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1983 sn2001 seating

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Category: General Correct Craft Discussion
Forum Name: General Discussion
Forum Discription: Anything Correct Craft
Printed Date: March-03-2025 at 5:05pm

Topic: 1983 sn2001 seating
Posted By: boat rider
Subject: 1983 sn2001 seating
Date Posted: January-03-2022 at 3:39pm
I have recently got a 1983 sn2001. It is missing literally everything but the steering wheel and hull. As I am looking online for a picture to follow I saw two different back seats. One goes all the way to the engine cover and one stops before it to give leg room. Which is the original or are they both just different options. Thank you.

Posted By: MourningWood
Date Posted: January-03-2022 at 4:31pm
There were 2 rear seats available in '83. Both optional. The basic was 2 large chunks of foam, one for cushion the other for backrest. The deluxe interior package gave a more 'modern' rear seat with a frame structure. But both were placed across the rear in such a way as to allow foot room between seats and motor box. 

1964 Dunphy X-55 "One 'N Dun"

'I measured twice, cut three times, and it's still too short!"

Posted By: KENO
Date Posted: January-03-2022 at 5:59pm
Here's a link to the 1983 brochure with a SN on the cover.

It's from the CCF reference section" rel="nofollow - link

If I was gonna put it on the cover, I'd make sure it had the deluxe interior Wink

Posted By: boat rider
Date Posted: January-03-2022 at 9:45pm
Ok perfect thank you.

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