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1985 ski nautique 2001

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Category: General Correct Craft Discussion
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Topic: 1985 ski nautique 2001
Posted By: BDumovich
Subject: 1985 ski nautique 2001
Date Posted: July-18-2021 at 2:57pm
Hello everyone,

I am new to the forum today. I recently purchased a 85 ski nautique 2001 from a buddy of mine. It has a 351 ford w reverse rotation in it. Over all it is in good shape. Stringers seem to be solid. Motor was rebuilt at some point because it has aluminum ford racing heads on it. I cant get it to spark. I replaced the coil, wires, plugs and cap. Upon further inspection of the distributor I found the springs and weights very rusted. Put new resistor/capactor in
Question 1: can a regular distributor be used if I swap the gear from the old one (have gotten mixed answers from everyone I have asked)

2: Does anyone know of a prestolite distributor rebuild kit that would have the springs and weights.

3. should I just put in an electronic ignition system from Pertronix?

Never had a boat this old anything to check or replace would be helpful Any information on the boat really would help. I am having the alternator and starter rebuilt and replacing impeller before I try to run it.

Posted By: SNobsessed
Date Posted: July-18-2021 at 5:06pm
If you replace dizzy, DUI brand is the way to go.

There are shops that will recondition your old one, but that isn't really smart money spent.

“Beer is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy.”

Ben Franklin

Posted By: Jonny Quest
Date Posted: July-18-2021 at 5:34pm
+1 on the Davis Unified Ignition (DUI) distributor.  Look at

The part number for the reverse-rotation unit is M35820RRRD.  If you want a BLUE distributor cap, the part number is M35820RRBL.  These are a good way to go if you plan on replacing the distributor you currently have.  They don't come cheap...plan on $450 for the distributor and another $50 for plug wires.  Ben Franklin X 5 isn't for the faint of heart.

You can try or


2003 Ski Nautique 206 Limited

2001 Ski Nautique Open Bow
1994 Ski Nautique Open Bow

Aqua skiing, ergo sum

Posted By: KENO
Date Posted: July-18-2021 at 6:25pm
Originally posted by BDumovich BDumovich wrote:

Hello everyone,

I am new to the forum today. I recently purchased a 85 ski nautique 2001 from a buddy of mine. It has a 351 ford w reverse rotation in it. Over all it is in good shape. Stringers seem to be solid. Motor was rebuilt at some point because it has aluminum ford racing heads on it. I cant get it to spark. I replaced the coil, wires, plugs and cap. Upon further inspection of the distributor I found the springs and weights very rusted. Put new resistor/capactor in
Question 1: can a regular distributor be used if I swap the gear from the old one (have gotten mixed answers from everyone I have asked)

2: Does anyone know of a prestolite distributor rebuild kit that would have the springs and weights.

3. should I just put in an electronic ignition system from Pertronix?

Never had a boat this old anything to check or replace would be helpful Any information on the boat really would help. I am having the alternator and starter rebuilt and replacing impeller before I try to run it.

I'll try to answer your questions and ask a few too, then you can decide what you want to do Wink

1.  You can use a regular distributor like from a car, but it won't be spark protected and you will always have that nagging voice in your head wondering........"Am i gonna blow up myself and anybody who happens to be in the boat with me" at some totally unexpected time

2. No kits, but if the springs and weights are all there and not broken they can be removed and cleaned up. It takes a little finesse to get them out because there's a little clip in the center of the points cam/advance limiter that's not a lot of fun to get out or reinstall.

3  If you don't get the distributor all straightened out with good moving advance weights, verifying distributor bushings good etc, the electronic conversion won't do you any good because you need that advance mechanism working for it to run right

My turn now Wink

Are you trying to get this running for the first time since you bought it?

Have you looked at/cleaned/replaced the points since I see no mention of them?

How much money do you want to spend? The DUI in your choice of colors for a reverse rotation 351w and new plug wires, (because the new wires you just put on won't plug into the DUI cap) will cost around 500 bucks

You can spend a small amount of money on points related parts and get it running, then get the new distributor at some point or you can fork over the big bucks for a new one now and hope the engine is good and it runs

Posted By: Gary S
Date Posted: July-18-2021 at 7:16pm
Hey Ken would this distributor be able to reuse his gear?" rel="nofollow -

-------------" rel="nofollow - 69 Mustang HM SS
95 Nautique Super Sport

Posted By: KENO
Date Posted: July-19-2021 at 6:06am
Originally posted by Gary S Gary S wrote:

Hey Ken would this distributor be able to reuse his gear?" rel="nofollow -

I almost included that distributor in the previous post but figured I'd see if he was just gonna spend the bucks on a DUI first.

