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Extended pylon bow attachment

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Category: General Correct Craft Discussion
Forum Name: General Discussion
Forum Discription: Anything Correct Craft
Printed Date: March-03-2025 at 10:33pm

Topic: Extended pylon bow attachment
Posted By: brhillman
Subject: Extended pylon bow attachment
Date Posted: October-06-2021 at 7:34pm
I know this has come up before, and every time it seems responses are split down the middle, but I'm curious about using the lifting ring for the attachment of the support cable for a pylon extension. I know the classic response "use the strap through the bow eye, the lifting ring is only designed for vertical loads", but I have two questions that I cannot seem to find concrete answers to:

1) Has anyone actually seen this result in spider cracking of the gelcoat around the lift ring, or is this concern based primarily on speculation? It starts to sound like "you'll shoot yer eye out" after a while.

2) Is there a way to do this safely, maybe by reinforcing the deck around the lift ring? Has anyone gone to the trouble of doing this?

I guess that's three questions. Anyways, the reason I ask is, the setup just looks so much cleaner (and is more convenient) without the bow sling, and I worry somewhat about the sling wearing on the rubrail and the gelcoat with extended use. Maybe the aesthetics while pulling a rider is a stupid concern, but one of the things I love about my Correct Craft is the classic lines, and an off-colored lift strap slung around the bow kind of takes away from that.

Posted By: LongLakeWI
Date Posted: October-06-2021 at 11:09pm
I used the Super Deluxe Boom Mount from Tachyon in order to use a Fly High since I didn’t want to remove “the ring” on my 82 SN.  This created a higher fly high pole freed up the pylon for barefoot boom AND created a more vertical pull on the bow lift ring.  I used this setup for 3 years with no effect on fiberglass on the hull.  Hope my description made sense.  I would send a pic but just sold the boat last week.

Posted By: brhillman
Date Posted: October-08-2021 at 2:39pm
Yeah that makes sense, thanks for sharing your experience!

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