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,GT 40 Over Heating

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Category: General Correct Craft Discussion
Forum Name: General Discussion
Forum Discription: Anything Correct Craft
Printed Date: March-04-2025 at 5:13am

Topic: ,GT 40 Over Heating
Posted By: Bakchose
Subject: ,GT 40 Over Heating
Date Posted: June-09-2021 at 8:39pm
So the 2000 Sport Nautique got put in this past Saturday. Ran it up the lake about 5 miles-ish.. ran better than great tied it up, ran up the 85 steps to get my dog first mate Maggie, got back to the boat and the check engine light was on and the temp was at 220. Turned it off. Ran to the old Necc. Got an impeller. Next day I installed the new impeller. The old one was good. Started the boat. The raw water stainer was bone dry. Checked the intake it's not blocked. One would think I need a new water pump. Could it be anything else? Stupid question. If I run it down the lake would there be enough water pushing though the system to get it to the boat ramp. Mostlikely not but I'd thought I'd ask.

Posted By: Gary S
Date Posted: June-09-2021 at 10:25pm
Sounds like an air leak on the suction side of the pump John.Could be any hose clamp or even the strainer and its gasket assuming that after you removed the pump to change the impeller you put it back the right way. Are your hoses as old as the boat too?  Awhile back I had a similar problem first start of the year. Took everything apart to check found nothing,put it back together and it worked fine.Confused

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Posted By: MrMcD
Date Posted: June-10-2021 at 1:53am
I had a strainer gasket leak, mine worked fine above idle but heated up quick at idle.  New gasket/Oring fixed it up.
Maybe some leaves are blocking your pick up under the boat.


Posted By: Bakchose
Date Posted: June-10-2021 at 8:00am
I checked the intake. Wasn't blocked at the hull. I'll check the seal on the strainer. You can install the impeller backwards? The old one is in good shape so the impeller wasn't the issue. I will reinstall it. Hopefully I can get out of work on time and work on the boat.

Posted By: 8122pbrainard
Date Posted: June-10-2021 at 8:08am
If the impeller was installed backwards, it will lflip around in a few revolutions. 

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Posted By: KENO
Date Posted: June-10-2021 at 8:34am
Originally posted by Gary S Gary S wrote:

Sounds like an air leak on the suction side of the pump John.Could be any hose clamp or even the strainer and its gasket assuming that after you removed the pump to change the impeller you put it back the right way. Are your hoses as old as the boat too?  Awhile back I had a similar problem first start of the year. Took everything apart to check found nothing,put it back together and it worked fine.Confused

Gary is wondering if you put the pump in backwards (AKA upside down), not whether the impeller is in backwards.Wink

If it's upside down, the suction hose is hooked to the discharge and the discharge to the suction and no pumping takes place.

That wouldn't explain your initial problem since it ran fine and cooled with the boat at speed, but if you replaced the impeller and then put the pump in upside down, that might explain your lack of any flow now.

It sounds like you have one of the suction side issues already mentioned that caused the low/maybe no flow at idle originally.

Your pump should be installed with the head of the cam screw facing in towards the engine.

Posted By: Bakchose
Date Posted: June-10-2021 at 8:48am
The pump is installed correctly. I'm suspecting it's the strainer. It was very easy to unscrew and the zip tie holding it in place is broken.

Posted By: samudj01
Date Posted: June-10-2021 at 9:40am
Also check your belt on the pump that it is not loose. Had that issue before

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