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Category: General Correct Craft Discussion
Forum Name: General Discussion
Forum Discription: Anything Correct Craft
Printed Date: March-04-2025 at 1:57pm

Topic: Dimensions
Posted By: jwho135
Subject: Dimensions
Date Posted: November-23-2020 at 4:22pm
Hello, could someone please help me with some dimensions on either a 16 ft Cuda or Mustang>    I need for a project that I am working on, the measurements from the chine to sheer aft and chine to sheer forward. The forward measurement can be the total from the bottom of the bow, stem area to the top of the deck. Thank you in advance.   Hope everyone can understand my description of what I am needing. Basically the outside freeboard measurements below the waterline, starting at the chine.

Posted By: KENO
Date Posted: November-23-2020 at 5:19pm
Originally posted by jwho135 jwho135 wrote:

Hello, could someone please help me with some dimensions on either a 16 ft Cuda or Mustang>    I need for a project that I am working on, the measurements from the chine to sheer aft and chine to sheer forward. The forward measurement can be the total from the bottom of the bow, stem area to the top of the deck. Thank you in advance.   Hope everyone can understand my description of what I am needing. Basically the outside freeboard measurements below the waterline, starting at the chine.

You should get together with this guy(Barrelback 1940) Wink

Originally posted by barrelback1940 barrelback1940 wrote:

Can anyone do me favor and measure the height of the freeboard fore and aft of a 16' Mustang or Barracuda? Working on a project and need zome dimensions. Thank you

He's got 2 threads started here in the General Discussion section looking for maybe the same info.

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