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Looking at upgrading to a 94 sport

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Topic: Looking at upgrading to a 94 sport
Posted By: 3mile
Subject: Looking at upgrading to a 94 sport
Date Posted: September-13-2021 at 5:22pm
hi. Mainly lurk here. Grew up on boats with outboards. Last spring I bought an 87 riviera. Great boat. No issues, but its wood.... you know. Was still gonna keep a few years but stumbled upon a 94 sport today for 8 grand. 475 hrs. Said he hasn't ran it much in 2 years and had an issue with dirty fuel last season and drained gased and changed filter. Said he would take me on a water test if I bring cash this weekend. Going to take the wife to look at it after dinner.   Anything special to look for? Thanks for reading and any responses

Posted By: RealDeez
Date Posted: September-13-2021 at 6:16pm
At that price in this market... interior quality, engine/ transmission upkeep and running gear.

Even if the drivetrain is iffy I think you'd still be ahead after a rebuild these days...

Lake James, IN
93 Sport Nautique

Posted By: 3mile
Date Posted: September-13-2021 at 7:29pm
Definitely smaller than my riviera and just ok shape but I feel I can't beat the price. It has the pro boss...not sure if thats good or bad. Can take me on a water test tomorrow if I am still interested. Wife gave me the ok if I think its a good boat hmmmm

Posted By: RealDeez
Date Posted: September-13-2021 at 7:38pm
Pro Boss is the 351W with the gt40 heads... might have a protec ignition which would need to be replaced eventually and I think some were TBI... but those aren't huge problems if you're reasonably handy.

If it runs well as is and the interior is workable it's probably worth it.

But I'm kind of new still so maybe another opinion would be good...

Lake James, IN
93 Sport Nautique

Posted By: Gary S
Date Posted: September-13-2021 at 8:08pm
+1,  just want to add check the interior carefully it's big bucks if you had to replace it all.

-------------" rel="nofollow - 69 Mustang HM SS
95 Nautique Super Sport

Posted By: gun-driver
Date Posted: September-13-2021 at 8:16pm
It may be running poorly because the Protec ignition is starting to fail and if it isn't it will be. Johnny Quest seems to be the local expert on the Protec hopefully he’ll weigh in on the subject.
If its the TBI and protec figure about a grand doing it yourself ( new carb, distributor and wires)
Do a search on the Protec and start reading i think i remember reading that the gel starts oozing out of them when their dying but I’m not positive.

Posted By: 3mile
Date Posted: September-13-2021 at 8:17pm
There are some cracks in some of the rear seats. Crappy cover as well. He said the boat was only out once this year and once last but the guy feels confident it will run fine. It also has a new prop, said he "dinged" it. I imagine I would feel vibration if it had shaft damage? Appreciate all the feedback so far

Posted By: 3mile
Date Posted: September-13-2021 at 8:29pm
I didn't realize there was that many issues with the protec. Doing research

Posted By: RealDeez
Date Posted: September-13-2021 at 8:33pm
It's a reasonably easy fix. Mine was replaced with a regular coil/ mechanical distro before I got it and runs great...

Lake James, IN
93 Sport Nautique

Posted By: ultrarunner
Date Posted: September-13-2021 at 9:53pm
As others have said, if the interior is in reasonable shape, and sounds as if it is, you can't go wrong at that price. A "small" ding in a prop likely isn't an issue...pretty soft metal. Worst case, a few more bucks to replace an obsolete ignition, and you are GTG.

There are one or two reasonable blokes on here from PIT, that might even run out there and take a look at it with you. I'd likely only trust them after a few beers though, so take a cooler! Shoot us some pics or the ad so we can snoop around. We promise not to scam you!Wink

Posted By: 3mile
Date Posted: September-13-2021 at 9:59pm
Haha no ad. (I keep a close eye on the local listings) Said he's just had it by the road for the last 5 days.

Posted By: Jonny Quest
Date Posted: September-14-2021 at 1:05am
I wouldn’t be overly concerned about PtoTec. One simply should understand that a system failure is more likely than not — and to have a plan.  A ProTec only fix can be done with after market ignition systems for $400-$600 depending on the parts list.  If the 1994 ha s throttle body EFI, hen the fix is a bit more involved.  Price can also increase by another $400-$600.  All reasonably doable with modest mechanic skills and general hand tools.  These “fixes” can make the engine run like new, assuming that the rest of the engine is in good shape.  

I had a 1994 with ProTec and EFI.  After the mods, it was a very strong runner…almost equal to my GT40.


2003 Ski Nautique 206 Limited

2001 Ski Nautique Open Bow
1994 Ski Nautique Open Bow

Aqua skiing, ergo sum

Posted By: 3mile
Date Posted: September-14-2021 at 6:42am
I think I could handle the distributor/ignition system. I do oil changes/impeller/ and have added a ground bar behind my dash.

