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1985 ski nautique 2001 color

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Category: General Correct Craft Discussion
Forum Name: General Discussion
Forum Discription: Anything Correct Craft
Printed Date: March-03-2025 at 12:58pm

Topic: 1985 ski nautique 2001 color
Posted By: Andrewracoon
Subject: 1985 ski nautique 2001 color
Date Posted: June-20-2022 at 12:52am
Looking for any info regarding the correct white gelcoat color. I need to do a little bit of patch work. And also what color navy blue is the boat and trailer painted? I know it's rust oleum

Thank you guys (:

Posted By: MourningWood
Date Posted: June-20-2022 at 10:20am
I believe '85 was the first year that the hull accent color was gel-coated in (not painted on). 

As for the hull color, it may be best to get a gel-coat repair kit and 'tint-to-match' the white. I'd wager the color has 'changed' over 37 years...

1964 Dunphy X-55 "One 'N Dun"

'I measured twice, cut three times, and it's still too short!"

Posted By: Andrewracoon
Date Posted: June-20-2022 at 12:21pm
What's everyone's favorite gel coat repair paste?

Posted By: gun-driver
Date Posted: June-20-2022 at 3:43pm
Wood is correct the 85’s are gel coat accent and vinyl graphics. 
I would have to check but I believe I still have a set of graphics in gray that I would sell. 

Posted By: Andrewracoon
Date Posted: June-20-2022 at 10:17pm
Are you positive? The blue stripe around the boat seems painted.
I need decals but not grey, I need white with red accents
If anyone has a lead that would be killer

Posted By: gun-driver
Date Posted: June-21-2022 at 12:06am
Positive if its original

Posted By: Andrewracoon
Date Posted: June-21-2022 at 12:52am
Wow! I thought it was paint. Good to know. How thick is it? Can I sand down imperfections?

Posted By: Andrewracoon
Date Posted: June-21-2022 at 12:52am
Where did you get the decals with the red accents?

Posted By: gun-driver
Date Posted: June-21-2022 at 8:18am
It’s the same thickness as the rest of the gel on the hull, it can be wet sanded how much is dependent on the condition of the gel.
I had one of the guys on here make the set but he hasn’t been on in a long time and I have seen several attempts to contact him through old threads with no luck.

Posted By: Andrewracoon
Date Posted: June-23-2022 at 1:15pm
Sorry to bring this back up. But what's confusing me is I have a few small scratches in the blue and it looks white underneath. Hmm.

Posted By: gun-driver
Date Posted: June-23-2022 at 1:33pm
Pictures would help.

Posted By: ScottZ
Date Posted: June-23-2022 at 5:36pm
The blue is taped off in the mold and sprayed first.  The tape is then removed and the primary hull color is sprayed.  If you sand the blue long enough you will eventually get to the white.  Leave the imperfections and focus on sanding down to a fresh surface and then polish out.  If you want to repair imperfections then do that with a patch past kit or some gel.

Scott Zuelzke
Lake Mitchell , AL
1984 Ski Nautique       
1972 Skier

Posted By: Andrewracoon
Date Posted: June-23-2022 at 9:40pm
Thank you Scott that is very helpful. Is it possible to upload photos from a phone on this site?

Posted By: gun-driver
Date Posted: June-23-2022 at 10:11pm
If it’s an Apple product iPad/iPhone you need to use third party like which is what I use.

Posted By: Andrewracoon
Date Posted: June-24-2022 at 12:35am

Perfect. Hopefully this comes through. These are some examples of the imperfections I am referring to.

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