Voltmeter, Alternator, and a Battery
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Topic: Voltmeter, Alternator, and a Battery
Posted By: Otto Throttle
Subject: Voltmeter, Alternator, and a Battery
Date Posted: June-28-2020 at 12:45am
Hello... I have a 99 SN with the PCM 285 hp engine. I noticed on its maiden voyage this year my voltmeter was indicating 12 volt. Prior to installing I kept it on a battery tender in the basement. Much to my surprise when I installed it the perfect pass just sat there and beeped. I called them on the phone and he told me that it was because I didn’t have enough voltage... so I checked condition and charged it with regular battery charger...it stopped beeping.
While on the lake I noticed 12 volts on the gage... I came home and put on the tender. Went to check it before I took it out and only 10 volts. Battery was a 2018 series 65 from Walmart and who knows how old the alternator was so I replaced it. I also wanted to replace the impeller and belts too, so I used it as an excuse to update these components as well. Glad I did the impeller was bad...royal pain in the butt but glad I did it Got it all put back together Started her up and only got 10 to 11 volts on the meter, but the pump worked well and belts were nice and quiet!
I looked in PCM Manual trouble shooting Section and it said bad battery could cause this problem as well as the alternator.
Here are my questions as it is a new to me boat 2 years ago:
1). I can’t find a series 65 marine battery, I’m sure a car battery is not designed for this, My compartment says series 48 or 41. I can’t find one. What size marine grade battery fits in there?
2) I listen to the radio while resting that’s all, starting battery or dual purpose?
3). Do alternators of that year have built in voltage regulators, or do I have to check that too?
Thanks... hope to find a battery and test this out...battery voltage gauge is only 2 years old.
------------- Otto
Posted By: James T Brockma
Date Posted: June-28-2020 at 1:00pm
Others with much more knowledge will chime in but to start off try these few recommends. You may have something as simple as a bad ground. Disregard the dash voltage gauge for now. Get your VOM out. Check the voltage of your battery across the battery terminals. If it is fully charged your should see around 12.6 volts. Next clean the battery terminals and battery cable terminal clamps with a battery terminal cleaner brush tool. Next trace the neg (Black) battery cable back to where it grounds to the engine block. Remove it and clean both the cable terminal and the block to assure a good ground. Group 41 and 48 automotive STARTING batteries are readily available and should be fine for your application.
------------- Jim '06 216
'98 SN 176
Posted By: 8122pbrainard
Date Posted: June-28-2020 at 2:19pm
Chris, Good move on looking for a new battery since I question it's condition and here's why. I'm not a believer of battery "maintainers" due to my experience with them. Back in the Y2K scare days I installed a whole house generator and since it did not have a on board charger, I installed a maintainer. Less than 2 years later the battery failed. Then two more battery failures at about the same 2 year time period each. So, I installed another brand of maintainer. Same thing and three more batteries. After the approximate 12 years, I asked at Napa what they thought was going on and the reply was the maintainers are boiling the life out of batteries and I wasn't the only one that it was happening too. Now, I have NEVER used any type of maintainer on ANY of my boats over winter layup and have NEVER had a problem. I put the boats up for the winter with a fully charged battery and come spring they crank up the engines just fine. The battery in my X55 that I just cranked up is 8 years old, made it through 7 winters and cranks the 312 great. Also, why are you storing your battery in the basement? For the warmth? Do you take your car battery in every night when it gets cold? Get your battery load tested and I'd say there's a good chance it's not in the best shape. You should also get the alternator checked too since I suspect it too.
As mentioned by Jim, I agree that an automotive STARTING battery is your best choice for your application.
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Keep it original, Pete <
Posted By: KENO
Date Posted: June-28-2020 at 2:25pm
An automotive starting battery works just fine. Maybe yous is bad. You could get it load tested at an auto parts store to see what it's condition is. Bring it in for the test after it's been fully charged.
Your original alternator had an internal voltage regulator and whatever you replaced it with most likely does too.
Is the new one an exact replacement, so that hooking up the wires is easy.
With the boat running, I'd check the voltage at the output of the alternator with a VOM and it should be about 14 ish. Or check it with the same meter at the battery and it should be the same 14 ish.
