1953 Aqua Skier Restoration
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Topic: 1953 Aqua Skier Restoration
Posted By: mamaa39
Subject: 1953 Aqua Skier Restoration
Date Posted: October-04-2020 at 7:49pm
I have inherited my father in laws 1953 Atom Skier. He restored it twice in all the years he had it. It has been sitting for about 12 years. The last time he restored it he coated the inside with Gluvit. I was wondering if I should coat it again with the same thing or is there something better to use. Does anyone have any suggestions. This is my first time tackling a project like this.
Posted By: ultrarunner
Date Posted: October-04-2020 at 8:31pm
We definitely need some pictures!
Posted By: 8122pbrainard
Date Posted: October-04-2020 at 9:15pm
Sheila, Yes, pictures are needed. It sounds like there are some major problems if your father-in-law use Gluvit on the hull. Not something I would refer to as a "restoration". My atom went all the way down to the frame, some new frames, all new knee gussests, new inner and outer keel, some new hull skins, new deck new upholstery, engine rebuild, and plenty of paint and varnish. Get those pictures up so we can give you a better idea.
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54 Atom
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64 X55 Dunphy
Keep it original, Pete <
Posted By: mamaa39
Date Posted: October-04-2020 at 10:07pm
Posted By: mamaa39
Date Posted: October-04-2020 at 10:07pm
Posted By: mamaa39
Date Posted: October-04-2020 at 10:17pm
Posted By: 8122pbrainard
Date Posted: October-05-2020 at 7:23am
Sheila, Thanks for the pictures. Here's what is happening to your Atom. Back when CC built their wood hulls they used a talc and oil based bedding compound between all the frame members and hull skins. With age this bedding dries out so the bond between the frame and skin is lost leaving only the screws holding the two together. On my Atom I was able to simply unscrew the hull skins from the frames. Now getting anything to replace the bedding by just pouring in a epoxy or any other liquid is and will be a "hit or miss". Over the years dirt and oil has gotten into the joint plus old dried out bedding compound will inhibit any bond. The joint must be opened up, cleaned and then bonded again. I would recommend 3M 5200 which is a polyuretane adhesive sealant. I would not use a hard epory like Gluvit since wood boats have some flex in their hulls that the 5200 will handle. Hard epoxies used on wood are known to hairline fracture allowing water to get into the joint and then the rot starts/continues.
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64 X55 Dunphy
Keep it original, Pete <
Posted By: 8122pbrainard
Date Posted: October-05-2020 at 7:51am
Sheila, Regarding rot, there are hidden spots that you can't see from the inside or out so if you do open up the joints, don't be surprised. On my Atom, I found lots on the transom frame, the stem and then the inner and outer keel.
Where's the engine and what is it? A Gray Marine? Is it being worked on?
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64 X55 Dunphy
Keep it original, Pete <
Posted By: SNobsessed
Date Posted: October-05-2020 at 7:51am
2 classics side by side!
If the boat doesn't leak at this time, use it until it's a problem.
Like Pete said, it's pretty much a full resto to fix it right.
------------- “Beer is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy.”
Ben Franklin
Posted By: Chief450
Date Posted: October-05-2020 at 7:59am
This is Sheila’s husband Rick. I just joined the group. It’s a Gray Marine. It’s a Gray Marine and it ran 12 years ago. My son removed it and all interior parts without trying to turn it over. We haven’t done anything with the motor yet. We have been waiting for it to cool off before we started the project. I have a feeling with a little Maintenance and TLC we can get it running
Posted By: 8122pbrainard
Date Posted: October-05-2020 at 8:12am
Rick and Sheila, Welcome to CCfan The Atom and yourselves are a great addition to the group.
Chief450 wrote:
It’s a Gray Marine. It’s a Gray Marine and it ran 12 years ago. My son removed it and all interior parts without trying to turn it over. We haven’t done anything with the motor yet. I have a feeling with a little Maintenance and TLC we can get it running |
What's up with the Gary? Does it turn over? How was it running 12 years ago?
