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Category: General Correct Craft Discussion
Forum Name: General Discussion
Forum Discription: Anything Correct Craft
Printed Date: March-03-2025 at 8:03pm

Topic: Oxidation
Posted By: GeoB
Subject: Oxidation
Date Posted: October-08-2021 at 7:01pm
My new to me 1985 SN has a fair amount of oxidation.

Now that she is out of the water and in the garage I’m looking at it

DIY or pay?

I know next to no thing about care for fiberglass.

A detailer has given me a bid for $900 and includes bugging out the oxidation and then a polymere sealant.

What is that? Will it flake and peel down the road?

Thanx !


Posted By: 75 Tique
Date Posted: October-08-2021 at 7:21pm
I wouldnt pay $900, I wouldnt pay anyone to do it, if you are not afraid of a little work.   There are a ton of threads on here about refinishing methods and products.  Also, there are a million youtube videos on bringing fiberglass back.  I know several rookies who have taken it on with good results.  It may just be hand buffing, it may be machine buffing, it may be wet sanding.  Depends how bad it is.  People have favorite products (usually 3M) and favorite procedures.  There will be as many approaches as answers. The wet sanding is appropriate if very dull, and that is the most labor intensive.  Other buffing approaches, especially with a buffer, are not too bad. (all this is  "so I am told"  I have never taken it on myself. Google and youtube it.  Lots of answers.

“So, how was your weekend?”
“Well, let me see…sun burn, stiff neck, screwed up back, assorted aches and pains….yup, my weekend was great, thanks for asking.”

Posted By: Gary S
Date Posted: October-08-2021 at 10:07pm
I followed TRBenj's methods in this post-" rel="nofollow -
It is alot of work but by the time your done you will really know your boat LOL 

-------------" rel="nofollow - 69 Mustang HM SS
95 Nautique Super Sport

Posted By: GeoB
Date Posted: October-09-2021 at 10:43am
Thanx. Interesting read. Nice pictures. I’ll have to Google the final materials to see if it was wax bases or polymere.

How long did the shin hold up?

Arm work? I’m 71 and active. Do you see this a a younger man indever?


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