If not, make sure it's wired right, It should have the big orange wire hooked to the output terminal and the only other wire on the original would be the excitation wire hooked to the EXC terminal Usually a Green or Yellow wire.
Posted By: Otto Throttle
Date Posted: June-28-2020 at 3:06pm
Thanks, I was able to find a group 48 battery (that is what the decal in my compartment calls for) at advanced auto for 25% off so I jumped at it. I will hook it up and give you an update.
I was trying to do a good thing with those tenders...it follows my saying that no good deed goes unpunished! I always go the extra mile with maintenance because I don't want to be one of those guys! I appreciate you sharing the battery tender story....
Hopefully that will be the problem...Its a good thing as I needed a new impeller and now I have a record of hours on the parts....
I will let you know!~
------------- Otto
Posted By: Otto Throttle
Date Posted: June-28-2020 at 3:57pm
Not Good...My battery checked out A-OK. So I need to replace my multimeter, and start to troubleshoot. I am getting 12.6 volts from the battery with 806 CCA from a battery that is rated for 750 CCA.
What I know:
1) Stargazer Perfect pass beeps because of low voltage.
2) Voltmeter shows 10 to 11 volts.
3) Replaced Alternator and belts.
4) Engine cranks normal.
Where do I start?
------------- Otto
Posted By: 8122pbrainard
Date Posted: June-28-2020 at 4:04pm
Check the voltage at the battery with the engine running using a VOM (volt Ohm meter). It should be around 14.
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Keep it original, Pete <
Posted By: Otto Throttle
Date Posted: June-28-2020 at 4:53pm
I cleaned the ground on the engine and the battery terminals... all were clean when I started....
if the battery was fully charged as it was checked, wouldn't that mean the alternator system is working ok?
what would cause the battery to BE fully charged, BUT not give the 12 volts to the volt meter or the Perfect Pass? BEBUT
------------- Otto
Posted By: 8122pbrainard
Date Posted: June-28-2020 at 5:13pm
Chris, Get some voltage readings with a VOM. Don't just use the volt meter in the dash. Start at the battery and then move forward to the dash. Clean all your connections as you go. It sounds like your loosing the volts someplace but the readings will tell.
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64 X55 Dunphy
Keep it original, Pete <
Posted By: KENO
Date Posted: June-29-2020 at 2:40am
Otto Throttle wrote:
I was trying to do a good thing with those tenders...it follows my saying that no good deed goes unpunished! I always go the extra mile with maintenance because I don't want to be one of those guys! I appreciate you sharing the battery tender story....
Otto |
Um Otto
I don't think I'd be throwing your battery tender out just 'cause Pete doesn't happen to like whatever he had for one
It's one guys story
Posted By: SNobsessed
Date Posted: June-29-2020 at 9:49am
When you check for voltage loss, have the circuit under load.
If a connection, wire, switch, or breaker is corroded & has resistance, the loss is magnified under load.
------------- “Beer is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy.”
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Posted By: 8122pbrainard
Date Posted: June-29-2020 at 10:25am
KENO wrote:
Um Otto
I don't think I'd be throwing your battery tender out just 'cause Pete doesn't happen to like whatever he had for one
It's one guys story
| Chris, Again, I'm not the only one.
8122pbrainard wrote:
Chris, I asked at Napa what they thought was going on and the reply was the maintainers are boiling the life out of batteries and I wasn't the only one that it was happening too. | I didn't mention it but when I was at Napa, they had no recommendations on maintainers. In fact, one of them told me they don't even like to sell them because of the problem. The first one I had is long gone but I believe it was a Battery Tender brand. The second one is a Surecharge IV with "auto float and pulse mode circuitry".
Good to hear your battery passed the load test. Get that new VOM and go at the problem. Basic VOM's that will do the job are only about $20.00
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64 X55 Dunphy
Keep it original, Pete <
Posted By: Duane in Indy
Date Posted: June-29-2020 at 10:33am
Battery maintainer is a generic word.. BATTERY TENDER is the brand you want to use. Made by DELTRAN CORP. They are guaranteed of 10 years. I use them on all of my toys with no problems ever. Never cooked a battery. Many cheap brands out there that do not monitor the battery condition and tend to fry the battery. They cost more but again you get what you pay for.
