Bimini top
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Category: General Correct Craft Discussion
Forum Name: General Discussion
Forum Discription: Anything Correct Craft
Printed Date: March-06-2025 at 4:08am
Topic: Bimini top
Posted By: Highflyin504
Subject: Bimini top
Date Posted: April-23-2020 at 10:18pm
Hello all, Just a general topic that I was curious about. So last year I was getting roasted by the sun and so was the pup. We set up a patio umbrella and attached it to the ski pylon of my 81 nautique. Yes it looked a little trashy, but it did the trick in a pinch.
I was just curious if they made any style Bimini top for boats that do not have mounts for one. I do not want to drill into the gunwale of the boat. I do have a fly high Pylon extension that I just bought over the winter. I noticed that barefoot international had previously made a rag top that mounted to this, but it is no longer in production. Just curious if anyone has any ideas or did something similar.
Thanks Jon
Posted By: schultz227
Date Posted: April-25-2020 at 10:01pm
I have the carver covers direct, super sport Bimini as its called, go to that website and look for the super sport Bimini. looks great and covers well