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64 X55 Dunphy
Keep it original, Pete <
Posted By: Chief450
Date Posted: October-05-2020 at 8:30am
It ran 12 years ago but the boat sat for a long time due to my father-in-law’s failing health. It turns over manually. We didn’t have a battery so we didn’t try to start it before removing it for the project.
Posted By: mamaa39
Date Posted: October-05-2020 at 8:41am
Posted By: 67 ski nat
Date Posted: October-05-2020 at 8:46am
Yes welcome super cool boat to have join us here You’ve got the master helping you now (8122) I’m thinking the motor is easiest part, probably will fire up Good luck and most importantly, enjoy Should be fun to watch your progress
Posted By: 8122pbrainard
Date Posted: October-05-2020 at 8:47am
Here's a link to my Atom in the diaries. Regretably all the pictures are lost after the CCfan ransomware hack.
https://www.correctcraftfan.com/diaries/details.asp?ID=1622&sort=&pagenum=5" rel="nofollow - https://www.correctcraftfan.com/diaries/details.asp?ID=1622&sort=&pagenum=5
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64 X55 Dunphy
Keep it original, Pete <
Posted By: 8122pbrainard
Date Posted: October-05-2020 at 8:49am
mamaa39 wrote:
I'm surprised with the Gray 6 cylinder. How long is the boat? are you sure it's an Atom Skier and not an Aqua Skier?
EDIT: Looking at the picture again, It sure looks like an Aqua Skier due to the wide deck at the bulkhead between the fore and aft cockpits.
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64 X55 Dunphy
Keep it original, Pete <
Posted By: NCH20SKIER
Date Posted: October-05-2020 at 9:40am
Another good representation of an atom is at:
http://https://www.crussenclassics.com/correct-craft/" rel="nofollow - http://https://www.crussenclassics.com/correct-craft/
------------- '05 206 Limited '88 BFN
Posted By: Chief450
Date Posted: October-05-2020 at 10:56am
We are not positive it is an Atom skier now that you mention it. We do not have any paperwork on it other than the title. The title has it listed as 15’ 10” long.
Posted By: 8122pbrainard
Date Posted: October-05-2020 at 4:58pm
Chief450 wrote:
We are not positive it is an Atom skier now that you mention it. We do not have any paperwork on it other than the title. The title has it listed as 15’ 10” long. |
It's the Aqua Skier. An Atom of that era would be 14' 6".
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64 X55 Dunphy
Keep it original, Pete <
Posted By: mamaa39
Date Posted: October-05-2020 at 6:02pm
Thanks for the info. Guess I’ll change the title of my thread We learned something new today. To me it’s just my Daddy’s boat.
Posted By: ultrarunner
Date Posted: October-05-2020 at 6:38pm
mamaa39 wrote:
.....To me it’s just my Daddy’s boat. |
As it should be! 
Posted By: 67 ski nat
Date Posted: October-08-2020 at 8:53pm
So rick and Sheila You changed thread title to aqua It’s been a few days to think Are you going restore her
Posted By: Chief450
Date Posted: October-08-2020 at 10:16pm
We haven’t had a chance to evaluate it yet. There doesn’t appear to be rotten wood on the inside. When it cools off a little, I plan to look at the inside better to see if there is any damage. From the surface there doesn’t appear to be any. I am considering working on the outside first. I am unsure if I need remove the old Gluvit, since I have heard that Gluvit is not the optimal sealant to use if an interior sealant is needed.
Posted By: 67 ski nat
Date Posted: October-08-2020 at 10:33pm
Pete 8122 probably nailed it. Boards need 5200 all redone Are you ready for that
Posted By: Gary S
Date Posted: October-08-2020 at 10:52pm
I vote to put the motor back in it and have fun 
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Posted By: 8122pbrainard
Date Posted: October-09-2020 at 7:13am
Chief450 wrote:
We haven’t had a chance to evaluate it yet. There doesn’t appear to be rotten wood on the inside. When it cools off a little, I plan to look at the inside better to see if there is any damage. From the surface there doesn’t appear to be any. I am considering working on the outside first. |
8122pbrainard wrote:
Regarding rot, there are hidden spots that you can't see from the inside or out so if you do open up the joints, don't be surprised. |
It's hard to tell from the pictures is the Aqua double planked? It was a CC option where they would take their ply hull and plank over the top of the ply. Has the bottom been fiberglassed?
