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2005 19ft Stingray 4.3 Merc won't start.

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Category: General Correct Craft Discussion
Forum Name: General Discussion
Forum Discription: Anything Correct Craft
Printed Date: March-04-2025 at 4:04am

Topic: 2005 19ft Stingray 4.3 Merc won't start.
Posted By: Bakchose
Subject: 2005 19ft Stingray 4.3 Merc won't start.
Date Posted: June-18-2021 at 11:00pm
Sorry guys. This was my tow boat. Went to the boat storage place today to pick up this boat. They said it was running. There were no signs that this boat was run.
Put a jumper box on in no power to anything but the power trim. Haven't been able to get to my own sport Nautique issues and was hoping to get at tow from this boat. I can say the 50 amp circuit breaker was not tripped. Nothing works but the trim. The good, I've sharped my trailer skills. To get this boat up here on the was nerve racking. Any help is greatly appreciated. And yes the lanyard is fine.

Posted By: SNobsessed
Date Posted: June-19-2021 at 6:50am
Sounds like battery cable/connection issue.  A voltmeter will be your best tool to figure out where the issue is.

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Posted By: bwinn
Date Posted: June-19-2021 at 7:25am
First off, I would disconnect the old dead battery and put a new or fully charged cranking,(not deep cycle) battery in it. Then if your still having the same problem check the ignition switch. A multimeter or basic test light is I’ll be your friend

Posted By: Bakchose
Date Posted: June-19-2021 at 8:52am
Thanks guys. I thought it might have been the battery. The connection are tight and I used my jumper box. Then I got the charger out hooked it up and the battery is charged. He is miffed at the storage place because they called and said it was running. I'll look into the ignition if he doesn't make me haul it back to the place. Thanks for the input.

Posted By: rebel skier
Date Posted: June-20-2021 at 9:01am
I have an 04 Stingray.  Nice boat but no Nautique ;).  

If you have a good battery and it is hooked up correctly, your blower will run, bilge will run, nav / anchor lights will turn on regardless of the ignition switch.  You only said you are getting power to the trim but what about the other systems?  If the other systems are dead then take the battery out and get it tested and double check its hooked up correctly.  So start there.  

Next, if you do have power up front, but it is not turning over, jump across the starter solenoid and see if that moves the starter.  The merc engine has a black plastic cover over it.  Google merc starter solenoid to see what it looks like.  Be sure you have good ventilation (run blower) and lay your screwdriver across the 2 lager terminals and see if you starts to crank.  If so, replace the solenoid.  Merc likes to use cheap arss chinese parts that do not last.  

Report back what you find.    

Hotty Toddy lets go skiing!

Posted By: 8122pbrainard
Date Posted: June-20-2021 at 9:10am
[QUOTE=rebel skier] lay your screwdriver across the 2 lager terminals and see if you starts to crank.  If so, replace the solenoid.  [QUOTE]

Before you condemn the start relay (some miscall them a "solenoid") make sure you are getting the 12 volts to the relay coil when you turn the ignition switch to the start/crank position. 

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Posted By: rebel skier
Date Posted: June-20-2021 at 9:26am
Merc calls it a solenoid.  The same crappy relay is repeated 3 times in his stingray.  2 of them on top of the trim pump, 1 on top of the 4.3 near the back where heat gets to it.  Its part number 96158T.  If you have a merc 4.3 long enough you will replace the one on top of the engine multiple times (not a bad idea to carry a spare). 

Yes, best to get out your VOM and measure.  I am making some assumptions that if they had a VOM there would have already been more testing, so I am giving them the hack way of testing.  

It could also answer why they said the boat was running and now isn't.  This part crapped out after the first run.  

Then again, if the trim is working but nothing else I am thinking the battery or how someone hooked it up is the problem.  My Stingray is at the lake, but from memory there are 3 wires that go on the positive terminal, 1- bilge direct, 2- trim system, 3- main power, then only 1 ground. That is why I am asking of the blower etc are getting power.   

Hotty Toddy lets go skiing!

Posted By: Bakchose
Date Posted: June-20-2021 at 10:07am
So it's running. Literally disconnected the battery and reconnected it. The cables were tight. So strange. And everything was dead in the boat but the trim. Again thanks for all the advice. It's greatly appreciated.

Posted By: Bakchose
Date Posted: June-20-2021 at 10:09am
So it's running. Literally disconnected the battery and reconnected it. The cables were tight. So strange. And everything was dead in the boat but the trim. Again thanks for all the advice. It's greatly appreciated.

Posted By: 8122pbrainard
Date Posted: June-20-2021 at 10:24am
Originally posted by Bakchose Bakchose wrote:

So it's running. Literally disconnected the battery and reconnected it. The cables were tight. So strange. And everything was dead in the boat but the trim. Again thanks for all the advice. It's greatly appreciated.
They may have been tight but I'd say not clean. Are the Merc battery cables connected with studs or lugs? If lugs, one of these work great:

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