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1989 Ski no forward or reverse

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Category: General Correct Craft Discussion
Forum Name: General Discussion
Forum Discription: Anything Correct Craft
Printed Date: March-03-2025 at 5:04pm

Topic: 1989 Ski no forward or reverse
Posted By: fanofccfan
Subject: 1989 Ski no forward or reverse
Date Posted: January-06-2022 at 9:31am
Friend of mine has a 1989 Ski and said he was driving along just fine made a few circles (bat turns i suspect) at medium speed motor quit running and would not start- cranked slowly but no start.  Sat around for a few minutes and it fired and ran.  Went to put it into gear and nada.  No forward nor reverse.  Drive shaft was not spinning in either direction.  Shift lever on trans was moving in both directions to detents.  Prop was still on and drive shaft in tact.  Damper plate? Any other suggestions? The trans is the pcm 40 series I believe.  

2004 196 LE Ski 1969 Marauder 19 1978 Ski

Posted By: Morfoot
Date Posted: January-06-2022 at 11:19am
That would be my guess. It was probably tired and finally let go. 33 years on the same damper plate...It had a good run. Pull the starter and have a looksie inside the bell housing to see if you have a bunch of "Spare Parts" in the bottom. 

"Morfoot; He can ski. He can wakeboard.He can cook chicken.He can create his own self-named beverage, & can also apparently fly. A man of many talents."72 Mustang "Kermit",88 SN Miss Scarlett, 99 SN "Sherman"

Posted By: fanofccfan
Date Posted: January-06-2022 at 11:22am
Ill give that a try.  Hoping for his sake it aint the trans

2004 196 LE Ski 1969 Marauder 19 1978 Ski

Posted By: KENO
Date Posted: January-06-2022 at 2:45pm
Does it make a bunch of metal grinding against metal grinding noises?

Or no extra noises at all?

I imagine you checked the fluid level and just didn.t mention it in the first post.

Posted By: fanofccfan
Date Posted: January-06-2022 at 8:07pm
No noise and I believe he checked fluid. I’ll ask tho. The no noise was a question I was concerned about as well. 

2004 196 LE Ski 1969 Marauder 19 1978 Ski

Posted By: KENO
Date Posted: January-07-2022 at 10:19am
Since damper plates usually make quite a racket when they break and the engine is running, I think that "no noise" points toward the transmission itself.

Posted By: fanofccfan
Date Posted: January-08-2022 at 5:40pm
Keno-  if that’s the case then I hope I can rely on you and your vast knowledge for the repair!

2004 196 LE Ski 1969 Marauder 19 1978 Ski

Posted By: KENO
Date Posted: January-08-2022 at 6:37pm
Me and PCM transmissions don't get along too well since when they break parts, some of those parts are crazy expensive.and they're hard to find.

I'd cross your fingers and hope it's a damper plate. Wink

The manual shows how to test pump pressure, if you haven't started disassembling things yet

Posted By: fanofccfan
Date Posted: March-03-2022 at 8:54pm
Finally got around to this project. Damper plate looks like new. I also just re read Kenos advice about pump pressure testing…after I removed the trans!🤷🏻‍♂️

2004 196 LE Ski 1969 Marauder 19 1978 Ski

Posted By: KENO
Date Posted: March-04-2022 at 8:25am
Well in that case, as a start I think I'd pull the pump off and inspect the gears and the little oil pump drive ball that makes the inner gear of the pump turn with the input shaft so you can be sure the pump was rotating as it should be.

Here's a link to a YouTube video that's worth watching.

It's not exactly the best it could be. but it's better than I could do Wink 

He kinda breezes right through some steps, usually the harder ones and I seem to think he left out the big casing gasket when assembling, but there's plenty of good info." rel="nofollow - link  

Here's a link to a manual, courtesy of SkiDim" rel="nofollow - link

Posted By: fanofccfan
Date Posted: March-04-2022 at 9:38am
Thanks Keno.  Now about the address I need to send this to so you can complete the rebuild?!?!?Wink  I also left a message at Fantastic Finish Marine inquiring about the next steps.

Spinning the output slowly the input does rotate.  The forward reverse selector mechanism seems to move for and aft very easily-just a couple amateur assessments by me!

