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Carb rebuild kit

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Category: General Correct Craft Discussion
Forum Name: General Discussion
Forum Discription: Anything Correct Craft
Printed Date: March-04-2025 at 1:51am

Topic: Carb rebuild kit
Posted By: Wichitabub
Subject: Carb rebuild kit
Date Posted: August-13-2021 at 1:15pm
What could happen if a non marine carburetor rebuild kit was used on a marine carburetor

Posted By: KENO
Date Posted: August-13-2021 at 5:01pm
It may run real good or it may have a variety of issues

This sounds like just another way of saying "I used an automotive carburetor kit on my boat and now it doesn't run right" or maybe you're thinking about using one.  Wink

There's nothing special about a marine carburetor kit for a Holley.

But there are differences in Holleys from one to another whether you're comparing auto to auto marine to marine or auto to marine that can cause you to have issues.

Some gaskets look alike at a glance but really aren't.

One example would be the metering block to body gasket.

Click on the link below for an example of what happened when a wrong version of that gasket was used" rel="nofollow - link

Many kits have extra gaskets due to these differences and they may also have a different power valve than what was in your carburetor.

The power valve has 2 different gaskets that can be used and using the wrong one can cause issues too.

So.........not knowing if you're just curious or having a problem if figured I'd throw that out there for now Wink

Posted By: Wichitabub
Date Posted: August-13-2021 at 5:38pm
Thanks for the information, I did rebuild my carb and used the carburetor model stamped on the choke tower. I didn’t qualify it was for marine use. My issue is that the engine wants to die when idling. There isn’t a problem accelerating,only when trying to get idle to the dock,or while waiting for a skier to hook up

Posted By: KENO
Date Posted: August-13-2021 at 5:55pm
Is it wanting to die from not enough gas or maybe from too much gas?

I think I'd look at the idle mixture screws as a place to start if it's not getting enough gas.

1 1/2 turns out from lightly seated is a good starting point making equal and small tweaks on both screws and adjusting speed with the idle speed screw.

Turning out is richening the mixture and in is making it leaner

You'd be trying for the smoothest idle under load in gear

If it's too rich and flooding, with gas spilling down the primaries, there are a variety of things like float level, junk between the needle and seat a wrong gasket like in the link above and a few others that could be the issue

A just plain ragged idle that you can't seem to adjust could be a vacuum leak at the gaskets on either side of the carburetor spacer.

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