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Seat Assembly Help

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Category: General Correct Craft Discussion
Forum Name: General Discussion
Forum Discription: Anything Correct Craft
Printed Date: March-03-2025 at 12:44pm

Topic: Seat Assembly Help
Posted By: KurtA
Subject: Seat Assembly Help
Date Posted: August-18-2022 at 8:44am
I bought a brand new seat base & shell from Nautique Parts that was drop shipped from Nautique factory.  

The seat shell, base, slider, backers for the foam, foam pieces and nuts/bolts came in pieces without instructions on how to put it all together.  

Does anyone have time or patience to help me figure out how to assemble this seat?  I don't have an old seat here for reference so without instructions or a diagram it's not clear at all how to assemble this thing.  I am also suspicious there are some missing or incorrect parts and so trying to dissect what may be missing also.

One nice place to start may be photos of how the seat slider connects to the base and the plastic seat shell.  The base came without holes so I want to be sure I drill holes in the proper spot.  

Appreciate any photos anyone has on how these pieces are assembled.  I can attach photos of the pieces I have if that is the next best step for anyone willing to help.


1985 Barefoot Nautique
Saint Petersburg, Florida

Posted By: AZ86SKI
Date Posted: August-23-2022 at 11:13pm
I have an 86 SN and recently had to remove the driver's seat for re-upholstery and may be able to help if they are the same. You mentioned a shell, base and slider so I will assume you are talking about the driver's seat. I have no idea if they are the same unless you or someone else can confirm.  If you want to post some reference photos of what 85 BN seat looks like we can go from there. If not, let me know and I can send some photos of my driver's seat and see if it looks the same. 

Posted By: flyweed
Date Posted: September-01-2022 at 7:27pm
I took off my 93 seat to re-carpet my boat this summer and reupholster, so I may be able to help as well. In fact I think I have pics of removal somewhere on here. 


'93 Ski Nautique NWZ, Air Boom Tower
Drink Tonight..for tomorrow We Ride!

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