------------- Keep it as original as YOU want it 1978 Mustang (modified)
Posted By: Nauti Gator
Date Posted: June-29-2020 at 11:19am
Take a look at CTEK battery tenders. I prob have 4-5 of them. There's a reason almost all high-end car manufactures recommend their "rebranded" CTEK tenders. It has settings for AGM batteries and for small utility batteries too. Not cheap but like previously said - you get what you pay for.
Posted By: DVskier
Date Posted: June-29-2020 at 2:04pm
I got a battery tender generic brand at harbor freight and it keeps my Acura fully charged every winter for the 3 months I’m in CO skiing. The Acura has the technology package that drains the battery after 6 weeks being laid up. No complaints from me. I don’t put one on the Nautique or pontoon though, just a 10 amp charge overnight and I’m good to go.
Posted By: Otto Throttle
Date Posted: June-29-2020 at 3:25pm
battery terminals 12.67 volts
back of voltmeter 10.6 volts.
that was static....when I get home I will fire it up and take some actual running readings!
------------- Otto
Posted By: 8122pbrainard
Date Posted: June-29-2020 at 3:31pm
Otto Throttle wrote:
battery terminals 12.67 volts
back of voltmeter 10.6 volts.
that was static....when I get home I will fire it up and take some actual running readings! | 2 volts with no load is excessive. With a load the drop will be more.
8122pbrainard wrote:
Chris, Get some voltage readings with a VOM. Don't just use the volt meter in the dash. Start at the battery and then move forward to the dash. Clean all your connections as you go. It sounds like your loosing the volts someplace but the readings will tell. |
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64 X55 Dunphy
Keep it original, Pete <
Posted By: Otto Throttle
Date Posted: June-30-2020 at 7:34pm
Ok here is an update
Bat voltage 12.59 at terminals before start.
After Start @ 800 rpm 12.20 v @1500 rpm 12.22 v
With lights radio blower bilge put on @800 rpm 12.18 v @1500 rpm 12.2 v
From NEG terminal to alternator body .00 volts From POS terminal to positive on the alternator .01 volts
Attached are two pictures. On the first the old alt is on the left, new on the right. I made sure I had all the terminals correct. The second one shows the piece I had to move from the old alt to the new. (it goes from S to the post where the Orange wire goes).
Was I correct in moving this piece over?
What else can I check????????
I am going to have the alternators checked at the autocrats store! ANY help would be appreciated....
------------- Otto
Posted By: KENO
Date Posted: June-30-2020 at 8:14pm
I'd say your alternator isn't working based on your voltage readings.
It looks like a Mando and it's replacing your original Mando
Your measurement of no voltage differential between the alternator output and the battery positive is telling you the alternator isn't doing any charging since the battery voltage is about 12.2 and isn't up around 14 volts which it would be if the alternator was charging.
You mention that the excitation wire is hooked up, check the voltage where it hooks to the alternator. It should be the same as battery voltage If it's zero, it means the alternator isn't getting any excitation and that's why it's not charging.
The jumper between the S terminal and the output should be like you have it. It provides output voltage to the voltage sensing network in the alternator. Some setups use a separate wire but don't worry about that........you have it right.
Bring it to an auto parts store and they'll most likely tell you "it's not working"
Posted By: Otto Throttle
Date Posted: June-30-2020 at 8:15pm
Well that didn't work out correctly! There is no harness so they couldn't test it.... Are there any circut breakers or fuses that would stop it from Charging? If so how do I check that?
Looks like no water on the 4th :(
As usual....any help would be appreciated!
------------- Otto
Posted By: Otto Throttle
Date Posted: June-30-2020 at 8:19pm
There is the breaker on the back of the motor....how can I check to see if the is bad?
------------- Otto
Posted By: KENO
Date Posted: June-30-2020 at 8:24pm
Otto Throttle wrote:
Well that didn't work out correctly! There is no harness so they couldn't test it.... Are there any circut breakers or fuses that would stop it from Charging? If so how do I check that?
Looks like no water on the 4th :(
As usual....any help would be appreciated! |
I'm gonna sound like Pete here,.................. take it to somebody that knows what they're doing with an alternator tester.
