Hi All need some help trying to solve an issue I have with my engine. It is currently running rich (plugs smell like gas and have gas on them)
I gave the engine a complete tune up last year (distributor, plugs, cleaned out the filter and manifold, even replaced the python purple wires with new ones) in hopes this would solve the problem
I don't want to chase parts, I live in Canada and buying from nautique parts with the shipping is quite costly with a 40% FX rate.
From a variety of research on the internet I am wondering if it is
1. Knock Sensor (if so where do I find this on the block) 2. Thermal Coolant Temp sensor (if so where do I find this on the block)
Not sure if the engine has a OBD2 hook up as this would make this so much easier. I assume the answer is NO but thought I would throw it out there.
Any other thoughts or experience with this ? I have the 8.2L Python powered engine (99 SN)