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Possible trip to UK from US

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Category: General Correct Craft Discussion
Forum Name: General Discussion
Forum Discription: Anything Correct Craft
Printed Date: March-03-2025 at 7:53pm

Topic: Possible trip to UK from US
Posted By: ultrarunner
Subject: Possible trip to UK from US
Date Posted: November-18-2021 at 5:38pm
Hey gang, I may have a trip from the US to East Midlands. If it goes, I think we're staying in Nottingham. With that said, if it all gets confirmed, I'm happy to haul some parts for those that are unable to source what they need in the UK. You would be responsible for having said-parts shipped to my home, and then pick up on the other end in Nottingham Dec. 6/7. Ideally, there would be a point-person in the UK that would pick up the box and then distribute to their mates accordingly. 


Posted By: MrMcD
Date Posted: November-18-2021 at 10:47pm
That is one heck of an offer Ultra!   You might even get a cold ski trip out of the deal, would be worth it.  How many can say they skied in Europe!   Do IT!


Posted By: uk1979
Date Posted: November-19-2021 at 8:58am
Hi Mark if you do come over get a booster jab before, covid is kicking off here again and Europe... we have the delta + strain which is picking up we are running 1 in 50 to 60 by the stats which is going up now the schools are back, I up for a booster (3rd) next week 6 months after my last. 

Thanks for the offer... I do have parts with Bruce but they are used old oily and heavy not things to put in your suit case.
Hope to get over to the USA  in 22 if it all covid is in check, lets hope.

If you need things from here PM me... all I could think of is Tea that Lipton in the USA is so weak. 


Lets have a go
56 Starflite
77 SN
78 SN
80 BFN

Posted By: ultrarunner
Date Posted: November-19-2021 at 9:16am
Hi UK, yep all boosted here in September. I believe the rest of my flight crew is also boosted. We're GTG! ;-) I could bring a few heavy things, but they'd have to have seen the better part of a parts cleaner and then wrapped up good! ;-)

Posted By: uk1979
Date Posted: November-19-2021 at 9:32am
Thanks Mark that is very good of you... will see what Bruce thinks as they may be too oily and smelly.


Lets have a go
56 Starflite
77 SN
78 SN
80 BFN

Posted By: Riley
Date Posted: November-25-2021 at 4:23pm
Nothing is oily or smelly.  Roger, I may need reminding of what you have, but 1) a cam that will pack in a suitcase, 2) a raw water pump that will pack in a suit case, 2 miscellaneous windshield hardware that will pack in a suit case, 4) pair of exhaust manifolds, 5) old Mustang windshield.  Exhaust manifolds are not huge and pack nicely in a box.

Roger, I believe that is everything.  If not, let me know what else you have...
Mark, PM me your address and what you can take and I will ship it to you ASAP.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Posted By: ultrarunner
Date Posted: November-26-2021 at 8:45am
Hi Riley, with the exception of the windshield, I can bring all those goodies. Check your PM

Posted By: ultrarunner
Date Posted: November-29-2021 at 11:22am
Hey gang, it's possible my UK trip may cancel due to restrictions that have published in the last day or so. Namely, that out passengers must test and subsequently quarantine upon arrival until in receipt of the negative test result. We're being told results in 24 hours, but could be longer. If the latter, I can't imagine our passengers would go, given it's only a 3-day trip. Stay tuned.

Posted By: ultrarunner
Date Posted: November-29-2021 at 1:51pm
Trip cancelled. We’ll try again on the next one.

Posted By: Riley
Date Posted: November-29-2021 at 8:11pm
Parts will wait till next time...

Posted By: uk1979
Date Posted: November-30-2021 at 9:03am
Thanks Mark for thinking of us here.. this bug just won't give up, best keep out of the UK we are full of it after the springbok rugby played here a few weeks back, all the data you see is around 2 weeks behind real time. 

I must say I had visions of you having oil stained shirt for the flite back walking through the cabin and on the intercom announcing final checks complete.


Lets have a go
56 Starflite
77 SN
78 SN
80 BFN

Posted By: gun-driver
Date Posted: December-01-2021 at 3:23pm
Mark, don't you have to go through customs?

Posted By: ultrarunner
Date Posted: December-01-2021 at 4:37pm
Nope, not at the level you would associate with airline travel. Essentially just checking passports and other such paperwork.

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