'68 Mustang Takee Outee
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Printed Date: March-06-2025 at 7:58am
Topic: '68 Mustang Takee Outee
Posted By: Wilson_1968
Subject: '68 Mustang Takee Outee
Date Posted: April-01-2020 at 7:46pm
Now serving freshly prepared Chinese carry-out to patrons of the Barbee chain, Wawasee and Dewart lakes in northern Indiana. In the process of hanging a grill off the side to serve the needs of the boating community during this Covid crisis. On slow days will rely on the needs of the diving community as filler.
Thought some of you would like to see improvements to my lil' baybay since last we talked (wum seine). Top-end rebuild allows her to purr like a kitty and roar like a lion. Already on the water here and looking fwd to a warm few next days. DNR allowing boating thankfully.
Amidst this prose, I do have a legit question. Final photo below, shows windshield clip where I'm experiencing worn 11/32" weatherstripping which causes a metal to glass rub. Is there a work around for this, or do I need to buy a roll of this and only use 2"? I have some old floor mats that I could use for material. Any other material ideas to solve?

Posted By: Chucky
Date Posted: April-01-2020 at 10:57pm
Nice looking boat. Your coil wire fell out.
Posted By: Gary S
Date Posted: April-01-2020 at 11:24pm
Wilson_1968 wrote:
Amidst this prose, I do have a legit question. Final photo below, shows windshield clip where I'm experiencing worn 11/32" weatherstripping which causes a metal to glass rub. Is there a work around for this, or do I need to buy a roll of this and only use 2"? I have some old floor mats that I could use for material. Any other material ideas to solve?
Are you talking the little pad that sits in a groove on the top edge of that clip ? I was missing one of those and was able to take a clear vinyl hose and trim it to fit by cutting it length wise. Once in place as you tighten it down it will be held in place. If you want to avoid some headaches through bolt all windshield fasteners other wise the screws used can pull out loosing whatever they are holding on. When that happens good luck finding replacements.
------------- http://www.correctcraftfan.com/diaries/details.asp?ID=1711&sort=&pagenum=1&yrstart=1966&yrend=1970" rel="nofollow - 69 Mustang HM SS 95 Nautique Super Sport
Posted By: Wilson_1968
Date Posted: April-02-2020 at 5:36am
Thanks Gary, especially the thru-bolt hint. I'll make them locking nuts also.
Chucky, I'm enjoying your resto and learning muchos. Continued success!
Btw, that stray red wire that you all noticed running from coil is switched at the batt. serving as hillbilly ign. fix. Gotta make due during these times Pete..
Posted By: KENO
Date Posted: April-02-2020 at 9:04am
I think eagle eyed Chucky is really pointing out that the coil wire between the distributor cap and the coil is unplugged from the cap.
You know, that big thick black wire laying in front of the distributor that should be plugged into that hole in the cap
She probably doesn't purr or roar like that,
Wilson_1968 wrote:

Posted By: Wilson_1968
Date Posted: April-02-2020 at 10:23am
Thar she blows, wum sane. Time to go get'r wet again as soon as the fog lifts.