabout (the boat that got it all started) 1988 Mastercraft ProStar 190 (sold) 2000 Pro Air Nautique/GT40
Posted By: C_Heath
Date Posted: February-21-2020 at 3:52pm
MrMcD wrote:
Disc brakes are a nice upgrade, I wish I had them. It does sound like they are not working but an inspection will let you know. Not hard to fix and not too expensive either. |
------------- 1979 Calipso Runabout (the boat that got it all started) 1988 Mastercraft ProStar 190 (sold) 2000 Pro Air Nautique/GT40
Posted By: Orlando76
Date Posted: February-21-2020 at 4:16pm
C_Heath wrote:
8122pbrainard wrote:
Chris, I can't tell from the pictures but does the trailer have a fold away or removable tongue? If so is there a quick connect fitting in the hydraulic brake line that may be disconnected? |
I dont think but will make sure. It snowed yesterday. We never have snow unless I buy a boat lol.
| doesn’t appear to, looks like the A Frame is tied together right behind the actuator.
------------- Please support The Cystic Fibrosis Foundation 1976 Ski Nautique 351 Escort 1993 Ski Nautique purple and black 351 HO PCM