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Finally on the water

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Category: General Correct Craft Discussion
Forum Name: General Discussion
Forum Discription: Anything Correct Craft
Printed Date: March-03-2025 at 4:33pm

Topic: Finally on the water
Posted By: tryathlete
Subject: Finally on the water
Date Posted: May-14-2022 at 8:42am
Yeah, I’ve been very quiet lately. Life has been challenging trying to buy a place on the water and sell our place near Deep Lake. Downsizing sucks, but there are bigger problems!

Launching the boat today kind of makes this a milestone day since it’s the first time we will even be on the lake. We are on Lake Shafer in Monticello IN. The water—not clear like Deep Lake for sure; maybe 4’ of visibility. Lots of weekend traffic—-but the morning glass and a couple of miles of ski
Run is looking promising.

This is our first lakefront property so we have a few things to learn but we have shore power, a permanent dock and somehow managed to move and get two boat lifts into the lake. It’s amazing what some people can do with muscle.

Well if any of you are in or near Monticello, IN (or other central IN lakes) don’t hesitate to reach out. I think we know three or four people now here.

It’s an adventure.

Posted By: pjsmoreno
Date Posted: May-14-2022 at 2:00pm

Congratulation on becoming first tier!

Posted By: Faceplant
Date Posted: May-14-2022 at 9:20pm
Congrats on becoming a lakelubber.

Feels like I am hanging 10 but in reality - probably hanging 6.

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