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85 ski nautique 2001 with acceleration skip

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Category: General Correct Craft Discussion
Forum Name: General Discussion
Forum Discription: Anything Correct Craft
Printed Date: March-04-2025 at 3:39am

Topic: 85 ski nautique 2001 with acceleration skip
Posted By: MitchsStitches
Subject: 85 ski nautique 2001 with acceleration skip
Date Posted: July-13-2021 at 8:28am
Hello forum hope all well, Beer

Just snagged an 85 nautique 2001 and she purrs like a kitten, once it hits 1500-2000 RPMs. right around 1000 there is a little skip and sometimes, if I don't floor it, the engine stalls. Has anyone experienced this problem and know any solution? 

Posted By: MI-nick
Date Posted: July-13-2021 at 10:18am
I had an intermittent "skip" with my '88. sometimes it would stall at idle. could never figure out the issue, then last year the electronic ignition module failed. new one fixed the skip. you may want to look into that if your '85 had been converted to EI.

As far as I can tell, I'm not quite sure...

Posted By: samudj01
Date Posted: July-13-2021 at 4:17pm
Check the accelerator pump on your carb. Should see it spraying two streams of gas into the carb throat when throttle is pumped once. While boat is off, take off flame arrester and look down carb as someone pumps throttle.

78 Ski Tique, 72 Skier w/302's, 93 SN w/351 & 17 GS22 w/zr409
Previous - 99 Sport Nautique w/GT40 and 87 Martinique w/351

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