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Loss of power out of hole

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Category: General Correct Craft Discussion
Forum Name: General Discussion
Forum Discription: Anything Correct Craft
Printed Date: March-05-2025 at 1:06pm

Topic: Loss of power out of hole
Posted By: codyb209
Subject: Loss of power out of hole
Date Posted: August-10-2020 at 8:03am
Recently had my carb rebuilt and a new ignition module installed in my Mallory breakerless dizzy. Took it out this weekend and a I have weak/sluggish power out the hole. It slowly climbs and gets up to speed but even then ive lost about 5MPH on top end. The mechanic said he pulled the dizzy after new module was installed to visually inspect. Is it possible he didn't install the same effecting my timing? What trouble shooting steps should I take? Carb appears to be good getting my pump shot, idles goods....Engine is a PCM 351w Thanks

Posted By: hal2814
Date Posted: August-10-2020 at 8:37am
What is your timing? That’s where I’d start. Make sure idle is right and advance is happening like it should. Then move on to the carb.

Posted By: codyb209
Date Posted: August-10-2020 at 2:03pm
Originally posted by hal2814 hal2814 wrote:

What is your timing? That’s where I’d start. Make sure idle is right and advance is happening like it should. Then move on to the carb.

Havent been able verify timing. Marks on the HM are almost impossible to see. Need to figure that out I guess

Posted By: codyb209
Date Posted: August-10-2020 at 2:05pm
Timing was set prior to carb rebuild but that carb was so out of wack im sure the timing was timed to previuos state of carb/fuel/air settings. Now with rebuild im sure that timing is not correct ...

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