Restored Barracuda SS
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Category: General Correct Craft Discussion
Forum Name: General Discussion
Forum Discription: Anything Correct Craft
Printed Date: March-03-2025 at 12:24pm
Topic: Restored Barracuda SS
Posted By: '69Cuda
Subject: Restored Barracuda SS
Date Posted: May-13-2022 at 12:24pm
So, finally have her back on the water after 2 years of working off and on to get it apart and back together. This was my dad's boat he bought at the age of 18, and now he has given it to me. I tore into the floor to find rotten stringers and waterlogged foam, so out came the floor. At the same time, my dad had the engine (original 318 Chrysler) and began to go through it in his garage. I got the boat back and wet sanded it down, then we tore up to Kentucky one Saturday and grabbed a Windshield and un-rusted fuel tank from Dan....THANK YOU!! Bought a newly used shifter from Scott as well as some good advice...THANK YOU!! Then I got sick, real sick so life was put on hold. Finally got everything back together and took her out. The boat runs amazing, and sounds even better. Still haven't put the glass windshield on yet since i was wanting it to be the last thing, besides blasting and painting the original trailer.
Posted By: 81nautique
Date Posted: May-13-2022 at 3:03pm
Very Nice, glad to see it stay in the family.
Lot's of great resources on this site ---> Scott, Dan are just a few, many others. You guys all rock keeping these classics going.
Posted By: ohio 93 snpb
Date Posted: May-13-2022 at 6:31pm
looking good,glad i could help with windshield,no platform yet.
------------- 93 sn purple/black
Posted By: '69Cuda
Date Posted: May-13-2022 at 7:08pm
Not yet, still debating on even doing one. I have a swim ladder that hangs, and I know platforms weren't until later. I hope to get the windshield on this week.
Posted By: Morfoot
Date Posted: May-14-2022 at 7:56am
Love it LOVE it LOVE IT!!!!!!! Really cool stuff! Glad to see her restored and living life again. She's A head turner for sure. Another fine example of Team Red!
------------- "Morfoot; He can ski. He can wakeboard.He can cook chicken.He can create his own self-named beverage, & can also apparently fly. A man of many talents."72 Mustang "Kermit",88 SN Miss Scarlett, 99 SN "Sherman"
Posted By: 70CC
Date Posted: May-17-2022 at 10:59am
Great looking Barracuda! + Go Team Red!
Posted By: pjsmoreno
Date Posted: May-20-2022 at 9:26am
Love the older boats Currect Craft made in the 60'!
Posted By: '69Cuda
Date Posted: May-20-2022 at 5:22pm
Yes, and this one staying in the family makes it even better! It will be garage kept from now on as well...
Posted By: Air206
Date Posted: May-20-2022 at 5:27pm
Call me crazy, but I am big fan of that plexiglass windshield! Very good looking boat!
-------------" rel="nofollow - 04 Air206" rel="nofollow - 91 Barefoot 78 SkiTiq
Posted By: 65stang
Date Posted: May-25-2022 at 7:46pm
That is one outstanding boat you have there sir. Congrats!
Posted By: '69Cuda
Date Posted: May-25-2022 at 8:38pm
Thank you! And for it to sit in my parent's field for awhile it's in great shape. I just have to blast the trailer now...wish the emblem on the front of the trailer was still readable. It shows the manufacturer date from Orlando.
Posted By: 65stang
Date Posted: May-25-2022 at 8:55pm
I wonder if you could take an etching somehow?
You’ve done amazing work. I hope my MSS turns out half as nice.
Posted By: '69Cuda
Date Posted: May-25-2022 at 9:29pm
What color is the mustang? I took a day and wet sanded the entire boat before taking compounding, polish, and wax to it. And the etching is a good idea, then may be able to CNC a new one. Thanks!
Also, if you choose carpet spend the extra $$ on the thicker's worth it.
Posted By: Gary S
Date Posted: May-25-2022 at 10:00pm
Are you talking about these?
-------------" rel="nofollow - 69 Mustang HM SS 95 Nautique Super Sport
Posted By: '69Cuda
Date Posted: May-26-2022 at 7:55am
Yes, but mine has no color left. It's located on the very front, on the left side of the trailer tongue.
Posted By: 65stang
Date Posted: May-26-2022 at 8:44pm
'69Cuda mine is Team Red all the way, well ok maroon. That's actually the reason I bought it, don't tell anyone.
My trailer is original but it's entirely missing the plaque you're referring to... ugh.
I don't want to hijack your thread or cross post so check out" rel="nofollow - here for a bunch more pics & progress notes.
My engine clock is faded out like yours. Have you come up with any way to repair/restore?
Posted By: mosinee77
Date Posted: May-27-2022 at 8:27am
I just gotta say, man, I love those consoles .....
Posted By: '69Cuda
Date Posted: May-27-2022 at 8:54am
I do love the consoles, even with making it more awkward to get in the seats. And I wish the hour gauge was not yellowed, but kinda nervous to remove and clean it. I don't want it to crack due to dry rot. The rest of my gauges on the console actually are from a truck stop and matched what my dad had in there. The top 4 gauges are original in mine, but I need to get them working again. We have gone off the engine noise and wake form for speed. I may try to get the glass windshield on over the long weekend.