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196 , 1997 Stern Seat Base

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Category: General Correct Craft Discussion
Forum Name: General Discussion
Forum Discription: Anything Correct Craft
Printed Date: March-06-2025 at 8:37am

Topic: 196 , 1997 Stern Seat Base
Posted By: Marks196
Subject: 196 , 1997 Stern Seat Base
Date Posted: April-01-2020 at 1:09pm
I have recently purchased a 1997 , 196 that never had a stern/rear seat .
If anyone has a boat with one fitted could you please post a couple of photos of the base please.
Im hoping to make a base myself and have the seat back and cushions made .
Any help on this would be fantastic.

Mark Smith

Posted By: 70CC
Date Posted: April-04-2020 at 8:40pm
Here are some pics of the rear seat in my 97:


Posted By: AlfaDon
Date Posted: April-05-2020 at 1:57am
I don't have any pictures as my boat's in storage for the winter. Min doesn't look like the 97. It's a fiberglass base with the foam and upholstery attached to the base. In looking at the pictures of the 97, I'd much rather have that set up. I really like the idea of being able to remove the center cushion for stepping in from the swim platform.

I wonder if the seat base from a 196 will fit?


Posted By: Marks196
Date Posted: April-06-2020 at 2:53pm
That’s brilliant
Thanks very much .👍👍

Mark Smith

Posted By: AlfaDon
Date Posted: April-06-2020 at 3:01pm
I realize in looking at some other pictures, the later 176 or Air Tique had a move-able seat that turned into a sun platform. There are small shelves on the side of the seat back where you can rest the now raised seat bottom. I haven't seen one of these in person.

Posted By: 75 Tique
Date Posted: April-06-2020 at 3:13pm
Originally posted by AlfaDon AlfaDon wrote:

I wonder if the seat base from a 196 will fit?

I am guessing not. 176 beam = 88"    SN beam = 91"

“So, how was your weekend?”
“Well, let me see…sun burn, stiff neck, screwed up back, assorted aches and pains….yup, my weekend was great, thanks for asking.”

Posted By: TRBenj
Date Posted: April-06-2020 at 3:57pm
Highly doubtful... different shaped boats despite the similar (max) width. If Cc was able to use a parts bin rear seat back then I bet they would have... but it’s not the same base afaik.

The bases for the higher mounting of the bottom as a sun pad were pretty firmly attached to the deck if they weren’t full molded in. I am not sure if that was a later addition or just an option. Thought my early 176 had it.

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