2004 196 LE Ski 1969 Marauder 19 1978 Ski

Posted By: KENO
Date Posted: March-04-2022 at 1:32pm
Originally posted by fanofccfan fanofccfan wrote:

Spinning the output slowly the input does rotate.  The forward reverse selector mechanism seems to move for and aft very easily-just a couple amateur assessments by me!
The rotation you describe is normal

I'd still take the pump off to see if the rotating shaft is making the gear rotate and you could pull the selector out if you think it moves too easily. 

They're both pretty non intrusive.

Posted By: fanofccfan
Date Posted: March-04-2022 at 3:13pm
Pulled the pump face and found the gear in three pieces and the input shaft scalded because of the gear failure.

Keno-you've got mail.  that is if I remembered your email address correctly!

2004 196 LE Ski 1969 Marauder 19 1978 Ski

Posted By: KENO
Date Posted: March-04-2022 at 4:20pm
Originally posted by fanofccfan fanofccfan wrote:

Pulled the pump face and found the gear in three pieces and the input shaft scalded because of the gear failure.

Keno-you've got mail.  that is if I remembered your email address correctly!

Not yet Bill,

I hope it's a picture or 2  I just hate it when that happens Wink

Probably time to talk to Joe and see what he has in the parts collection

Posted By: fanofccfan
Date Posted: March-04-2022 at 8:44pm
I tried it again. I was missing the 439.  Yes there are two pictures and it’s gets shipped to Joe on Monday.

2004 196 LE Ski 1969 Marauder 19 1978 Ski

Posted By: KENO
Date Posted: March-05-2022 at 7:12am
Here are Bill's pictures of the shaft  and the broken inner gear of the pump

Posted By: Jonny Quest
Date Posted: March-05-2022 at 11:05am
Dang!  I just HATE when that happens.  Too bad the shaft is toast.

2003 Ski Nautique 206 Limited

2001 Ski Nautique Open Bow
1994 Ski Nautique Open Bow

Aqua skiing, ergo sum

Posted By: fanofccfan
Date Posted: March-09-2022 at 9:52pm
Upon disassembly I had to remove the manifold risers and one of the bolts broke off. Stainless steel bolt. Have been soaking it with the 50/50 acetone trans oil mix. Tried heating and quenching with map gas several times with no success. Suggestions are welcome. Drilling it out is not working with the bits I’ve tried. 

On the trans… it arrived at fantastic finish today. 

2004 196 LE Ski 1969 Marauder 19 1978 Ski

Posted By: ScottZ
Date Posted: March-10-2022 at 11:43am
Hey Bill.  I have a fresh rebuilt 40 transmission I will sell.  I pulled it out of a 1994 Sport Nautique and replaced is with a PCM 80.  It was leaking fluid when I pulled it.  It has all new gaskets and clutches in it.  Let me know if you are interested.  $1200 plus shipping.

Scott Zuelzke
Lake Mitchell , AL
1984 Ski Nautique       
1972 Skier

Posted By: fanofccfan
Date Posted: March-11-2022 at 1:42pm
Scott. I gave the go ahead on the repair last week. Thanks tho. 

2004 196 LE Ski 1969 Marauder 19 1978 Ski

Posted By: fanofccfan
Date Posted: March-18-2022 at 11:03pm
Joe rebuilt the trans this week and I finally got the stubborn broke off riser bolt out today. It took the oxy act torch for heat but it did release!  Happy day!

2004 196 LE Ski 1969 Marauder 19 1978 Ski

Posted By: KENO
Date Posted: March-19-2022 at 9:27am
Did he tell you if it had other issues that caused the gear to break? Or it just broke?

Posted By: fanofccfan
Date Posted: March-19-2022 at 1:55pm
He did wonder of it ever got hot. Me not knowing the entire history of the boat can not answer that.  I will say that after I looked at the broken gear it doesn’t appear to be all that sturdy. A little ball is used instead of a square key to keep it from spinning on the shaft. My untrained eye would have me believe that is where the failure began..🤷🏻‍♂️

2004 196 LE Ski 1969 Marauder 19 1978 Ski

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