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64 X55 Dunphy
Keep it original, Pete <
Posted By: 8122pbrainard
Date Posted: October-09-2020 at 8:10am
Chief450 wrote:
I am considering working on the outside first. |
What are your plans for the outside?
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64 X55 Dunphy
Keep it original, Pete <
Posted By: 67 ski nat
Date Posted: October-09-2020 at 8:57am
I understand some of the wood boats in Lake Tahoe need to be put in water couple days prior use so the wood can swell up and seal leaks. Boat will take on water fro first day Does yours leak or should it leak a little then seal ??
Posted By: 8122pbrainard
Date Posted: October-09-2020 at 9:34am
67 ski nat wrote:
I understand some of the wood boats in Lake Tahoe need to be put in water couple days prior use so the wood can swell up and seal leaks. Boat will take on water fro first day Does yours leak or should it leak a little then seal ?? |
Wrong. The only wood hull type that needs soaking is a single plank like on Century's. Any other hull that needs soaking has problems.
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64 X55 Dunphy
Keep it original, Pete <
Posted By: 67 ski nat
Date Posted: October-09-2020 at 12:50pm
I was asking a question about soaking boats Sounds like some do need soaking But not the aqua I’ll be more careful in future
Posted By: mamaa39
Date Posted: October-09-2020 at 1:22pm
I don’t know. All I do know is my Dad always said that it needed to be in the water. That if left dry too long the wood would shrink and it would leak. As to whether it is double planked???? We are definitely novices and know absolutely nothing. I grew up with the boat and did use it and perhaps helped sand some when he was working on it. That’s the extent. Hence we will be asking lots of questions from others who have some experience. We are not afraid of work just need direction on what we need to do. And by direction I mean detailed instructions. Again we are newbies and will be learning as we go.
Posted By: 67 ski nat
Date Posted: October-09-2020 at 1:40pm
So glad to hear you are willing to do the hard work if needed and keep in family I know nothing about wood but Look forward to your progress
Posted By: mamaa39
Date Posted: October-09-2020 at 3:12pm
The bottom was fiberglassed however after last redo the fiberglass was removed. I do not know about double planking. I’ll post pictures of outside.   
Posted By: 8122pbrainard
Date Posted: October-09-2020 at 3:26pm
Sheila, Thanks for the pictures. Yes, your Aqua is double planked. As I mentioned, CC would take their plywood hulls and plank over them as an option. The added planking is what makes them "double" planked.
Glad to hear the glass was removed from the bottom. Some including myself call it the "kiss of death" for a wood boat. It accelerates or rather causes rot since it traps moisture plus it cracks at seams and then comes off.
Sorry to hear that the boat needs soaking in an attemp to stop leaking and the reason the Gluvit was used to plug up the seams. As Gary mentioned, get the engine back in and enjoy it for a few years.
Since my pictures are gone out of my diary, here's a picture from Pat Cruises Atom project that shows a down to frame proper restoration.
This is what's needed to get into and remove the dried out bedding compound at all the seams I mentioned earlier. A plywood hull should never leak.
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64 X55 Dunphy
Keep it original, Pete <
Posted By: 70CC
Date Posted: October-09-2020 at 4:51pm
This is such a cool boat with a great history and a planked hull too!
Ditto the others, get it running and enjoy it.
Posted By: mamaa39
Date Posted: October-09-2020 at 4:54pm
Notice on the outside, the seams between the boards where some of the material has come out? What should we do there before putting it in the water. I don’t even know what was used.
Posted By: 8122pbrainard
Date Posted: October-09-2020 at 6:46pm
Sheila, Without stripping down the hull sides to bare wood and starting fresh, there's not much you can do with the seams. My only suggestion would be a couple coats of spar varnish. You would reduce (thin) the first coat and it will soak into the seams.
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64 X55 Dunphy
Keep it original, Pete <
Posted By: mamaa39
Date Posted: October-09-2020 at 7:20pm
We may choose to strip to to bear wood. If we do should we just sand it down and then use the spar finish or should we use something else. Thanks so much for the help!
