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Driver Side Panel Access

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Category: General Correct Craft Discussion
Forum Name: General Discussion
Forum Discription: Anything Correct Craft
Printed Date: March-04-2025 at 6:40am

Topic: Driver Side Panel Access
Posted By: Jonny Quest
Subject: Driver Side Panel Access
Date Posted: May-20-2021 at 10:20am
2001 model year Ski (open bow).  I'm trying to replace the depth finder gauge and it is located on the driver's side panel.  I spent a fair bit of time on it last night, but it looks like I have to pull the driver's seat and then contort my body into all sorts of unnatural positions looking for some unseen mounting screws / nuts / bolts.  I'm concerned that putting everything back will be a b!tch.

Anybody have any tricks or tips?  Am I missing something?


2003 Ski Nautique 206 Limited

2001 Ski Nautique Open Bow
1994 Ski Nautique Open Bow

Aqua skiing, ergo sum

Posted By: KENO
Date Posted: May-20-2021 at 10:47am
I got nuthin' Jonny, but could you do all your unnatural contortions in a RED speedo.............and take pictures Wink

Posted By: Jonny Quest
Date Posted: May-20-2021 at 10:52am
Originally posted by KENO KENO wrote:

I got nuthin' Jonny, but could you do all your unnatural contortions in a RED speedo.............and take pictures Wink

Looking for XXXL size Speedo, but they are hard to come by.  Apparently, they are a hot seller for German businessmen traveling abroad.

2003 Ski Nautique 206 Limited

2001 Ski Nautique Open Bow
1994 Ski Nautique Open Bow

Aqua skiing, ergo sum

Posted By: pjsmoreno
Date Posted: May-20-2021 at 11:09am

Been behind many dash panels in several different Nautiques and other ski boats. All have the same challenges and restraints. Removing the driver seat will help. 

Posted By: gun-driver
Date Posted: May-20-2021 at 2:17pm
Originally posted by Jonny Quest Jonny Quest wrote:

t it looks like I have to pull the driver's seat and then contort my body into all sorts of unnatural positions looking for some unseen mounting screws / nuts / bolts.  I'm concerned that putting everything back will be a b!tch.

The above statement pretty much sums it up. I pulled my 2000 sports panel to install new speaker and radio and paint due to it being faded.
Remove the seat with the slide mechanism, the steering wheel. 
Down by the drivers seat behind the cover there is a block mounted to the floor, mine had screws through the bottom of the storage/glovebox into the block securing the bottom.
There is a set screw holding the throttle handle on remove that and the handle.
Then while wearing said speedo contort your body and arm up the back of the panel (where the combing meets it) on the top of the gunnel there will be 4 or 5 - 1/4' bolts holding the top of the panel on. (Similar to how the combing pads are attached.) 
Then it's carefully pull out the bottom of the panel while pushing up and wiggling the bolts up out of the holes.

PS; looking at my pictures you have to remove the dash and cup holder also as it looks like there's two bolts under the corner.

This was referred to from a foggy memory of when I did it two years ago. Proceed at your own riskWink


Posted By: Jonny Quest
Date Posted: May-21-2021 at 10:08am
I used Gun-Driver's info and went to work.  Driver:  thanks for the guidance -- that saved me some trial-and-error time.  Yup...a b!tch.  However...I got the job done:

1. Remove old PP paddle-wheel system (including paddle-wheel)
2. Install new StarGazer PP system (easy)
3. Install thru-hull transducer where paddle-wheel was removed
4. Access driver-side panel to install depth gauge
5. Make custom gauge mounting bracket
6. Mutter words under my breath that I hope my wife didn't hear
7. Zip-tie everything that wasn't screwed down
8. Re-install everything

Well...everything powers up, but the water test comes Saturday morning.  Hopefully I wont have to unwind anything due to non-functioning electronics.  That would suck.

One extra bit of moaning and seems like every metal corner in my boat is made from razor blades.  I've got more nicks and cuts on my hands and arms than an 18 year-old using his dad's straight razor for the first time.  I found several blood stains on the carpet...out for DNA testing now.


2003 Ski Nautique 206 Limited

2001 Ski Nautique Open Bow
1994 Ski Nautique Open Bow

Aqua skiing, ergo sum

Posted By: gun-driver
Date Posted: May-22-2021 at 12:28am
Yea those glass hairs up in the gunnels will get ya too.

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