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New Member, First Correct Craft

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Category: General Correct Craft Discussion
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Printed Date: March-05-2025 at 10:37pm

Topic: New Member, First Correct Craft
Posted By: Atomic Dam
Subject: New Member, First Correct Craft
Date Posted: May-26-2020 at 8:39pm
Hello All... I am not new to boating, but I bought my first Correct Craft today. It's a 1975 Southwind 20 with a Pleasure Craft Ford 351 with 582 hours on it, start on the first bump and runs like a top. This is my first inboard, and my first larger boat. I moved from a 15' hydra sports 255z which is just a little bass boat. I never fished, and just used the boat as a pleasure boat. I have kids, and wanted to give them something they could really enjoy so I searched and purchased this boat. I grew up on the water, and around pontoon boats, I know how to handle a boat, but like I said, this is nothing like where my experience lies. I'm sure I will have lots of questions, and from what I can tell this seems like the place to query. First and foremost, does anyone know where I can find a cover that connect to the top of the windshield and back? I see them on these types of boats all over the internet, but can't seem to find anyone who carry's them. all I can find is generic bimini tops.

In closing, I am open to any and all advice or wisdom you all have to offer and look forward to being a part of the Correct Craft community.


Please support The Cystic Fibrosis Foundation
OEF/OIF US Army Combat Veteran
'75 Southwind 20 Escort 351W

Posted By: rebel skier
Date Posted: May-27-2020 at 10:23am
Welcome Atom! For a cover like that you have to add snaps to the hull. I say get a full cover. If you really want the cover you are talking about I suspect you are going to have to go to a canvas shop and have one made - unless I am misunderstanding what you are describing.

Hotty Toddy lets go skiing!

Posted By: 67 ski nat
Date Posted: May-27-2020 at 10:46am
Welcome atom. I think there is correct craft called atom skier?
Enjoy. A nice custom fit cover exactly the way you want it would be cool

Posted By: Fabcon
Date Posted: May-27-2020 at 11:31am
John Welcome, This is a great site for all correct crafts. You picked out a really nice family boat. You should have a lot of fun this summer with it. Does the boat already have the snaps in place on the boat for a cover?

1976 Ski Nautique 351 Escort
1984 Barefoot Nautique (Parting Out)

Posted By: Atomic Dam
Date Posted: May-27-2020 at 2:13pm
Yes Sir it does. Though no top came with the boat. I have a full cover that straps to the trailer or under the hull when its out of the water, but I was really just wanting a mooring cover that I could throw on it while docked.

Please support The Cystic Fibrosis Foundation
OEF/OIF US Army Combat Veteran
'75 Southwind 20 Escort 351W

Posted By: Atomic Dam
Date Posted: May-27-2020 at 2:18pm
Took her out out last night on our maiden voyage. Having never driven an inboard before I was terrified when docking for fuel and getting her trailer-ed, Though it went off without a hitch. Boy does this thing sound beautiful. Like a muscle car on the water.

Please support The Cystic Fibrosis Foundation
OEF/OIF US Army Combat Veteran
'75 Southwind 20 Escort 351W

Posted By: zwoobah
Date Posted: May-27-2020 at 2:33pm
I'd find a local boat shop that can make a cover to fit your existing snaps.

Boat looks great. Docking an inboard is a challenge. The rudder is much smaller than the lower unit on an I/O out outboard. If the prop isn't pushing water over the rudder, it won't steer the boat - so if you need steering you need to be in forward gear. I bump the boat in and out of gear to get it pointed correctly and then I drift in the last foot to the dock.

1968 Mustang 16 - 351W powered

Posted By: Atomic Dam
Date Posted: May-27-2020 at 3:23pm
Thanks for the advice. I managed pretty well last night, but the conditions were favorable and no wind. We'll see how I do under pressure.

Please support The Cystic Fibrosis Foundation
OEF/OIF US Army Combat Veteran
'75 Southwind 20 Escort 351W

Posted By: 63 Skier
Date Posted: May-27-2020 at 3:49pm
Congrats on the new boat! You picked a really nice family boat, tons of room, plenty of power, sounds great, can handle big lake chop pretty well. Good luck with it!