If they can't test it without a specific harness, they really don't know what they're doing.
Do what I mentioned in the previous post and check that you have battery voltage to the excitation terminal with everything hooked up and the key in RUN.
If you do...............the alternator doesn't work.
If you don't (zero volts)..............then your wiring is the issue and there's no excitation to the alternator to make it start producing power..
Posted By: KENO
Date Posted: June-30-2020 at 8:29pm
Here's a TRB wiring diagram that's representative of what you have.
If the breaker on the back of the engine was tripped you'd have power to nothing at the dash and the boat wouldn't start or even turn over.
Rule that one out
Posted By: 8122pbrainard
Date Posted: June-30-2020 at 9:02pm
Chris, Do follow Ken's suggestion on seeing if you have the volts on the E terminal. Then after you find someone that can test an alternator, how about testing the old one first. Sounds like you may have a wiring problem to/from the alternator so the old may still be good and then you can return the new one?
EDIT: Don't forget about that 2 volt drop up to the dash. Were you able to find anything like a bad connection? Keep in mind a working alternator won't solve the drop only minimize the effect. .
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64 X55 Dunphy
Keep it original, Pete <
Posted By: Otto Throttle
Date Posted: July-01-2020 at 1:28am
Ok here is what I did......
Put new alternator back on....
Chased orange wire back to the solenoid...
Made sure the plug was tight by wiggling it...
Hooked up battery for a run...
Started motor....
Checked power at terminal of battery 13.6 volts off of meter
Checked power off of alternator 13.6 volts off of meter (off the orange wire and grounded to the block)
Voltage off battery gage about 1/2 volt low of the multimeter.
Could it be this was the problem???????? Really??
Someone suggested taking the plug apart and putting some dielectric grease on the posts.....
I have a test run tomorrow on the lake....
What do you think... did I find the problem? Should I use the grease?
Electrical work... as confusing and sometimes as dangerous as a woman!
------------- Otto
Posted By: Otto Throttle
Date Posted: July-01-2020 at 1:32am
I am going to do kenos test before so go in the morning too! What range am I looking for?
------------- Otto
Posted By: KENO
Date Posted: July-01-2020 at 7:26am
I wouldn't bother with Keno's test
It would show about 13.6 volts at the Exc terminal and just tell you that the alternator is now charging which you already know.
If you're talking about the 8 plug connector being the thing to take apart and grease...........watch yourself, it can be a simple straightforward job or it can be like dealing with a gang of 8 angry women.
Probably the best thing is to take it apart and clean and grease all the connections but i've had them apart and found ugly terminals that are ready to fall apart due to corrosion.
I'd still pull it apart though so you know what you have, otherwise it'll turn around and bite you with electrical issues when you least expect it.
If you wiggled a different plug, do the same thing, pull it apart and grease it like someone suggested.
And.............you may now be the owner of a perfectly good spare alternator .
If that's the case, I'll go back to disagreeing with Pete and say don't return the new one, having spare parts on the shelf is a good thing.
I think we can say "Good job Otto" .............and enjoy the 4th.
Posted By: Otto Throttle
Date Posted: July-01-2020 at 2:14pm
I cleaned the male and female parts of both plugs...a bit provocative... and applied a light coat of dielectric grease....now for the water test!!!
Thank you everyone....I am making a cheat sheet to check the system should this happen again!
Happy 4th !
------------- Otto
Posted By: Otto Throttle
Date Posted: July-02-2020 at 12:05pm
Water tested and all is normal! Even the voltage drop between the battery and the dash volt meter is rectified. I attribute the voltage drop to the resistance caused by times effect of oxidation on the plug. The plug popped apart easily and every contact cleaned and greased I look forward to many hours of fun!
Though I replaced the alternator when I didn't need to, I have a spare. BUT if it wasn't for taking that off, I would not have checked the impeller (and replaced) or changed the fully belts. So I am thankful for that. Even with the frustrations I have learned through this forum about how to trouble shoot more effectively. Thank you everyone for putting your input it my thread; I appreciate it!
I have one question though...I seem to idle a little faster going up and down the river...could it be because the voltage is flowing better to the engine electronics?
Happy 4th! I hope all of yours is filled with internal combustion power!
------------- Otto