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Newby With New '77 Mustang

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Category: General Correct Craft Discussion
Forum Name: General Discussion
Forum Discription: Anything Correct Craft
Printed Date: March-03-2025 at 4:58pm

Topic: Newby With New '77 Mustang
Posted By: mosinee77
Subject: Newby With New '77 Mustang
Date Posted: March-30-2022 at 12:11pm


Newby here from North Central Wisconsin. I have just bought a new to me 1977 Mustang 17. The boat is a really clean low (648) hour example. Great stringers, floor ect. I had been looking for a clean '70s CC for several years, and this one ended up almost in my back yard. Interior and carpeting are really nice. The side stripes look to have been re-done and look to be a '78.

When I looked at it last week I did my due diligence on looking it over, and the owner was meticulous on all the hoses dis-connected, the drains out of the manifolds, etc. I did look at the one side of the block and it had a petcock drain, I spun it with my hand, and it turned freely.

Was super happy to locate this boat.... still am, but.....After getting it home and really digging into it, I noticed that that petcock, while it spins, was actually the petcock wing nut spinning on the drain, not turning I flashlight some more and see one of the frost plugs had pushed out and was laying in the motor mount. I did get the petcock drain out and a small amount of water came from the block, but I am now expecting the worst. Since it is still winter here and things are still freezing, it will be a couple weeks before I can put it all together, get a plug in the block and see what happens.

I plan to bore scope the cylinders, oil level is still just below the mark, but will change to look for water. Like a I said I'm hoping to the best as he did remove all the hoses, anf pulled all the other plugs, so most of the water was out , except for the passenger side of the block.

I'm still loving this boat, but holding my breath...... LOL

Posted By: samudj01
Date Posted: March-30-2022 at 1:14pm
Congrats on the new to you mustang. Hopefully the block is fine. Fingers crossed. When we bought our 78 ski tique multiple plugs were popped out. We got lucky. Here to hoping the same for you!

78 Ski Tique, 72 Skier w/302's, 93 SN w/351 & 17 GS22 w/zr409
Previous - 99 Sport Nautique w/GT40 and 87 Martinique w/351

Posted By: KENO
Date Posted: March-30-2022 at 7:43pm
I'd probably skip the oil drain, put a new plug in and just run the engine with some water supplied to it.

Your old oil will either look normal or have a gooey, thick coffee colored look to it after the engiine has run for a little while.

Doing it this way will let you know if there are any other spots either internal or external that are leaking and save you the cost of an oil change till you know the engine is good.

Let's hope it's normal Wink

Posted By: mosinee77
Date Posted: March-31-2022 at 8:02am
Thanks guys.

Like I said, hoping for the best. It started snowing here yesterday, and still going today, so spring is still some time away (lakes and rivers are still frozen too).

The wait to see this thing run will be hard....hhahaha...


Posted By: 67 ski nat
Date Posted: March-31-2022 at 10:16am
Welcome. Good find. What engine is in it
Good luck with getting it going

Posted By: mosinee77
Date Posted: March-31-2022 at 12:52pm

The boat is running the original 302 Ford.

Posted By: mosinee77
Date Posted: May-16-2022 at 8:54am
Just an update on this boat.

Since the ice finally went out up here in Northern Wisco in the last month, I was finally able to get this boat running on the trailer with a hose, splashed it into the river and idle around for an hour a couple weeks back and finally take it up to our cabin this weekend for a couple days in the water and see how it actually runs out.

It looks like a dodged a big bullet as I put new freeze plugs in after finding out  the previous owner left half the block un-drained. I am not getting any water in the oil after several hours on the water, some good heat cycles, some putting around, and some wide open throttle. I bore-scoped the cylinders, they all look good and the engine runs like a champ. The only issue right now seems to be a warm start issue where the carb seems to flood the engine if you let it sit and hour or so and go to re-start. Starts great when cold, just the flooding after it sits and still warm. I will figure it out.

The Transmission works very well, the engine runs smooth with no hesitation, and everything seems well. I'm very happy with the boat. I did sweat for awhile when I found the core plug pushed out  thinking cracked block, so to find out the boat is solid runner is awesome.

I left it in the water all weekend, used it Saturday and Sunday, and it never missed a beat. Now we can let summer happen. :)

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