So, we were out on the lake this weekend and headed back home. Was in the no wake zone and girlfriend had to pee. So I shut the boat off and she did her business. Went to start back up and nothing. I have 2 batteries, so i switched and nothing. I could get things like the lights to come one, nav, interior, etc. However, if you turn the key, everything would immediately go off. I was certainly confused, I think I've had about every problem someone could have with an older boat. It was like higher amp draws would kill it, low amp draws such as led interior lights were fine.
So we got towed back and got it home. Started checking everything, 12 volts back to the starter, etc. Then I pulled my Perko switch off and looked at the back. The common positive cable was corroded just about all the way through. I pulled all the batteries and jumped power directly to the starter and ground and everything worked fine, so i knew that was the issue. I bought new battery cables and a new switch. I've never had this issue before and wanted to let the community know in case they have similar issues. While I was doing all this, decided to put in charging ports and a power plug in the glove box. My brothers 16 230 super air has got me spoiled. My kids demanded it, i also put the switch in the glove box for easier access. My batteries are under the observer seat pushed all the way forward as far as they will go. Picks will show you the corrosion 
------------- 1995 SuperSport