Posted By: ultrarunner
Date Posted: October-09-2020 at 7:21pm
Ok Shelia, this is going to be fun to watch. As Peter mentioned above, the Atom project we watched for quite some time was THE restoration. All sorts of issues came up, as will likely be the case in your restoration, and Pat did an incredible job of documentation.
Before you even start, document the entire boat with detailed pictures. When you do start the disassembly, document everything, both written and with photos. It is very likely any obstacle you run into has already been asked and answered with how-to-instructions.
I LOVE the Woody's. And I live vicariously though those who restore them. Having worked on and restored a few wooden/tube/fabric aircraft over the years, mostly Bellanca's, I can appreciate the effort and dedication. We're looking forward to watching your project.
All my best,
Posted By: 8122pbrainard
Date Posted: October-09-2020 at 7:42pm
mamaa39 wrote:
We may choose to strip to to bear wood. If we do should we just sand it down and then use the spar finish or should we use something else. Thanks so much for the help! |
Sheila, I think you are getting WAY ahead of youself. I suggested a couple coats of varnish just so you can get it in the water and enjoy it for a couple years. A proper restoration takes lots of time and lots of patience. I put in over 750 man hours for my Atom and 5 years of patience!! Your Aqua being a double plank hull you will go way beyond those hours. Take some time to do some research. Join the ACBS and become active in your local chapter.
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64 X55 Dunphy
Keep it original, Pete <
Posted By: 8122pbrainard
Date Posted: October-09-2020 at 8:03pm
Here's a link to the Sunnyland chapter of the ACBS:
https://acbs-sunnyland.org/" rel="nofollow - https://acbs-sunnyland.org/
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64 X55 Dunphy
Keep it original, Pete <
Posted By: SNobsessed
Date Posted: October-09-2020 at 8:08pm
Hopefully this doesn't scare you off; a great story. 50 pages!
http://https://www.correctcraftfan.com/forum/forum_posts.asp?TID=12350&KW=hurricane&PN=1&title=1955-cc-hurricane-restoration" rel="nofollow - http://https://www.correctcraftfan.com/forum/forum_posts.asp?TID=12350&KW=hurricane&PN=1&title=1955-cc-hurricane-restoration
------------- “Beer is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy.”
Ben Franklin
Posted By: 8122pbrainard
Date Posted: October-09-2020 at 8:20pm
SNobsessed wrote:
Hopefully this doesn't scare you off; a great story. 50 pages!
http://https://www.correctcraftfan.com/forum/forum_posts.asp?TID=12350&KW=hurricane&PN=1&title=1955-cc-hurricane-restoration" rel="nofollow - http://https://www.correctcraftfan.com/forum/forum_posts.asp?TID=12350&KW=hurricane&PN=1&title=1955-cc-hurricane-restoration
Chris, Bad link. Sheila,Try this one:
https://www.correctcraftfan.com/forum/forum_posts.asp?TID=12350&KW=55+hurricane&PID=135062&title=1955-cc-hurricane-restoration#135062" rel="nofollow - https://www.correctcraftfan.com/forum/forum_posts.asp?TID=12350&KW=55+hurricane&PID=135062&title=1955-cc-hurricane-restoration#135062
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64 X55 Dunphy
Keep it original, Pete <
Posted By: 8122pbrainard
Date Posted: October-10-2020 at 5:59am
8122pbrainard wrote:
Sheila,Try this one:
https://www.correctcraftfan.com/forum/forum_posts.asp?TID=12350&KW=55+hurricane&PID=135062&title=1955-cc-hurricane-restoration#135062" rel="nofollow - https://www.correctcraftfan.com/forum/forum_posts.asp?TID=12350&KW=55+hurricane&PID=135062&title=1955-cc-hurricane-restoration#135062 |
It's really a shame that all the pictures are lost after the site hack. Alan did such a great detailed job with documenting the restoration.