There's a few things you might want to do early in ownership, unless you bought it from someone that for sure did them before the sale. First is raw water impeller replacement, very easy to do. If it hasn't been done, or if the boat was run dry at all, the impeller might be in bad shape and if pieces start coming off of it you can cause some problems. Next is an oil change and transmission fluid change. I'd say change out the 2 belts as well. That's about it if you aren't experiencing any problems.

'63 American Skier - '98 Sport Nautique

Posted By: Atomic Dam
Date Posted: May-27-2020 at 3:59pm
That's good advice thank you. Is there anywhere on this site that offers a tutorial for impeller replacement and transmission fluid change? The previous owner was diligent in it's upkeep, and the oil was changed when it went in to storage at the end of last season, and the belts are in solid shape. I have plans to do an oil change this weekend. The transmission though, didn't consider that.

Please support The Cystic Fibrosis Foundation
OEF/OIF US Army Combat Veteran
'75 Southwind 20 Escort 351W

Posted By: 8122pbrainard
Date Posted: May-27-2020 at 4:15pm
John," rel="nofollow - Here's your guide on impeller replacement Jamestown is also a source for a new impeller.

As mentioned, do not run the engine without water. The RWP (raw water pump) impeller in water lubricated and without water they will burn up quickly. I've seen it even at the boat ramp where the engine is started. "we had better see if it starts before we put it in the water" scenario.

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54 Atom

/diaries/details.asp?ID=2179" rel="nofollow - 77 Tique

64 X55 Dunphy

Keep it original, Pete

Posted By: 63 Skier
Date Posted: May-27-2020 at 5:00pm
Tranny fluid change is easy but you need a manual suction pump or air driven oil remover. I'd say if you pull the dip stick to check level and the oil looks clean and no froth or milky look, you can get by and do it at the end of this season. Some people do it every year, I don't.

'63 American Skier - '98 Sport Nautique

Posted By: 63 Skier
Date Posted: May-27-2020 at 5:00pm
Then again I just noticed you are in TX, which means your season might be almost all year. Might want to get it done.

'63 American Skier - '98 Sport Nautique

Posted By: SNobsessed
Date Posted: May-27-2020 at 10:32pm
Congratulations on your purchase. You will find that the maintenance is pretty low tech & easy to DIY.

Docking takes some practice, the boat will 'walk' to one side when in reverse, so learn to use that to bring the stern into the dock.

“Beer is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy.”

Ben Franklin

Posted By: Fabcon
Date Posted: May-27-2020 at 11:19pm
John when you get a chance how about a picture of the motor

1976 Ski Nautique 351 Escort
1984 Barefoot Nautique (Parting Out)

Posted By: Atomic Dam
Date Posted: May-28-2020 at 11:02am
I did notice that in reverse is has a port side yawing tendency. It's mild but certainly there. I have only had it out once, but docked it pretty well for my first time I thought. Came in at a bout a 45 degree angle on the port side and just bumped the reverse and I docked flat like the space shuttle. I was so nervous, I couldn't get my card in the fuel pump after I tied her off. Great fun though.

Please support The Cystic Fibrosis Foundation
OEF/OIF US Army Combat Veteran
'75 Southwind 20 Escort 351W

Posted By: Atomic Dam
Date Posted: May-28-2020 at 11:02am
Yeah, I sure will.. should be sunny today, I will get a shot when I get her uncovered.

Please support The Cystic Fibrosis Foundation
OEF/OIF US Army Combat Veteran
'75 Southwind 20 Escort 351W

Posted By: fanofccfan
Date Posted: May-28-2020 at 11:12am
Nice boat! welcome and more pictures are encouraged!

2004 196 LE Ski 1969 Marauder 19 1978 Ski

Posted By: 63 Skier
Date Posted: May-28-2020 at 11:53am
Well nobody on this site has ever messed up docking, had to go hard in reverse to avoid banging into a dock, or been nervous around a public dock!   

