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Wood transom?

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Category: General Correct Craft Discussion
Forum Name: General Discussion
Forum Discription: Anything Correct Craft
Printed Date: March-04-2025 at 2:00am

Topic: Wood transom?
Posted By: 359
Subject: Wood transom?
Date Posted: July-25-2021 at 5:48pm
This could be a dumbass question, but considering my 89 2001 is a direct drive boat, is the transom wood? I noticed my swim platform is missing a fastener, and a PO slathered some kind of sealant over the hole. Im concerned about it leaking and rotting wood.

Posted By: KENO
Date Posted: July-25-2021 at 6:05pm
Isn't there an old saying along the lines of "there's no such thing as a dumbass question"? Wink

There's wood inside of your transom. Fiberglass on the outside, fiberglass on the inside and wood in the middle.

Posted By: wayoutthere
Date Posted: July-25-2021 at 11:27pm
Yeah if there was dumb questions, i'd be in the record books.

Not sure but i thought most swim platforms had 4 brackets and therefore aren't  bolted thru the wood in the middle of the transom .
Mine had 3 brackets but the old nuts and bolts were in the original holes, so on mine at least there was 4, and when it went down to 3 the center bracket was lagged in the wood.

If your concerned it's an easy fix to seal and prevent water intrusion "IF" those fasteners go thru the wood.
If they just go thru fiberglass don't sweat it, thats an even easier fix, save it for the fall to do list. 
some glass guys say every couple to 5 years all thru hulls should be re bedded in 4200,  i've never seen it done, but i keep an eye out for rust stains.

Posted By: gun-driver
Date Posted: July-26-2021 at 9:53am
Originally posted by KENO KENO wrote:

There's wood inside of your transom. Fiberglass on the outside, fiberglass on the inside and wood in the middle.

Ahh no.  That’s how most outboard boats are built but not his.
Technically there is wood but they are blocks of wood laminated to the inside where needed for fastening things like the platform. 

In the pic below you can see the block added where the thru hull exhaust mounts and on the inboard side of the stringer you can see the block for the platform and one behind the speedo balancers. 

Posted By: Hollywood
Date Posted: July-26-2021 at 9:59am
Originally posted by gun-driver gun-driver wrote:

Technically there is wood

So there is wood ?

Posted By: MourningWood
Date Posted: July-26-2021 at 11:56am
Exactly. There is potentially rot-able wood in the transom which accepts platform bracket mounting fasteners (and other stuff) at or below the waterline.
These should be well sealed. (and, periodically re-sealed)...

1964 Dunphy X-55 "One 'N Dun"

'I measured twice, cut three times, and it's still too short!"

Posted By: KENO
Date Posted: July-26-2021 at 12:56pm
So...........I guess we all sorta agree, there's wood in there. Wink

It isn't everywhere, but it's everywhere that they were concerned about strength when putting fasteners of one kind or another or things like exhaust pipes etc  through or into it.

Not to mention providing the anchor point and strength for the rear lifting ring setup.

And if you're putting fasteners in, you should make sure you're doing it through one of those spots and it's sealed well from the outside, or put in some backing of your own..

Posted By: gun-driver
Date Posted: July-26-2021 at 1:16pm
Originally posted by KENO KENO wrote:

So...........I guess we all sorta agree, there's wood in there. Wink

It isn't everywhere, but it's everywhere that they were concerned about strength when putting fasteners of one kind or another or things like exhaust pipes etc  through or into it.

Not to mention providing the anchor point and strength for the rear lifting ring setup.

And if you're putting fasteners in, you should make sure you're doing it through one of those spots and it's sealed well from the outside, or put in some backing of your own..

So yes there are wood blocks laminated on the inside. I just didn’t want him to think the whole transom was wood like an outboard like the picture above. That’s how I pictured it from kenos post.
And to Kenos point on making sure you anchor to the blocks, they missed them on my ‘85 when mounting the platform Confused
In my picture you can see the lags above the stringer between the blocks.

Posted By: KENO
Date Posted: July-26-2021 at 2:24pm
Here's a picture of an 83 transom in a quote from an old CCF thread.

He mentions the exhaust port wood that's already gone and has arrows pointing at the other wooden reinforced spots.

Originally posted by akabulla akabulla wrote:

On the transom there are 4 spots that I guess the brackets for the swim platform screw into? Is there wood in there and if so should I assume that they are rotted?

I obviously found the wood around the exhaust ports. Should I replace those or just put some reinforcement with glass? It doesn't seem like there is a lot of stress on the exhaust ports.

Lastly, I assume the middle arrow is where the lift point bracket attaches to? It was already removed and looks like it is very rotted, almost looks burnt it is so rotted out!


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