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2006 196 Team Edition Price ?

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Category: General Correct Craft Discussion
Forum Name: General Discussion
Forum Discription: Anything Correct Craft
Printed Date: March-04-2025 at 4:21am

Topic: 2006 196 Team Edition Price ?
Posted By: VTCharlie
Subject: 2006 196 Team Edition Price ?
Date Posted: May-20-2021 at 8:30am
   I'm looking at a 2006 SN 196 Team Edition with 550 hours. It appears to be in excellent condition. They are asking $34,750.00 which seems a bit high for a private sale. Any opinions on this price ?.It is definitely a sellers market around Vermont for ski boats. I'm thinking of asking $18,000. 00 for my 2000 SN196 in good clean shape with about 700 hours on it. Thank's for any advice on this big purchase. 

Posted By: frozenskier
Date Posted: May-20-2021 at 2:02pm
Used boat pricing seems to be crazy right now. A few years ago you could search a couple hundred used boats on SIA, right now there is about 75. I don't think there is more than a dozen or so 196s listed and the prices are high. $34750. does sound high for an 06 and no Zero Off. I purchase a 2009 196 with less than 500hrs (with ZO) 3 years ago for way less. Glad I did.

Posted By: DVskier
Date Posted: May-20-2021 at 3:02pm
COVID has changed everything. Not to mention the legendary wake of a real ski boat. In my opinion the 196 stands head and shoulders over the 200 and new Nautique. This is not the best time to buy any boat, car, truck or airplane. People want to spend money but inflation is in overdrive now. A correction is on the way, standby.

Posted By: burban65
Date Posted: May-23-2021 at 11:49pm
Charlie - Two things (my opinion):
1) Based on the current market you should ask more for your boat
2) The boat you are looking at is overpriced substantially but the market is so crazy right now the seller might get someone to make him an offer that, in normal times, would seem so over the top that you would question the buyers sanity.  
Oh one more thing - +1 on what David said ie:  if you can hold on (and since you have a nice boat already it might really be worth it) an "adjustment" is coming sometime in the future. 


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