I've had good and bad experiences, like all of us. Bad - trying to hold an inboard in a line of boats waiting for dock space. It's doable, people in other boats wonder why I'm going hard to port in forward 1st before backing up, just trying to keep from going sideways. It's a challenge and I've had to just leave the line and re-locate at times, or in wind had to break out the dreaded paddle.. The good is knowing at what rate my boat walks to port in reverse, heading into a crowded dock, docks and boats on both sides of me, and spinning the boat 180 degrees into a space between boats, using the reverse walk to advantage. I've waited for applause but for some reason it never happens.

It sounds like you did a great job for your first outing, some people get how to maneuver these boats right away.

'63 American Skier - '98 Sport Nautique

Posted By: 67 ski nat
Date Posted: May-28-2020 at 11:57am
There is a kid on YouTube that has a short tutorial. Pretty good
You did it perfect like in his video
Propeller acts more like a paddle pulling sideways to port
One side of dock should be easier, rinse and repeat
Reversed rotation motor??

Posted By: Atomic Dam
Date Posted: May-28-2020 at 12:00pm
Thanks for the horror stories. Im so glad you mentioned the paddle. I have thought about scenereo in which i may need it to to dock safely and thought if i said it outloud i would be exiled. :)

Please support The Cystic Fibrosis Foundation
OEF/OIF US Army Combat Veteran
'75 Southwind 20 Escort 351W

Posted By: 63 Skier
Date Posted: May-28-2020 at 1:01pm
I won't lie, in my younger days pride might get in the way of using a paddle. Now, at 58, I'll grab a paddle, ask for help, whatever is needed, I'm just not going to worry about being a hero or what people think of my boating skills, or lack of.

'63 American Skier - '98 Sport Nautique

Posted By: Hollywood
Date Posted: May-28-2020 at 1:13pm
Southwind 20 closed bow, the only Southwind worth a damn! Nice boat. Get some more pictures up.

Posted By: Atomic Dam
Date Posted: May-29-2020 at 8:30pm

Here's that engine.

Please support The Cystic Fibrosis Foundation
OEF/OIF US Army Combat Veteran
'75 Southwind 20 Escort 351W

Posted By: Fabcon
Date Posted: May-30-2020 at 1:27am
Very clean, you found a really nice boat

1976 Ski Nautique 351 Escort
1984 Barefoot Nautique (Parting Out)

Posted By: Southvvind
Date Posted: June-01-2020 at 9:40am
Gorgeous boat - we'll be going on this journey at the same time. I'm not new to inboards but I've been out of the community lately and coming back to it now. I have a closed bow Southwind too, it's almost identical to your rig. This is mine, I believe it is a 72 but it's basically identical to yours so I'm not so sure at the moment. It sounds like a classic aircraft to me, amazing sound as you pointed out..

Posted By: Southvvind
Date Posted: June-01-2020 at 9:59am
Looks like you have a ski pylon and mine.... is not so equipped. That fact is making me nervous to think about.

Posted By: Atomic Dam
Date Posted: June-01-2020 at 11:14am
Originally posted by Southvvind Southvvind wrote:

Looks like you have a ski pylon and mine.... is not so equipped. That fact is making me nervous to think about.

Oh man, your is beautiful. Mine is not quite as pretty to look at but she has been well taken care of. Does yours have the PCM 351, or the escort/PCM 351? I found out mine was the escort model when trying to purchase an impeller for it. Would be nice to know I'm not alone in the oddball engine category. (Factory engine)

Mine does have the Ski Pylon, but I have seen quite a few south winds without them. Looking at the original brochure, it does not mention a ski pylon as standard feature. Come to think of it, I have never seen another Southwind 20 with one

Please support The Cystic Fibrosis Foundation
OEF/OIF US Army Combat Veteran
'75 Southwind 20 Escort 351W

Posted By: 8122pbrainard
Date Posted: June-01-2020 at 11:26am
Originally posted by Atomic Dam Atomic Dam wrote:

Does yours have the PCM 351, or the escort/PCM 351?   Would be nice to know I'm not alone in the oddball engine category.


/diaries/details.asp?ID=1622" rel="nofollow -

54 Atom

/diaries/details.asp?ID=2179" rel="nofollow - 77 Tique

64 X55 Dunphy

Keep it original, Pete

Posted By: Atomic Dam
Date Posted: June-01-2020 at 11:36am
"oddball" [/QUOTE]

That did not offer me much confidence...   