He'd have to change gears but, it'll work with a stock or stock dimension oil pump drive shaft.

It has the longer shaft below the gear area which makes it easier to install the distributor.

He'd need a new cap and a new rotor since it's a screw down cap version and his 85 would have a clip down cap and the parts don't interchange

Some part numbers are 

Cap        Sierra/NAPA   18-5352      

Rotor       Sierra/NAPA   18-5403

Cap and Rotor kit    PCM   173073  or the PCM tuneup kit  173024A that doesn't cost much more than their cap and rotor kit but has points and condenser included

Posted By: 67 ski nat
Date Posted: July-19-2021 at 9:42am
Perhaps we should ‘Sticky post’ this thread
Comes up alot

Posted By: 8122pbrainard
Date Posted: July-19-2021 at 12:44pm
Originally posted by 67 ski nat 67 ski nat wrote:

Perhaps we should ‘Sticky post’ this thread
Comes up alot

A link in the FAQ thread is sufficient.

/diaries/details.asp?ID=1622" rel="nofollow -

54 Atom

/diaries/details.asp?ID=2179" rel="nofollow - 77 Tique

64 X55 Dunphy

Keep it original, Pete

Posted By: BDumovich
Date Posted: July-21-2021 at 5:04pm
Thank you all for the information. I heard great things at work about this forum and have not been disappointed.
To answer your questions first: I have not had it running since I have owned it. Compression and fluids are good. It was well taken care of by someone. It has been sitting for 3 years.
I am probably going to go with the DUI system for peace of mind. I have not considered automotive distributors due to them being mostly vacuum advance and the aforementioned safety issues.
I have a points rebuild kit so we did try putting a new capacitor and points in still no spark.

I have a kit here for a mallory electronic distributor. My concern is A. its regular rotation B. it has a plug with 3 wires coming out but nowhere to plug it into on the boat or harness that came with the kit. C. Its a mallory. I put the two side by side and they seem to be the same the shaft is the same length. Not sure if this will work. Looking for the quickest solution.
Thank you guys for the help!

Posted By: BDumovich
Date Posted: July-21-2021 at 5:08pm
I like this option but it is not available for 4-6 weeks. Does anyone know where I might find one sooner?

Posted By: BDumovich
Date Posted: July-21-2021 at 5:09pm
I checked on that one earlier. The shaft length from my gear is 1" not 1.5 so I do not think it will work.

Posted By: KENO
Date Posted: July-21-2021 at 5:31pm
Originally posted by BDumovich BDumovich wrote:

I checked on that one earlier. The shaft length from my gear is 1" not 1.5 so I do not think it will work.

Assuming this is the Ebay one, it will work even with the longer shaft below the distributor gear. Like mentioned earlier in this thread, it makes it easier to install the distributor Wink

Are you saying you have a whole Mallory distributor or just an electronic ignition kit or something?

A part number for your Mallory distributor or kit or whatever would be helpful if you want to find out some information.

Posted By: Donald80SN
Date Posted: July-21-2021 at 6:34pm
Just a quick note, also stay with Marine Carbs and Alternators too. They have provisions for sparks.  Gas Fumes and sparks under a dog house are a bad combination. 

1980 Ski Nautique SOLD Back to Cypress Gardens
2002 Sport Nautique, GT-40, FCT2, Cover Sports, Tower Bimini, Inc., Wet Sounds Audio System, Star Gazer Wake Edition S.
1968 Ski Nautique, Project.

Posted By: SNobsessed
Date Posted: July-21-2021 at 9:28pm
If you aren't getting spark from a rusty dist, it may just be a grounding issue.

“Beer is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy.”

Ben Franklin

Posted By: BDumovich
Date Posted: July-22-2021 at 5:59pm
Hello everyone

Thank you all for you help so far. I went with the DUI distributor. I was able to track one down in south carolina and have it over night shipped. I am hoping to see it tomorrow before noon and if all goes well be on the water tomorrow night. This boat has been a surprise for my mom who was a competition skier in her younger days but still kills it on a slalom. Her birthday is the 28th and she is up here visiting me from Florida. Wish me luck I will update you all with progress tomorrow.

