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Ford breakout box for gt40- worth snagging?

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Category: General Correct Craft Discussion
Forum Name: General Discussion
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Printed Date: March-04-2025 at 11:10am

Topic: Ford breakout box for gt40- worth snagging?
Posted By: kylem428
Subject: Ford breakout box for gt40- worth snagging?
Date Posted: December-01-2020 at 9:54pm
I Found a ford breakout box for ecm testing on a surplus auction site for $7 that ends on the 7th. I was Thinking this may be useful for the gt40 folks and that maybe I Should snag it and offer it to ccfan members as a community tool and we can ship it around to folks in the ccfan community experiencing ecm issues to aide diagnostics. Is this a worthwhile endeavor or is it less troublesome for people to buy a donor ecm and get a chip burned if an ecm is expected to be bad, rather than mess with the breakout box idea?


Posted By: Gary S
Date Posted: December-02-2020 at 12:20am
Do it, for 7 bucks you can’t go wrong. With shipping I think I paid around 65 bucks. You can test way more than just your ecm with it - you basically have access to the complete harness and sensors with out compromising any wiring.

-------------" rel="nofollow - 69 Mustang HM SS
95 Nautique Super Sport

Posted By: KENO
Date Posted: December-02-2020 at 6:17am
It's a good thing you didn't give a link to that site or it would be getting all kinds of attention and bidsWink

Posted By: ultrarunner
Date Posted: December-05-2020 at 6:07pm
A parts-pool would be great. I'll offer my prop puller for the pool. 


Posted By: ultrarunner
Date Posted: January-17-2021 at 4:38pm
Gary, is the 007-00033 IV the only compatible breakout box for our GT40’s? I’m still searching around.



Posted By: Gary S
Date Posted: January-17-2021 at 5:47pm
Mark -the GT 40 manual says 007-00033 or 014-00322 are the two to use,I don't know what the difference is between them. You don't need the overlays,they must be different between Ford applications anyway and I'm thinking the PCM's must be different as well. There is a pin position print out in the back of the GT manual to go by

-------------" rel="nofollow - 69 Mustang HM SS
95 Nautique Super Sport

Posted By: ultrarunner
Date Posted: January-17-2021 at 6:10pm
Ah, ok, I hadn’t dug that far in the manual. Thanks much.


Posted By: tryathlete
Date Posted: January-19-2021 at 5:11am
Gary, you should start a PCM GT40 preservationist site. In another 5-10 years it’s gonna be like hen’s teeth to find this and any of this stuff and peeps will be putting 4 barrels and DUI’s on GT40’s the same way they’re fixing Protech engines.

Posted By: Gary S
Date Posted: January-19-2021 at 10:40am
Great I have enough on my plate as it is Pete. One of the plus points of these engines are that they share so many readily available components with the 5.0 Mustangs. With the PN guy's figuring out the ECM replacement which was huge breakthrough,the only thing left is the wiring harness. Luckily other than a hamfisted owner or a fire those are not needed.

-------------" rel="nofollow - 69 Mustang HM SS
95 Nautique Super Sport

Posted By: tryathlete
Date Posted: January-19-2021 at 11:07am
Yeah for sure. Those GT40 caveman electronics just need a cool dry place to live until needed down the road. I loved the engine once I got it working properly. The guy that bought it from me has put on a few hundred hours of trouble-free thurfing and wakeboarding. He does have an 80 series trans now and a new prop and shaft from some not so lucky shallow rock encounters. Glad that wasn’t me.

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