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torn between props

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Category: General Correct Craft Discussion
Forum Name: General Discussion
Forum Discription: Anything Correct Craft
Printed Date: March-03-2025 at 12:57pm

Topic: torn between props
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Subject: torn between props
Date Posted: July-21-2022 at 4:30pm
Ok so I'm new to the forum and this is my first post. This forum was extremely helpful getting my, new to me  '90 Sport running like a champ again and for that I thank everyone for the info! Clap  

Now on to the new upgrade, I have searched and searched and searched and read and re-read all the info I can find on props on the site. I know the topic has been brought up repeatedly but a lot of the information I see is 8-10 years old and I'm thinking as much as props have improved since mine was made (original Federal 14RH16 prop still on it) MAYBE just maybe they've made vast improvements even more so since 2010ish when a lot of the discussion I'm finding took place??? I did the Acme "custom fit" and with my usage type I'm down to either the 1442 or the 654. With the one being a 3 and the other a 4 blade I'm torn. I salmon and barefoot, teaching grandkids to ski so no load there and no added ballast. Typically have me, the observer and maybe a +1 while pulling my son, although that primarily is because the old federal I'm running with doesn't like much more than that in the boat. I'm a bigger guy (230#) so a good hole shot is important. Add in that Rec fuel is at $6.30 a gallon where I'm at and if one of those 2 gets me a few extra mpg's than the other and it's basically the same out of the hole, then hell why not right?  Any recommendations are appreciated. 

351W, 1.23:1 tranny. 

Thanks, Chris

Posted By: KENO
Date Posted: July-22-2022 at 6:56am
I guess nobody wants to answer your question and say 3 blade 1442 Wink

A few extra mpg's is crazy talk in a boat that only gets a few miles per gallon to start with at your slalom and barefoot speeds.

Posted By: TRBenj
Date Posted: July-22-2022 at 7:06am
1442 for sure.

Posted By:
Date Posted: July-22-2022 at 7:35am
Thanks for the input guys. I appreciate it. 

It is crazy talk on the mpg’s but one can dream. Wasn’t a concern in ‘90 when it was built and it can’t be one now!

I’ll go with the 1442

‘90 Sport Nautique

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