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Heads removal advice

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Category: Repairs and Maintenance
Forum Name: Engine Repair
Forum Discription: Engine problems and solutions
Printed Date: March-11-2025 at 1:05am

Topic: Heads removal advice
Posted By: NeilMcG
Subject: Heads removal advice
Date Posted: April-27-2022 at 4:11pm
'78 pcm 351.
All connections and distributor are out and valve covers off. It looks like the heads can be removed with the intake still that true?

Also, do the rockers need loosened?

Thanks much

Posted By: JoeinNY
Date Posted: April-27-2022 at 5:27pm
No you cannot remove the heads with the intake on. Yes you can leave the rockers tight but if it’s going back together better to remove them and the pushrods - tag and bag before removing. Otherwise push rods fall out everywhere

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Posted By: MrMcD
Date Posted: April-27-2022 at 9:46pm
Push Rods, Rocker Arms and Lifters need to go back in the exact hole they come out of or you are asking for failure.  If you plan on re using the old parts.  These parts all wear in together and if you mix and match them you start a new wear pattern that many times leads to failure.


Posted By: pjsmoreno
Date Posted: April-28-2022 at 7:41am

JoeinNY and MrMcD is correct on their statement on rockers, pushrods and lifters. I have always loosened the rockers and remove the push rods when removing the heads off an engine. Even if you are changing out the head gaskets, replacing parts or If you’re going to have heads reworked, you going to have to adjust valves. 

Posted By: NeilMcG
Date Posted: April-28-2022 at 10:41am
Yep. You all were right. Just dropped off to the machine shop.
Ain't gonna quit my day job, that's for sure.

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