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84 SN 2001 - Acceleration Stalling

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Category: General Correct Craft Discussion
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Printed Date: March-04-2025 at 12:13am

Topic: 84 SN 2001 - Acceleration Stalling
Posted By: OldSchoolBlue84
Subject: 84 SN 2001 - Acceleration Stalling
Date Posted: August-23-2021 at 6:12pm
Hi everyone…..have a question….recently the boat (84SN2001) is starting to hesitate and stumble on acceleration randomly with load after engine reaches temp. It starts up on cold start, idles and seems to run good but after about 10 minute or so the boat will act up under load when trying to pull a skier. It will start every time after this occurs. It acts like the lean carburetor or possibly stuck float but it’s brand new (quick fuel m-600) carburetor and it’s been tuned/inspected twice by local marine mechanics. Now I am noticing that this normally occurs when the tank falls below half but that may just be a fluke. I also noticed heavy white smoke on cold start, when sitting longer then few days. Last year I did install a new ignition system (flame thrower & electric module) from SKIDIM so maybe electrical components starting to fail already? To be on the safe side, as well as I always wanted to go this route, went ahead and ordered a DUI from SKIDIM which will be installed this week. I only use marine gas and before the season I installed new fuel/vent hoses as well as anti siphon valve and empty/drained the gas tank. As you could see I’m lost. Any ideas? Thank you so much" rel="nofollow -

Kostas" rel="nofollow - 1984 Ski Nautique 2001

Posted By: Kristof
Date Posted: August-24-2021 at 3:03am
I had the same kind of issues a few weeks ago.
Turned out to be the timing that was off.
So I took the (stoboscope) timing lamp out and checked the timing.
After that, no more issues.

The DUI is a good way to go BTW.

-------------" rel="nofollow - My '89 SN2001

Posted By: KENO
Date Posted: August-24-2021 at 6:46am
Here's a question or 3 or 4

After it's warmed up and you slow down to get the skier, does it idle good and only act up on takeoff or is it a lousy idle as soon as you slow down ?.

Does it die as soon as you try to take off, it sounds like it from the description? or does it get up a little speed and then die?

What's your idle speed in that video?, maybe it the camera angle, but it looks pretty low

What do you have to do to start it again (besides turning the key  Wink) ?

Posted By: OldSchoolBlue84
Date Posted: August-24-2021 at 9:12am
Thanks Kristof, will double check again on the timing, last time I checked it was at 12 degrees.  

Kostas" rel="nofollow - 1984 Ski Nautique 2001

Posted By: OldSchoolBlue84
Date Posted: August-24-2021 at 9:29am

Originally posted by KENO KENO wrote:

Here's a question or 3 or 4

1) After it's warmed up and you slow down to get the skier, does it idle good and only act up on takeoff or is it a lousy idle as soon as you slow down ?.

2) Does it die as soon as you try to take off, it sounds like it from the description? or does it get up a little speed and then die?

3) What's your idle speed in that video?, maybe it the camera angle, but it looks pretty low

4) What do you have to do to start it again (besides turning the key  Wink) ?

thanks ken for the questions...........
1) After the boat warms up, it idles good and seems to have no issues from the pier to the main part of the lake.  We stop while in idle to get the boat ready for a skier and then once the skier is ready it would stubble and die during acceleration.  
2) It dies as soon as I try to take off once there is a load after we go from the pier to the main part of the lake.  Anytime after it dies the boat runs like crap and sometimes I'm able to idle back to the dock (without acceleration) or sometimes I have to paddle in.  
3) Correct, idle speed was at 500, after the video I did increase the idle to 700 in neutral.  Last mechanic likes to keep the idle low.  
4) To start the boat back up, most of the time its no throttle is needed, just turn of a key.  Few times it requires throttle while turning the key.  

Now I did forget to mention, the last time the boat acted up on Friday I paddled it back to the dock and decided to take a peak under the distributor cap.  I saw some moisture and corrosion.  I did dry it out and had some fine sandpaper to clean up the cap as well as the rotor.  Maybe its a moisture issue?  Maybe it's bad Napa Automotive cap (installed last year) but I did use the gasket. After I did that, the boat started up, I increased the RPM"s to about 700 in neutral and idled it to the gas pumps.  I filled her up, acted little funny at the pumps but did not die and then idled back out to the main lake.  By then we were able to ski.  Wacko  Took her back out on Sunday and no issues at all Confused

Kostas" rel="nofollow - 1984 Ski Nautique 2001

Posted By: KENO
Date Posted: August-24-2021 at 1:37pm
Sounds like maybe you fixed your problem with the cap cleaning and idle speed adjustment.

500 is kinda low especially when it's in neutral and wants to drop some when you put it in gear.

Posted By: OldSchoolBlue84
Date Posted: August-31-2021 at 2:25pm
Originally posted by KENO KENO wrote:

Sounds like maybe you fixed your problem with the cap cleaning and idle speed adjustment.

500 is kinda low especially when it's in neutral and wants to drop some when you put it in gear.

Thanks Ken, so far so good after installing the DUI regarding the random stalling issue.  Will be testing again this weekend with 1/2 tank of gas but I think it was the cap/electrical issue.  

Now, DUI is amazing, starts right up with no throttle pumping after warmed up, just turn of a key all is needed. I'm still trying to figure out the cold start as it seems that I need to pump the throttle more then I would like, 3-4 times, before she fires.  The next day, I'm noticing no fuel within the site glass after sitting which maybe the fuel bowls are emptying out over night????  Also noticing whitish smoke once started which maybe its from pumping the throttle to much during cold starts??  Its a new QF carb, Holley is telling me its possibly pulling vacuum at the gas tank and for me to inspect the vent hose?? I did install new anti siphon valve, vent hoses, etc end of last year.  

Thanks for helping out 

Kostas" rel="nofollow - 1984 Ski Nautique 2001

Posted By: OldSchoolBlue84
Date Posted: September-05-2021 at 4:03pm
Update….I think I found my cold start issue…float bowels drain themselves overnight. This morning was able to see lower rear intake to wedge plate gasket was wet, signs of leakage. Not sure what causes that??? I am waiting for a power valve replacement as the existing could be blown by the few times the carb backfired during my acceleration issue. Will be calling Holley again! Any suggestions? Thanks" rel="nofollow">" rel="nofollow">" rel="nofollow">" rel="nofollow">" rel="nofollow - convert binary to text

Kostas" rel="nofollow - 1984 Ski Nautique 2001

Posted By: KENO
Date Posted: September-05-2021 at 7:57pm
Originally posted by OldSchoolBlue84 OldSchoolBlue84 wrote:

Update….I think I found my cold start issue…float bowels drain themselves overnight

My bowels always want to inconveniently drain down in the middle of the night too, Wink

Your carburetor should have the backfire protection check valve from the factory.

I'd get a little drain container and pull a lower bowl screw on each bowl to see if they really drained down overnight or maybe they're just below the sight glass.

For the front bowl, you could pump the throttle a couple of times and see if you have flow from the accelerator pump to give you an idea if that bowl emptied itself.

It looks like that ugly rust spot has been happening for years

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