Please support The Cystic Fibrosis Foundation
OEF/OIF US Army Combat Veteran
'75 Southwind 20 Escort 351W

Posted By: Atomic Dam
Date Posted: June-01-2020 at 11:44am
Originally posted by Southvvind Southvvind wrote:

Looks like you have a ski pylon and mine.... is not so equipped. That fact is making me nervous to think about.

So I found this on the CCF site. Apparently ski pylons weren't unheard of.

Please support The Cystic Fibrosis Foundation
OEF/OIF US Army Combat Veteran
'75 Southwind 20 Escort 351W

Posted By: Fabcon
Date Posted: June-01-2020 at 1:44pm
I have the Escort 351 in my SN so you are not alone, there are some out there. Its a fine motor. Parts are not that hard to find you just have to do a little research and then do a little digging.

1976 Ski Nautique 351 Escort
1984 Barefoot Nautique (Parting Out)

Posted By: Atomic Dam
Date Posted: June-01-2020 at 1:53pm
Originally posted by Fabcon Fabcon wrote:

I have the Escort 351 in my SN so you are not alone, there are some out there. Its a fine motor. Parts are not hat hard to find you just have to do a little research and then do a little digging.

Great to know. This one was well taken care of, and has low hours, so I am hoping that she will continue to do the job for a long while. I added you as a buddy, so I can query you if I have problems or questions.

Please support The Cystic Fibrosis Foundation
OEF/OIF US Army Combat Veteran
'75 Southwind 20 Escort 351W

Posted By: Fabcon
Date Posted: June-01-2020 at 2:10pm

1976 Ski Nautique 351 Escort
1984 Barefoot Nautique (Parting Out)

Posted By: 8122pbrainard
Date Posted: June-01-2020 at 2:10pm
And I have the 302 in my Tique and agree that parts aren't that hard to find. Keep in mind, it's still a small block Ford.

I really don't know why you are concerned about your "oddball".

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54 Atom

/diaries/details.asp?ID=2179" rel="nofollow - 77 Tique

64 X55 Dunphy

Keep it original, Pete

Posted By: Atomic Dam
Date Posted: June-01-2020 at 2:16pm
Originally posted by 8122pbrainard 8122pbrainard wrote:

And I have the 302 in my Tique and agree that parts aren't that hard to find. Keep in mind, it's still a small block Ford.

I really don't know why you are concerned about your "oddball".

Glad I have some people out there to ask. I was concerned because I can't really find much info on it. I have had engines that were discontinued in the past, and if it broke, you better be good under the hood, because you were on your own. I was afraid I got myself into one of those situations, but they seem more common than I initially thought,

Please support The Cystic Fibrosis Foundation
OEF/OIF US Army Combat Veteran
'75 Southwind 20 Escort 351W

Posted By: Fabcon
Date Posted: June-01-2020 at 2:24pm
Like Peter says it`s just a small block ford pretty simple to work on.

1976 Ski Nautique 351 Escort
1984 Barefoot Nautique (Parting Out)

Posted By: KENO
Date Posted: June-01-2020 at 2:57pm
Originally posted by Fabcon Fabcon wrote:

I have the Escort 351 in my SN so you are not alone, there are some out there. Its a fine motor. Parts are not that hard to find you just have to do a little research and then do a little digging.

Like Fabcon said with a little research or substituting of parts you'll be fine.

Ford built the engine and different companies marinized them each a little differently

It's some of the "bolt ons" that you'll find issues with like

The distributor (some have a Mallory like yours and Fabcon's, later ones like Pete's have a Prestolite. Easy to find most distributor related parts but not all of them. You can put a new distributor in if needed though.

The alternator and voltage regulator. The originals were discontinued long ago but easy enough to modernize if necessary.

The raw water pump, you've already run into that. Some had a Jabsco, some had a Sherwood.

The exhaust manifolds, plenty of PCM pyramid style around to fit if you need to replace what you have now.