Going to take the boat out this evening but it will have to run decent for the wife to give me the ok. Fingers crossed and I promise to follow up with pics

Posted By: 3mile
Date Posted: September-14-2021 at 9:01am

Posted By: 3mile
Date Posted: September-14-2021 at 9:03am

Posted By: 3mile
Date Posted: September-14-2021 at 9:07am
Going for the water test after work today. Attempted to post pics but only a couple showed up. 

Posted By: ultrarunner
Date Posted: September-14-2021 at 9:58am
Just stating the obvious, but you'll need at the very least, bottom seat cushions on the couch, as the seam damage will continue. And the previous comments re: ProTec.

Posted By: 3mile
Date Posted: September-14-2021 at 10:59am
Yes I know the back section is big bucks but would have the white couch bottoms done over the winter for sure

Posted By: ultrarunner
Date Posted: September-14-2021 at 11:04am
IF, and it's a BIG IF, you have competent vinyl upholstery folks in your area, you can have it done for significantly less money than ordering OEM skins from Christine's, would be my guess. I think especially for the smaller, single color, non-logo pieces, such as the bottom cushions and such. Not that I'm not a supporter of Christine's.

Posted By: SNobsessed
Date Posted: September-14-2021 at 6:31pm
If it is a boat you will be keeping. new plush seat vinyl will be good money spent.

“Beer is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy.”

Ben Franklin

Posted By: 3mile
Date Posted: September-14-2021 at 8:15pm
Well. I went and looked at it and it would not start on the trailer . Would run a second or two but that was it. Maybe the protec conversion would be the key but he also said he owned it 8 years and never touched the carb. Only maintenance was a spring oil change. He wouldn't move on the price. Still tempted but told me he was going to see if he can get it going and call me

Posted By: RealDeez
Date Posted: September-14-2021 at 8:41pm
Hopefully he doesn't try so hard to get it going that he wrecks it...

Sorry it didn't go better.

Lake James, IN
93 Sport Nautique

Posted By: 3mile
Date Posted: September-14-2021 at 8:55pm
Appreciate it. I l. Told him call me even if he wants to take offers as is. The hull is really nice, always pulled not kept in water. Plus it was a local drive so i still had time to take an evening rip on our boat before sunset. (We have a dock) She may be wood but man does she still rip for an 87! Thanks everyone for the quick feedback and i will update if I would happen to get a phone call.

Posted By: 63 Skier
Date Posted: September-15-2021 at 12:13am
Seems like it might be the protec, or might be lack of maintenance.  Either way, you WILL be replacing the protec.  Here's how I'd look at it - 8K is a good price for a '94 Sport in good running order even if the interior is rough.  This boat isn't in good running order but you likely know what the fix is.  351's aren't mysterious engines with lots of potential problems.  The low hours make the owners story kind of make sense, only ran it a few times a year, didn't do the seasonal maintenance he should have, etc.

So figure you'll spend $1,500 on mechanical stuff, protec conversion plus plugs and wires and fluids and a few other things you are bound to find wrong.  Then if you go with the minimum on upholstery just to get the bad rips and tears taken care of you'll spend another $1,500, if you go Christine's and professional work more like $4500.  Keep in mind that if those back seams are ripping it's likely the rest of the interior is going to go downhill as you use the boat more and more.

So for $11,000 or so you've got a good strong running '94 Sport.  I think if the boat was running well and interior had some life left people on here would be saying that's a decent price for the boat.

Hope this helps.  Hopefully the guy will walk out in the morning and decide it's not worth him working on it and take your offer!

'63 American Skier - '98 Sport Nautique

Posted By: 3mile
Date Posted: September-17-2021 at 12:42pm
Well the phone rang today and th guy said the boat is running. "Thinks he's just flooded it" . I'm still guessing its a protec/carb issue but supposed to water test Sunday. I will keep you posted...

Posted By: 63 Skier
Date Posted: September-17-2021 at 2:41pm
Good luck!  If nothing else, water tests are fun.

'63 American Skier - '98 Sport Nautique

Posted By: gun-driver
Date Posted: September-17-2021 at 4:23pm
Did you ever find out if it was a throttle body EFI or a carb, it could be as simple as needing a carb rebuild/cleaning or it could be the throttle body injection going bad.

Where’s the water test taking place?

Posted By: 3mile
Date Posted: September-18-2021 at 7:42am
It's a carb. Hes owned it for 8 years and never touched the carb, wouldn't be surprised.

Waiting on a time but meeting at the local river. Interested in coming out with for an expert opinion?!?!

Posted By: gun-driver
Date Posted: September-18-2021 at 7:30pm
Wish I could but this weekend is booked 

Posted By: Nauti Gator
Date Posted: September-20-2021 at 11:48pm
On my '93 Sport upgrading to a Davis DUI and a new Holly carb made a world of difference in performance.  Prob put 100 hours on it since and it runs great.

I would definitely take a compression test before purchasing!

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