Posted By: gun-driver
Date Posted: July-22-2021 at 9:27pm
Luck Thumbs Up

Posted By: MourningWood
Date Posted: July-22-2021 at 10:16pm
Originally posted by BDumovich BDumovich wrote:

 This boat has been a surprise for my mom who was a competition skier in her younger days but still kills it on a slalom.

Anyone who's name might be familiar to us 'old-timers'?

1964 Dunphy X-55 "One 'N Dun"

'I measured twice, cut three times, and it's still too short!"

Posted By: 359
Date Posted: July-25-2021 at 5:42pm
I didnt see any mention of this is the first post, but do you have power to the distributor when the motor is cranking over?

Posted By: peglegtoo
Date Posted: August-02-2021 at 7:57am
How is it that the longer shaft on the ebay unit can function properly?  what was the point of the longer shaft? does the end drive the oil pump?  I have not had to replace the one on my boat (88 mc with indmar 351w, I know, cross forum guy here but I can't stay away) which I assume its the same as the pcm version. I was thinking about picking up one of these ebay ones a backup.

Posted By: KENO
Date Posted: August-02-2021 at 10:12am

Here's a video from where Ron runs into just the opposite situation and figures out the short one fits where the longer one used to fit.

It's not the best explanation in the video.

The longer shaft has a deeper hole than the short shaft and the extra length on the end just slides farther down over the oil pump driveshaft.

It gives better deeper shaft engagement and as an added side bonus, at least for me, it's easier to install the distributor because the shaft goes over the oil pump drive shaft earlier while you're trying to get the gears to mesh with each other.

It was a running change Ford made in the later years of the engine.

Posted By: peglegtoo
Date Posted: August-02-2021 at 9:16pm
ahh, video was good.  thanks for the reply.  also, while we are on the subject could you expand on/offer advice on how to remove reinstall this clip you mention above ?

"2. No kits, but if the springs and weights are all there and not broken they can be removed and cleaned up. It takes a little finesse to get them out because there's a little clip in the center of the points cam/advance limiter that's not a lot of fun to get out or reinstall".

Posted By: BDumovich
Date Posted: August-28-2021 at 10:40am
Hello everyone,

Need some more help on this boat. I installed the HEI distributor by DUI. I have followed their instructions and cannot get it to run right. Spark plug gap is at .055 per their recommendation, Had the carb rebuilt, Replaced all plugs and wires basically replaced every electrical component minus the main harness. it runs and will rev up fine but at low rpm it shakes and dies. My questions is has anyone put these distributors on a 351w rev rotation and what timing did you use? the manufacturer of the distributor said 11degrees vs the stock 6 degrees. any insight or tips would be helpful. it revs and runs when you are on it but under load it backfires and dies.

Posted By: KENO
Date Posted: August-28-2021 at 1:06pm
There's this little part of me that's wondering why you're blaming the problem on the distributor? Wink

You started with a boat that you never had running, put in a new distributor and now it runs, but not too good.

Are you sure you have the timing set at 11 degrees Before TDC and not After TDC which would make for a crappy running engine.

6 or 10 or 11 degrees will all work.

DUI says they have 24 degrees of mechanical advance on top of the initial setting so their recommendation of 11 would give you 35 degrees total.

Numerous people around here on CCF say that they get 20 to 22 degrees and not 24 from their DUI, but if you set it at 11 BTDC you should be good

It could also just as easily be a carburetor issue or a vacuum leak causing the problem 

Posted By: BDumovich
Date Posted: August-28-2021 at 1:20pm
Great information thank you!
I was suspecting it may be related to the distributor because when I have the timing light hooked up to the #1 plug wire the rpm reading is very inconsistent. I tried removing the wire to see if that changed the engine performance and it did but very little. it did not seem to be sparking at the same rate. Most likely is a carb issue. The guy i sent it out to was highly recommended but I have seen a mistake or two like the accelerator pump being in backwards. It could very well just be me as this is the oldest thing I have owned or worked on.

Posted By: SNobsessed
Date Posted: August-29-2021 at 9:22am
Do the idle mixture adjusters have any affect?

Look down the carb throat while engine is idling to see if it is dripping.

Another test is to spray carb cleaner around base of carb to check for vacuum leak (it will change RPM if the spray gets sucked in).

“Beer is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy.”

Ben Franklin

Posted By: bwinn
Date Posted: August-29-2021 at 10:21am
What’s your firing order, I would double check it.

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