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Sudden Death 93 Sport Fuel Delivery?

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Category: General Correct Craft Discussion
Forum Name: General Discussion
Forum Discription: Anything Correct Craft
Printed Date: March-05-2025 at 1:16pm

Topic: Sudden Death 93 Sport Fuel Delivery?
Posted By: RealDeez
Subject: Sudden Death 93 Sport Fuel Delivery?
Date Posted: July-07-2020 at 2:16am
My 93 Sport was running great (forgive me if this sounds like 50 other posts... I'm on vacation and don't have the time to read every post and find my answers the hard way).

We were just running around the lake earlier and it was finally calm enough now that the weekend crowd is gone to run WOT and it did just fine. Read just over 4500 RPMs which I would guess might be the tach being a little off since I'm pretty sure I'm all stock here - except the ProTec ignition has long since been replaced by what is apparently a coil and Sierra Marine dizzy- I think Keno asked for a picture of it on another thread...

At first I thought it might be the coil or something - it's been hot out and I had just run it hard earlier but further investigation made me question that theory.

When I tried to start it, it turned over just fine and at first it even sputtered like it might run - started missing badly, died, then nothing. Keeps turning over but absolutely nothing.

Why I moved on from thinking it was the coil/distributor to thinking it might be the fuel pump or some other fuel issue:

It has a clear fuel line from the pump to the carb. I can see that there's no fuel in the line before I crank. As I crank I can watch the fuel jump up the line but it seems to be pulsing and never quite makes it all the way to the carb... My thought started to become that when it sputtered before, it tried to start on what was left in the bowls and then died of starvation.

I can watch after attempting to crank as the fuel slowly goes back down the line, into the pump, and presumably to an equilibrium where the level is even with the tank... or something.

So my first question is, would it be in any way normal for the fuel to go back down the line when the pump wasn't running?

And if the pump worked, how fast would it fill the 18" of line to the carb and feed the bowls?

I guess there could be a fuel pickup or filter that's restricting flow but that wouldn't explain why I could run around for 30 minutes at 3500-4000 RPMs with no issues and then all of the sudden nothing. I mean it would be some kind of freak occurence... I run marine gas, I put fuel stabilizer in it anyway, and it has more than a half tank in it.

So before I haul off and buy a new pump (I can't wait for a rebuild right now) is there some other reasonable explanation? It's really bothering me that the fuel creeps back down the line when the pump isn't running - but that could be my ignorance of what normal operation is for these.

I have some pics that probably aren't helpful but I can't post them right now because my phone refuses to let me have them until it's got more charge.

Anyway, any help would be appreciated and I apologize if I say anything ignorant - you guys already got me once for saying I put my impeller in backwards when I meant RWP... I can take the abuse if it gets the problem solved...

Lake James, IN
93 Sport Nautique

Posted By: RealDeez
Date Posted: August-05-2020 at 7:18pm
Holy moly. Thank goodness the site is back.

For what it's worth, I went with my gut after searching everywhere else on the internet and confirmed that gas in the clear tube means a bad pump.

Of course nobody local had a pump so to save my vacation I had one overnighted...

Thankfully, the hardest part was scraping off the old gasket... after that, it bolted right on and to my pleasant surprise, the old thing fired right up.

Of course, the two days I was dead in the water were the best days for boating and it rained the entire day after I got the pump in... but the last two days were salvaged.

I still have the old pump. I thought I read somewhere on here that they could be rebuilt and the new ones were of somewhat lower build quality so I was thinking get this one rebuilt and keep it handy... any pointers where a good place to send or or get a kit might be?

Glad the site is back. Kind of panicked when it went down immediately after my fuel pump did.

Thanks for bringing us back, Keith.

Lake James, IN
93 Sport Nautique

Posted By: Gary S
Date Posted: August-05-2020 at 7:40pm
Here you go-" rel="nofollow -

-------------" rel="nofollow - 69 Mustang HM SS
95 Nautique Super Sport

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