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Water line help

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Category: General Correct Craft Discussion
Forum Name: General Discussion
Forum Discription: Anything Correct Craft
Printed Date: March-04-2025 at 5:30pm

Topic: Water line help
Posted By: wsavini
Subject: Water line help
Date Posted: September-21-2020 at 8:29pm
I’m putting together a mid 80’s 454 and I’m having trouble figuring out how the water lines run. Anyone that can tell me were to get a diagram?

Posted By: KENO
Date Posted: September-22-2020 at 8:37am
Originally posted by wsavini wsavini wrote:

I’m putting together a mid 80’s 454 and I’m having trouble figuring out how the water lines run. Anyone that can tell me were to get a diagram?

If you click on the link below you'll see a picture or 2 of a PCM 454 showing most of the lines. (Ignore any bickering you might encounter, or have fun reading it, your choice Wink)" rel="nofollow - link

And this Hollywood diagram shows how the inlet and outlet for the RWP hook up on a RR 454.  if it happens to be a normal rotation 454, then the hoses would be swapped around on the pump

Posted By: wsavini
Date Posted: September-22-2020 at 8:57am
I did learn a little bit from that. Ty
But I can’t tell where the hoses go under the motor.
The hose from the inlet must go to the the tabby cooler first then to the inlet on the pump?
The big hose coming off the thermostat housing goes down under the motor but where does it go from there?

Posted By: KENO
Date Posted: September-22-2020 at 9:49am
The big hose goes to the circulating water pump suction

And like you said, inlet fitting to transmission cooler to RWP suction.

And you can't see the rinky dink little 90 degree hose in the pictures that goes from the circulating pump to the intake manifold. Wink

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