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64 X55 Dunphy
Keep it original, Pete <
Posted By: 8122pbrainard
Date Posted: October-10-2020 at 6:16am
Sheila, Here's a link to Alan's proper restoration of Todd's 56 Collegian. It's still got some pictures so it's a better read for you.
https://www.correctcraftfan.com/forum/forum_posts.asp?TID=48211&PN=1&title=1956-collegian-restoration" rel="nofollow - https://www.correctcraftfan.com/forum/forum_posts.asp?TID=48211&PN=1&title=1956-collegian-restoration
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64 X55 Dunphy
Keep it original, Pete <
Posted By: ultrarunner
Date Posted: October-10-2020 at 9:33am
Maybe Alan would put this up on a photo site or a Dropbox link. Be asked than re-uploading them all back here.
Posted By: 56-Atom
Date Posted: October-11-2020 at 3:34pm
That is a great looking boat! Mine is a '56 Atom Skier. I have a similar story with a friend of my father's (original owners) gave me the boat after it had been sitting in drydock for many years. I had no previous experience with wood boats and only knew how to winterize an outboard as previous knowledge. This forum is great to use as your guides moving forward. I support the advice of getting it powered up and in the water to enjoy for a season or two before a full restoration.
I believe that engine will fire up with the a minimal amount of work, ie. spark plug/wires, distributor/points, fuel pump , carburetor and water pump, prop shaft alignment along with repacking the shaft log and rudder seals. Get her fired up with a garden hose or fakealake set up. Make sure the trailer tires hubs and seals are looked at and given maintenance as needed. I floated mine at the dock to check the water pump and cooling systems before putting her back together (floor deck etc.) so I could monitor the joints and hull areas around the shaft log, drain plug and rudder assembly for noticeable leaks.
For her first outing on the water I installed a separate 12v bilge system for precaution (this can be removed if not needed)
If all goes well, visit the Correct Craft site and buy you and all who helped a hat or one of those cool Atom skier T-shirts.
Then have fun and fix what breaks as experiential learning is the best teacher...and a little exciting! For example, my 18 year old son now knows how to set points gap and the whole family knows that water and steam out the tail pipe is a good thing!
This is a link to a facebook album that documents my 10 year journey with my father's '56 Atom. https://www.facebook.com/media/set/edit/a.1729455880510267
------------- 56-Atom https://www.facebook.com/media/set/edit/a.1729455880510267/
Posted By: mamaa39
Date Posted: December-28-2020 at 9:28am
  I started a light sanding on our 53 CC today. I noticed that there is some kind of filler in between the boards. Some of it has separated. However, It looks like caulk to me but I’m not sure if it is, or what it’s supposed to be. My question is, what is it supposed to be and should I try to remove it and replace it, or should it just be filled over?
Posted By: 8122pbrainard
Date Posted: December-28-2020 at 10:11am
8122pbrainard wrote:
Sheila,Sorry to hear that the boat needs soaking in an attemp to stop leaking and the reason the Gluvit was used to plug up the seams.
This is what's needed to get into and remove the dried out bedding compound at all the seams I mentioned earlier. A plywood hull should never leak.
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64 X55 Dunphy
Keep it original, Pete <
Posted By: mamaa39
Date Posted: December-28-2020 at 11:26am
Earlier you had mentioned putting polyurethane on it to be able to use it for a few years before a full restoration. Is that still an option? If so should we just lightly sand it, paint it and then urethane it?
Posted By: 8122pbrainard
Date Posted: December-28-2020 at 5:07pm
mamaa39 wrote:
Earlier you had mentioned putting polyurethane on it to be able to use it for a few years before a full restoration. Is that still an option? If so should we just lightly sand it, paint it and then urethane it? |
Sheila, That was for the hull sides and NOT the bottom.
8122pbrainard wrote:
Sheila,Without stripping down the hull sides to bare wood and starting fresh, there's not much you can do with the seams. My only suggestion would be a couple coats of spar varnish. You would reduce (thin) the first coat and it will soak into the seams. |
8122pbrainard wrote:
Sheila, I think you are getting WAY ahead of youself. I suggested a couple coats of varnish just so you can get it in the water and enjoy it for a couple years. |
On the bottom, there are planks pulling off the hull and the reason I feel you need to go deeper. No caulking will prevent planking from pulling even more.
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64 X55 Dunphy
Keep it original, Pete <