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Help Please?

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Category: General Correct Craft Discussion
Forum Name: General Discussion
Forum Discription: Anything Correct Craft
Printed Date: March-05-2025 at 1:03pm

Topic: Help Please?
Posted By: hughman
Subject: Help Please?
Date Posted: July-04-2020 at 12:12am
Haven't been here in a while, hope everyone is still awesome. Have a 1981 Ski Nautique, was not used last year due to health problems. trying to get running in the driveway. Has spark, and will fire up with a squirt of starting fluid, then nothing. Only did twice, since I was warned using too much causes carb damage? Friend coming over Sunday to help, but wondering on advice? Put in new fuel filter about 10 years ago, might it be the filter?

Posted By: MrMcD
Date Posted: July-04-2020 at 2:27am
How old is your gasoline in the boat tank? It can get old and not fire well or even cause damage.
Starting fluid can ignite so hard it can fracture pistons. Squirt fresh gas in and see how it runs.


Posted By: 8122pbrainard
Date Posted: July-04-2020 at 10:26am
Was the gas stabilized? If not, then I agree with Mark that it may not be good. It's probably a good idea to get rid of the old and get some fresh in it. Squirt GAS down the carb for a prime and NEVER starting fluid.

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54 Atom

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64 X55 Dunphy

Keep it original, Pete

Posted By: hughman
Date Posted: July-04-2020 at 12:51pm
The gas was stabilized. I have heard that starting fluid is not the best. How do I safely "squirt" gas in the carb? So if I squirt some gas, then it fires up, then stops, should that hopefully pull up some gas from the fuel pump? Just keep squirting and firing it up?
Thanks so much!

Posted By: Fabcon
Date Posted: July-04-2020 at 12:55pm
+1 on getting the old gas out and start fresh

1976 Ski Nautique 351 Escort
1984 Barefoot Nautique (Parting Out)

Posted By: hughman
Date Posted: July-04-2020 at 5:56pm
So how would I get rid of 100% full tank of fuel?
I should have mentioned, no fuel is reaching the spark plugs, that's my problem. When I try to start it, then pull a plug out, it is dry.
I was wondering if the fuel filter might be the problem? Not an easy thing to change. Was wondering if there was an easier way to determine what might be the problem.
As a kid, I saw guys pouring gas in a carb, and flames were shooting everywhere! So I am a bit wary of that, lol?

Posted By: SNobsessed
Date Posted: July-04-2020 at 7:12pm
Well, no reason to continuing to prime it manually. Could be clogged carb, filter, antishipon valve, pump, etc.   

An easy test is to hook a small portable tank up to fuel pump. If that gets it to run, the problem is aft of that. Start narrowing down the variables..

“Beer is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy.”

Ben Franklin

Posted By: 8122pbrainard
Date Posted: July-04-2020 at 7:14pm
Unless you pull the tank, drain it and then flush it, you won't get rid of 100% of the gas. You can siphon as much out as you can and then add fresh.

Do you know if the fuel pump is working? You can loosen the fuel line at the carb or pump, crank the engine and see if there is gas being pumped.

The filter may be a problem but a quick way to tell if it is, is to simply by pass it temporarily.

There's also a possibility that somethings plugged up at the tank. Check the anti siphon valve at the tank that's' screwed into the fuel line pickup. There's also a screen at the bottom of the fuel pickup inside the tank that can plug. Using another tank of gas temporarily connected to the fuel pump will show if the problem is at the tank.

Flames out of the carb with gas? Yes, but you should see what starting fluid will do!

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54 Atom

/diaries/details.asp?ID=2179" rel="nofollow - 77 Tique

64 X55 Dunphy

Keep it original, Pete

Posted By: gun-driver
Date Posted: July-04-2020 at 9:47pm
My bet is there's no gas getting to the pump. Do you have the big filter water separator housing? If so see if you can drain some fuel out of the bottom, that will tell you if you have fuel in the filter housing and at the same time get rid of any water/dirt in the canister.

Posted By: hughman
Date Posted: July-05-2020 at 2:45pm
okay, carb was not getting fuel, no fuel in the line to the fuel pump, was thinking fuel filter was the problem, but my friend decided to try pouring fuel into the carb, which I was afraid to do, and we eventually were able to prime it and get it going! Sounds wonderful.
Now I decided to check the transmission fluid and it looks dry, so will search to find what fluid to use... hope to take it to the river this afternoon! Thanks for your help!

Posted By: Jonny Quest
Date Posted: July-05-2020 at 6:23pm
Originally posted by hughman hughman wrote:

Now I decided to check the transmission fluid and it looks dry, so will search to find what fluid to use... hope to take it to the river this afternoon! Thanks for your help!

2 quarts capacity. Dextron III. Use a vacuum fluids extractor. Just don’t get the hose caught and stuck. You should be able to suck out 2 quarts. Replace what you removed.


2003 Ski Nautique 206 Limited

2001 Ski Nautique Open Bow
1994 Ski Nautique Open Bow

Aqua skiing, ergo sum

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