The thermostat housing is "different" or "odd" too but you can work around that issue also

Fuel pumps, you can find a marine one to fit whether you have a Carter or an AC brand

Probably a few other things too, like the wiring diagram that Pete posted, you could call it "representative" of what yours is like. That diagram was originally from Waukesha and PCM was a division of Waukesha, then they became PCM and a little later bought the Escort assets and a little later the Escort name was history.

Posted By: 8122pbrainard
Date Posted: June-01-2020 at 2:59pm
Originally posted by Atomic Dam Atomic Dam wrote:

Hello All... I am not new to boating, but I bought my first Correct Craft today. It's a 1975 Southwind 20 with a Pleasure Craft Ford 351

A little history may make you feel better regarding your Escort. At the beginning , Marine engines were pretty much build from scratch meaning they had dedicated blocks. Then around the 30's, the marine engines started using industrial engine blocks such as Hercules and Continental by bolting on the marine components. After WWII, the marinizers switched to automotive blocks but still just bolted on components making the engine a "marine". This is still true today that the marine engine is based off common engine blocks. In the case of the Escort engine manifolds and some of the cooling components may be different BUT, PCM parts will fit the basic block.

You are good to go and get out there and enjoy the water.

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54 Atom

/diaries/details.asp?ID=2179" rel="nofollow - 77 Tique

64 X55 Dunphy

Keep it original, Pete

Posted By: Atomic Dam
Date Posted: June-01-2020 at 5:03pm
Thank for the history. I am going to do some general research when I get off work and see what I can dig up on it.

Can one of you guys tell me if the O ring in the Impeller housing is an absolute? I see most kits come with them, but the impeller that I ordered was the impeller only, and when I opened it up, there was no O ring present, nor was there any kind of indention that would say there was supposed to have been one in there.

It's a Jabsco Pump model 17100-0001

Please support The Cystic Fibrosis Foundation
OEF/OIF US Army Combat Veteran
'75 Southwind 20 Escort 351W

Posted By: 8122pbrainard
Date Posted: June-01-2020 at 5:15pm
John," rel="nofollow - Looks like it's just a gasket

/diaries/details.asp?ID=1622" rel="nofollow -

54 Atom

/diaries/details.asp?ID=2179" rel="nofollow - 77 Tique

64 X55 Dunphy

Keep it original, Pete

Posted By: Atomic Dam
Date Posted: June-01-2020 at 6:10pm
That is the image I keep running into on my searches. Mine is a strait through with the in and out flow directly opposed with only a 3 bolt pattern. Here is the cover. I suppose they could have made them in more then one way.

Please support The Cystic Fibrosis Foundation
OEF/OIF US Army Combat Veteran
'75 Southwind 20 Escort 351W

Posted By: Gary S
Date Posted: June-01-2020 at 6:18pm
I believe PCM’s Chevy based Excalibur is now even out of production. So unless you have a very new Correct Craft boat every engine they have ever used is out of production anyway. So unless your willing to spend 100k plus you will have to do some searching when you need something.

-------------" rel="nofollow - 69 Mustang HM SS
95 Nautique Super Sport

Posted By: Gary S
Date Posted: June-01-2020 at 6:33pm
Here is a little secret on Jabsco pumps- many covers are interchangeable. If a cover with a certain model number is/was not available another was substituted. That’s why unless your 100% positive why you have to order impellers by dimensions like Pete references above.

-------------" rel="nofollow - 69 Mustang HM SS
95 Nautique Super Sport

Posted By: KENO
Date Posted: June-01-2020 at 6:49pm
Originally posted by Atomic Dam Atomic Dam wrote:

That is the image I keep running into on my searches. Mine is a strait through with the in and out flow directly opposed with only a 3 bolt pattern. Here is the cover. I suppose they could have made them in more then one way.

Click on the link below and you'll find some pertinent info for your pump including mention of the impeller number (which happens to be the one you ordered or at least cross references to the one you ordered)

And you "supposed" right......................It has port arrangements like you describe and also a 3 bolt cover.

And it mentions a couple of gaskets # 14 in the diagram part number 17106-0000 and no O rings.

It just might answer your questions.................maybe   

It mentions plastic bodies but there were metal replacements for them too." rel="nofollow - link

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