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boat setter ??

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Category: General Correct Craft Discussion
Forum Name: General Discussion
Forum Discription: Anything Correct Craft
Printed Date: March-04-2025 at 3:14am

Topic: boat setter ??
Posted By: jl_d
Subject: boat setter ??
Date Posted: July-08-2021 at 12:07pm
Hi all,
I'm considering listing my boat on boat setter as a rental
any thoughts your willing to share?  positives comments negatives comments

thanks for your time.

Posted By: Donald80SN
Date Posted: July-08-2021 at 12:54pm
What is the make and model?  If it is a inboard, a renter can do big damage by hitting a stump or rock.  They could damage the prop, drive shaft and strut.  Also, the transmission could receive damage.  Dock rash could also become an issue if they slam it into a dock. People who are not familiar with backing up an inboard could do some damage to your boat. 

Here on Lake Norman in NC there is a guy with a Huge Centurion Surf Boat on a three axel trailer. It has to be north of $150 K boat and he was renting it out last summer during COVID.  I heard he stayed booked and this is likely how is is paying for the boat. The boat is dark purple and looks great, but any dock rash will show up in a bad way. What is too say a renter has a kid with a bag of Cheeto's or Cheese Nips and a cup of Kool-Aid.  You interior will never be the same. 

I might of just triggered the purple boat hater people on this site, but this is a dark purple and looks good. Ouch


1980 Ski Nautique SOLD Back to Cypress Gardens
2002 Sport Nautique, GT-40, FCT2, Cover Sports, Tower Bimini, Inc., Wet Sounds Audio System, Star Gazer Wake Edition S.
1968 Ski Nautique, Project.

Posted By: 75 Tique
Date Posted: July-08-2021 at 12:58pm
There was a lengthy thread on this over on FB somewhere recently and the consensus of all the responders was pretty much not in a billion years would I rent out my personal daily driver to who knows what yahoo that is going to abuse it, trash it, wreck it.....

“So, how was your weekend?”
“Well, let me see…sun burn, stiff neck, screwed up back, assorted aches and pains….yup, my weekend was great, thanks for asking.”

Posted By: frozenskier
Date Posted: July-08-2021 at 1:17pm
if you did rent it out and the renter damages the boat your Insurance company (if you have Insurance) probably won't pay the claim either. Just another reason not to rent it.

Posted By: Nautiquehunter
Date Posted: July-08-2021 at 4:50pm
Sounds like a good way to make a nice boat a POS in one season or less.

Posted By: MrMcD
Date Posted: July-08-2021 at 5:16pm
Go down and rent a car, you will probably get a car less than 1 year old with less than 25,000 miles on it.  Now walk around and assess the condition of that nearly new car.   You will find scratches, dents and wear that you never find in personal cars.  Renters wreck things, period.
If I had to rent one of mine I would throttle limit the engine to 75% power, get a huge damage deposit and personally inspect after each rental.
People who don’t know boats wreck boats many times not on purpose but they have no clue.
I saw a guy come up to a friends boat carrying an ice chest and the bottom of it had a lot of sand stuck to it.  This guy set it on the boat deck and slid it to the other side.  Happened quick, none of the boat people saw it coming but he did it and scratches will show forever.  He had no plan to do damage but it happened.
The things we do automatically to protect our equipment does not occur to renters.
If they pay you enough do it a couple years and sell it for a better boat as yours will be trashed.


Posted By: wayoutthere
Date Posted: July-08-2021 at 6:14pm
QUOTE Nautiquehunter
Sounds like a good way to make a nice boat a POS in one season or less.

1 tank or less you mean.

Quote MrMcD
The things we do automatically to protect our equipment does not occur to renters

Does not occur to anyone, 50% careless about there own property let alone the property of another,
 the other 50% care about their stuff only and will go out of the way to abuse anything they can get their hands on.

Posted By: rebel skier
Date Posted: July-08-2021 at 6:18pm
Very few people I would trust in my boat without me being there and able to take control. 

Hotty Toddy lets go skiing!

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